Friday, April 30, 2010

Was pleased to receive web cam calls from both sons in the morning. Mike called from Sydney, where he's been for two weeks, and Patrick and Natsue from home in Tokyo.
Got my hair done by Billie in the morning. He did a credible job on the color--I expected that--and I like the way he styled it better than what my old hairdresser did. Told him I'd get a cut next time. After, I drove down the island to Barnegat Light to see the damage the fire did at Mary Ellen's, but I couldn't find the house. Stopped at B.J.'s on the way home to get avocados and pumpernickel. Had to go back to the V.'s to take their picture again, as the two first ones had Lois with her eyes closed. Then went to Marty's to pick out a picture relating to his daughter adopting a second Chinese child. This little girl is eight and there's a documentary about the adoption which will run on PBS in August. I have a short piece about that in June issue of The Breeze and will profile Marty and his wife in July.
Compiled a little photo album of some of my childhood haunts in preparation for our excursion today. I'm taking Frank and Barb D. to tour Ventnor, then will take them to lunch.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...