Thursday, April 01, 2010

Again survived the three-mile walk, strenuous as it is. I always feel so triumphant after it's over. Mary S. came over to show me how to get into The Breeze so, as editors, we can modify submissions. It involves cut and paste; I later instructed fellow-staffer Julie L., in the method.
Did several loads of wash, then went to Manahawkin to pick up my med and other items. When I got home, I continued to fool around on the computer, trying to get the new game ("Flip Words") I bought from Big Fish to run. I can't, although I'm following instructions from them. So annoying.
Late in the day, I decided to run over to the cemetery. The grave looks good, the pansies having gotten a thorough drenching. I then drove to Bob's Garden Center, my new favorite place, and got a shipload (that's SHIP-load; I'm a sedate little lady) of pansies and violas (teeny little pansies) for around my tree out front. Also bought a gardenia plant with an actual gardenia on it and a wonderful fragrance.
We're going out for a drink after rehearsal tonight to celebrate Kathy's 40th birthday and I found a pretty rose-colored calla lily to give her. Forty--wow. What must it be like to be that old?

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...