Thursday, March 18, 2010

A gorgeous, sun-filled day. Ran a few errands in Manahawkin and elsewhere and late in the day, drove to Bayville, of all places. Went on Route 9 instead of the Parkway, as I enjoy looking around and seeing what's up there.
Stopped next door at the D.'s. Will meet them for dinner at Scojo's tonight, then they'll go on to Monmouth U. and I'll go to rehearsal. Barb lent me two books: The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns, by a native of Afghanistan, Khaled Hosseini. I started the first and it's utterly absorbing. I understand it was an international best seller, but since I read little fiction, I hardly noticed.
Made a date with Leslie and Dennis to go to their place tomorrow evening to show the DVD I just got, "War Made Easy." Told Les I'd bring over a bottle of White Zin, which I happen to have. At noon, I'll be going to the NJ Statehouse to attend a rally marking the seventh anniversary of the Iraqi War.
Seven years. I wonder how much blood has been spilled in Iraq in that time. Enough to fill a bathtub? Enough to fill a swimming pool? Enough to soak the American flag in red and obscure the good in our country?
Can we ever wash it clean?


Pat said...

I thought the movie 'The Kite Runner' was wonderful, and was disappointed it didn't win Best Picture last year. I think you would also like it. Meanwhile, enjoy the book.

Mimi said...

I am enjoying it, Pat. Thanks for the tip about the movie--will look for it after I finish the book.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...