Monday, March 02, 2009

Had a GREAT day yesterday. I desperately needed to get away for awhile, so after getting Pat settled, drove up to A.'s at her invitation.
A., J., T., and I went to the Manasquan Environmental Center, a terrific place I'd never been before. It's not overwhelmingly large, but just the right size for an active, curious first-grader and a hyperactive 18-month-old. It includes only the flora and fauna found in its setting of the pine barrens of New Jersey, and includes several large tanks with fish at child's eye level, stuffed animals, dioramas, and lots of hands-on learning for children. There's also a charming web cam that showed an eagles' nest on the grounds and mommy and daddy eagle--live--feeding their homely little chicks, born on February 10. Large windows show beautiful vistas of the Manasquan reservoir and the surrounding woods--it's a great place and it was a wonderful day.
Got home before 6:00, in plenty of time to make Pat's dinner. I had noticed a few little flakes of snow coming down on the drive home. Hmm...they were joined by, I guess, several billion others overnight and we've got about six inches out there. Don't care, we're snug in our home and I have plenty of the basics, including a new jug of Taylor Country Red--hey, we're good for a month.
Wider: From "The Distant Ocean" blog:
"...unfortunately the participation of large numbers of mainstream Democrats in the anti-war movement is over now that there's a Democrat in the White House. So if there are protests against either the continued presence in Iraq or the renewal of the war in Afghanistan, you can count on them being far smaller than anything we saw when Bush was in power."
As I keep asking, "Where is the anti-war movement?" Sadly, I'm afraid it's curled in a cot with the Dear Leader, too blinded by love to notice the blood on his hands.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...