Saturday, March 27, 2010

After our walk and exercise, it was a fairly slow day. Went to Manahawkin and picked up Super Glue for the library display, then stopped at B & B for veggies. Made a delectable "stew" of sweet peppers and onions in the crock pot. Finished The Kite Runner and have started Think Twice, the book by the author we saw the other night. Two books of fiction in a row--wow, I'm getting decadent. Soon I'll be lolling in front of the t.v. all day, eating meatball subs.
WIDER: However, I also read an absorbing piece in Harper's Monthly (to which I just subscribed), on the three "suicides" at Gitmo. It was just a coincidence that the three, in separate, widely-spaced cells, all chose to kill themselves on the same night by the same method--stuffing rags down their own throats, then hanging themselves. After the "official" U.S. autopsies, the bodies were released to the families and it happened that the throat areas of all three were missing. Just mislaid, I guess, and that surely has nothing to do with concealing evidence. Think the mainstream media will pursue this with any vigor?

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...