Friday, March 12, 2010

Received a bombshell after rehearsal last night. Director Tara told me that she may add a Saturday matinee to "Magnolias" and, if so, ask me to step into the part of Clairee.
My first reaction was surprise and pleasure. However, we didn't discuss it much and now, in the light of day, I have a lot of unanswered questions--and considerable nervous apprehension.
The cast, including Rosalie, the original Clairee, has been rehearsing together twice a week since January. I've been at every rehearsal, but witnessing a play, no matter how often, has nothing to do with appearing in it. How in the world do I get enough rehearsal time to be able to get up on the stage? Will I alternate with Rosalie--she Tuesdays, I Thursdays--the rest of the time? That would be ideal, but I suspect that isn't what Tara has in mind. (After all, it doesn't matter that one person will be playing the role for the three scheduled performances, and the other will be in only one; the same amount of preparation is needed.) I've memorized the first act and am familiar with the second, but have barely looked at the third. Clairee's part is a big one--I think the second biggest. In truth, at this point, I'd rather do the Ouiser role, as it has only about half the lines as the Clairee one.
I'm worried about memorizing, but much more so, about the cues and blocking. How can I possibly learn everything in six weeks? The decision hasn't even be made yet and April 24 is coming up fast. When will Tara decide and where will we go from there?
Damn. Okay, I've resolved to go to Tara's "Soaps 'n' Totes" shop today and ask some of these questions.


Pat said...


Can't wait to hear what you decide. I am confident six weeks with intensive rehearsal will be adequate for you to shine. Just do it. Once you are into it....your anxiety will diminish. I can understand your second thoughts...anyone would have them...but you are doing the right thing by bouncing them off Tara. Oh boy...this is gonna be great.

Mimi said...

Actually, I didn't go to Tara's today--am still mulling the whole thing over. And, wouldn't you know, I won't be at rehearsals at all next week, as they're cancelled on Tuesday and on Thursday, I'm going to a fund-raiser in A.C. Will keep you posted on further developments. Thanks for your interest.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...