Friday, March 06, 2009

Was pleasantly surprised to get a phone call from my cousin, John. He had e-mailed me a picture of farmhouse where our Uncle Frank and his family lived years ago. It's a beautiful picture and I'm going to see if I can get it on Facebook and/or the blog "Uncle Frank's Farm." This consists of a memoir my uncle wrote about 20 years ago, about his growing up years in the early part of the twentieth century. It can be seen at
Also got a call from sister Betty; other than that, slow-pokey--as ever--day. Later, though, Pat and I were awakened by a loud crash. Almost surely inside the house, it sounded as if a picture had fallen on an uncarpeted floor. But I checked both bathrooms, the kitchen, and the laundry room, and saw nothing. Will look further.
Wider: From a talk on March 4 by Justin Raimondo:
"Illusions die hard. Especially the ideological kind. When the illusion of Barack Obama, the peacemaker, is finally dispelled, we are going to wake up and find ourselves waist-deep in a war that will soon threaten to dwarf the disastrous invasion of Iraq, both in human and material cost.
We know this from what he has said he will do, and what he has already done. He's already announced he's sending 17,000 more troops to Afghanistan, bringing the total to nearly 40,000. Not that this comes as any surprise: his entire critique of the Bushian foreign policy during the campaign was that we've been fighting the wrong war: that we had to get out of Iraq so we could occupy and pacify Afghanistan, and make a proper job of it."
There's a lot more which can be read at Anti-War.Com.

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