Monday, March 08, 2010

Ho-hum, a nuthin' much day. Went to Kohl's to get socks (wowee!). As a rule, I'm about five years behind the times when it comes to fashion, but I've noticed lately that people are wearing a lot of scarves. Saw a gauzy one on sale (Vera Wang) and bought it. Will wear to rehearsal tomorrow night.
Speaking of which...I called Ellen V. and suggested we meet to read lines. I've been memorizing more and more, just in case, by some happenstance, I get into the play. I'm well aware it's a remote possibility, but hey, it won't kill me to learn the part anyway--it's good for the brain--and if something should happen, I need to be ready. I'll go to Ellen's and we'll rehearse on Wednesday.
Also had a nice chat with my Ellen on Skype. Not much new in that neck of the woods, but it's always a pleasure. We discussed teaching techniques, of which she already employs a number.
And so to bed...

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