Sunday, March 21, 2010

Finally started some long overdue housework. Trimmed the huge spider plant in the dining room, vacuumed and spot-cleaned the carpet, dusted, and so on. Took the twelve dollar artificial magnolia (just one, large) bloom back to Michael's and bought three smaller ones for a buck each at the dollar store. I've finally decided on the "Magnolias" display for the library window: I have a wooden picket-fence type plant holder and I'm going to have three flowerpots of "dirt" (vermiculite) in it, with signs reading "Of Mothers And Daughters/Life, Love, Laughter, And Tears" and the name of the play.
Talked to Dee. I'll go down to Ventnor to meet her for lunch tomorrow. Today, I'm attending a peace rally at the Unitarian Church, then the monthly opera program put on by my friend, Mary Ann Van O.
WIDER: From a commenter named "Yours Truly" after an article in "Common Dreams" about Condaleeza Rice regretting our "mistakes" in Iraq, but then saying, "We finally got it right.":
"We finally got it right? Like they were sculpting in Iraq instead of committing mass murder and other crimes against humanity? If only that were so."
My sentiments exactly.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...