Thursday, March 12, 2009

Happily, I've climbed out of my slough of despond and feel much better. Virtuous me, I took my walk, but with the boys (Nat, Frank, The Platters), not Susan, following our regular route. Went to Kohl's and tried on a lot of stuff, but didn't buy a thing. Why? Because I don't need anything! It's a remarkable leap for me to realize that and act on it--rather, not act on it and leave the high-priced, mediocre goods on the shelves.
After I left, I got a call on the cell from B.J.'s, telling me my "reading glasses" were ready. These are the glasses the place is giving to placate me because it's now been more than a month since I ordered--and paid for--the regular ones, and they're still not in. Luckily, I was only a half mile away down Route 9 and went back to get them.
Well, I wasn't going to tell B.J. Optical this, but the change is really remarkable. I can actually SEE the computer screen and my book and magazine now, and see them clearly; I hadn't realized how outdated my former prescription is.
To top off my good day, my new office chair arrived, Pat was able to put it together, and I'm using it now.
Maybe the real reason for my good cheer is that on my walk, I saw yellow crocuses blooming. Now I know spring will come.
Wider: There's a remarkable--and chilling--essay at this site that purports the groundwork for fascism in the U.S. has already been laid:

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...