Saturday, March 06, 2010

Had a delightful lunch with old friend--uh, that's long-time friend--Mary H. We met at the Shore Diner, a favorite of both of ours. I had the green salad with chicken and virtuously ordered a balsamic vinaigrette, rather than my usual creamy and calorie-laden dressing. With a Coors Light, it made a delicious meal and I took half home for dinner.
Mary and I go a lo-o-o-ng way back, all the way to our freshman year at Holy Spirit. Much as I enjoy meeting new people, there's nothing like chatting with somebody who has the same frames of reference. We enjoyed a good talk--I was charmed to hear her granddaughter is named "Shelby" after the character in Steel Magnolias--and agreed we'd go to the movies together one of these days. Will also meet again for lunch when Mary's sister-in-law, yet another HSHS grad, Janie M., gets back from Florida and can join us.
After, I went to Boscov's and bought a vegetable knife I saw advertised. Tried on clothes and got a blouse/sweater combo and a somewhat weird pair of--well, you might call them gaucho pants. They were on sale and I thought they'd be good for exercising.
Speaking of which--my right arm at the shoulder is bothering me. I had to put down the weights during "Walking Away The Pounds" yesterday, it was so sore. I may have hurt it more than I thought when I fell on Monday. Will take something and hope it heals.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...