Sunday, April 11, 2010

Got to B.J.'s in the morning to pick up staples (for me yesterday, that was popcorn, pumpernickel, and avocados). Scrubbed the worst of the kitchen floor and mopped the rest. Did a few more cleaning chores to prepare for hosting the Scrabble group on Tuesday.
Pared and cut up a heap of sweet potatoes, did the same with apples, spinkled on some cinnamon, and put all in the big crock pot to slowly stew. Inspired, I then revved up the small slow cooker; julienned sweet red peppers, sliced up mushrooms and onions, and added chives and dill. Left everything to simmer and went to the cemetery, then Bob's. Bought some gorgeous double begonias, alyssium, and something else I don't remember. When I got home, I had a message from friend Mary H., called back, and we had a nice chat.
My crock pot goodies were delectable and I contented myself with just them for dinner--yum!

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...