Friday, March 20, 2009

An ordinary day here in southern New Jersey. Took my daily walk. Made an appointment to get the taxes done. Talked to our daughter. Made a big salad, vacuumed, and yearned for spring.
In the meantime, in my name, the slaughter goes on in Iraq and around the world. Ho-hum.
Wider: From "Dead Horse," Rob Payne's blog, about the topic last referenced above:
"Nobody is asking why about much of anything these days, I mean what the heck we got Obama, right? Obama couldn’t have come along at a worse moment in time. He continues with much of Bush’s policies but nobody seems to care. And because Obama can get away with it, because of the silence of the masses, all the evil created in the Bush years continues to roll along unhindered and unfettered by any of the baggage Bush carried in his waning years...."
For the full text:
And this, which should be read by every person in every household in every state and region in the country. Yeah, sure.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...