Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Not a whole heck of a lot going on. Went to the p.o. to send Vivian's Easter present, to the clubhouse to duplicate some stuff, to Rite-Aid to pick up dups of cousin Judy's pictures. Talked to sister Betty and A. Washed, folded, and put away. Sounds intensely boring, but was actually--in a very low-key way--not unpleasant.
Wider: There's an amazing post at the blog, "Winter Patriot." It expresses exactly what I would have written if I could write as well. It's the March 18 entry and here's just a tiny excerpt:
"It's a beautiful thing how we get new leaders every so often but the policies never seem to change very much. It's beautiful how Bush and Cheney take the rap for being "evil" and now Obama and Biden can do the same sorts of things without being "evil". That's the beauty of the imaginary reality, where even the anti-war reporting has a pro-war spin....party politics is nothing more than an intersquad scrimmage, an exhibition game intended to convey the impression that the two "competing teams" are adversaries.They're not. They're partners. They're working together to put on the big show every four years. And we know this is true because of what happens to prospective players who are not interested in furthering the big show, but would try to change the game. Most of them don't even get onto the field. And those who do never last very long.We've seen what the Democrats and the media did to Mike Gravel, which was exactly what the Republicans and the media did to Ron Paul. We've seen the cold silence -- or jeering derision -- which has greeted every serious attempt to uphold the rule of law, to stop the war in Iraq, to stop the war in Afghanistan, to investigate the crimes of 9/11, to reform a clearly broken electoral system, to rein in a clearly complicit national media, or even to bring just a little bit of accountability to our government. (Emphasis mine.) These were all efforts to change the game in one way or another, and no such efforts will be tolerated.This is the system. This is what it does. The time for amazement is past."
But the entire long essay must be read. It's horrible, disgusting, and infinitely sad. Here's the link:

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...