Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spent the morning interviewing Bill and Lois V. for The Breeze. I'm featuring them on what will be my monthly profile piece because they're incredibly enthusiastic and inventive travelers. They've been to five continents and between sixty and seventy countries--whew! Enjoyed talking to them and they seemed to enjoy it, too. Wrote a few other articles, too--short ones, but they'll make the paper interesting, I think.
Called brother Frank at the Cleveland Clinic; it'll be a week tomorrow since his heart valve surgery. He sounded good, but tired, and we chatted for just a few minutes.
Received from my sister-in-law, Regina, a picture of Pat and his two brothers, plus wives, taken, I'd say, about twenty years ago at a wedding. I called to thank her and we chatted for fifteen minutes or so. Although Regina's political and--okay, I guess you'd say "cultural"--beliefs are utterly different from mine, I like her. One of these days, I hope to go over and see her. I loved Pat's brother, Bill, and it's still hard to believe he's gone, too.
Getting my hair colored today, for the first time by Billie. He did our hair for "Steel Magnolias" and I like him. Hope my decision to switch will the right one.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...