Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's gotten very cold again, darn it, and poor Susan lamented that the dozens of pansies she just planted will die. Galvanized myself to clean the bathroom. Talked to sister Betty at length. Went to Shop-Rite, then to the cemetery, taking with me the shells and small piece of driftwood Mike had picked up on the Ventnor beach last month. Arranged them in front of the headstone, then went off to buy a plant to add. When I got to the flower place, though, it occurred to me that if Susan's pansies will probably die, it's probably too cold. I'll wait and get something later.
When I got home, stopped at the D.'s to return Barb's container. To my surprise, they told me they had been over at the cemetery. Must have been just after I was, as they mentioned the shells.

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