Thursday, March 05, 2009

Okay, I apologize, Outlook Express. You fell down on the job yesterday, but seem to have gotten over your sulk and are now functioning (but not before I had to turn to Comcast Mail).
Went to Shop-Rite yesterday while Pat slept, then to Shop 'N' Bag in the afternoon. These are the windows of time I usually have to go out.
Delightful daughter-in-law Paula called on Skype last night, as Mike had said she would. She wanted to test her office cam, as she was shortly going to be interviewing a candidate in the states. It's good news that her company is hiring; they just picked up two other American designers, also.
Wider: Here's a priceless--priceless!--video by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show:
It's hysterically funny, at the same time it's horrible, disgusting, and a good indication of the fury so many feel at the present debacle. As somebody else wrote, "I don't understand why these bank heads don't resign..." Because they have no shame, that's why.
Note: I deeply, deeply apologize for the commercial up front in this video. I guess there's no way to avoid the ads--they're everywhere. I do believe once you get through it, the show is well worth watching.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...