Sunday, March 08, 2009

Yesterday was a roller-coaster day: Good, then bad, then worse, then better, finally a smooth ride.
It was another lovely warm day, with blue skies and the sun shining brightly. Went for our walk, then zipped up to Manahawkin for WW, and thought I'd start getting the garage cleaned up after breakfast.
But when Pat got up, we discovered he has some kind of growth on his eyelid. That may necessitate another visit to the dermatologist, then a plastic surgeon, then...well, who knows?
In addition, I had a terrific problem getting the dressing on his toe off. The stretch bandage was stuck to the gauze underneath, and that was stuck to the toenail the podiatrist had cut in half. It took scissors, a razor, soaking in salt water, and about 30 minutes to get it off. I then followed directions in wrapping it, soaking, then applying peroxide, and anti-biotic cream, with a band-aid. In the meantime, we were snarling at each other and I was about to call divorce lawyer. It was just a low ebb for both of us, I guess.
Later, things improved when A. and M. came, M. to add memory to my computer and A., as ever, to listen and suggest things that help. It's such a relief just to talk frankly with someone I love and whom I know loves me. Say what you will, there's nobody--no friend, no colleague, no confidante, as good to talk to when you're distressed, then a trusted member of your family.
Anyway, the dressing will be easy to apply now, today should be a relaxed day, and I've bounced back.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...