Wednesday, March 31, 2010

As we seldom do, we cut our walk short yesterday. The rain came down in buckets and our umbrellas were turned inside out in the fierce wind. Got home drenched, even so.
Had called in the renewal on Monday, so went to Wal-Mart to pick up my medication. There I was told my insurance company wouldn't pay its portion until today! May all of them writhe in hell, especially the bastards who are going to profit in unimaginable amounts from the "health care" (care to forfeit your income for your health?) "reform" (the perps should be in reform school) bill.
Went to Scrabble at Pat's and only mildly enjoyed it. I'm always amazed at the hold television has over just ordinary conversation. The other day, on the Dead Horse blog, Rob Payne wrote about the sorry state of our "culture" (yes, those quote marks are intended, also). That came to mind yesterday as our "discussion" (those, too!) ranged from Tiger Woods to teenagers who commit suicide to The Great Race. This is what passes for serious conversation, it seems: utterly vapid and mindless chitchat.
Rehearsal last night. I'm still hanging in, but my doubt that a performance will be added grows with each passing day. Okay, I'm still learning and still like being with a group of women with a purpose.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...