Thursday, April 22, 2010

We had a kind of "pre-dress rehearsal" last night and incredibly, it went pretty well. We were there until 12:15, however, and I'm afraid the play is running longer than it's supposed to. I had assembled all my costumes and they look good. Billy did my hair--it has to change in each scene--as he's doing all the beauty salon "customers," and I think it looked a lot better than the way my regular hairdressor does it at eighty-five dollars a pop.
Of course, there were some snafus, what with missed lines and prop problems, but it went better than I had expected. Director Tara was satisfied. She gave me some notes about where to move about the stage; at one point, I sat in the dryer chair and "M'Lynn" needed to be there; I must remember to sit elsewhere at that point in the proceedings.
Earlier in the day, I recorded my cues-- and the cues only--in areas where I had problems remembering them, and that worked very well. I took the recorder (just a twenty dollar one from Wal-Mart) with me all day to listen to, and it helped so much. I think it's important to record the cues only, then to leave "blank" space to say my lines. When I put my own lines in, as I had done earlier, I believe it gave my brain permission to be lazy and just wait for them. Anyway, I'm gratified that I did pretty well in that regard last night.
Tonight, we do the actual dress rehearsal, for a number of other LETCO members and a few friends. I'm glad I slept until NINE O'CLOCK! Yes, that's 9:00 am, folks--there's no question I'm getting craven and decadent in my old age.

1 comment:

Pat said...

Excitement is building. I can feel the progress y'all are making. Recording only the cues sounds like an excellent learning tool. Way to go Clariee.

Any chance Billy has his own shop, or does he just do theatrical work?


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...