Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wonders never cease here in Joisey. Went to B.J.'s Optical to beg and plead for (and stomp and scream about) my glasses and the guy asked if I wanted a refund. Yes!
A coupla annoyances, though: They charged me $159 for the sunglasses, plus, because I didn't have the receipt with me, would give me only a gift card for the remaining $324,48. I now have to go back with the receipt to get cash and, of course, must start over at square one to get the glasses, six weeks later.
I hate Acme, too. Their crimes against the populace are too numerous to list here, but yesterday, I was the victim of the not unusual sleight-of-hand involving a 40 cents off coupon, a malfunctioning self-checkout, and veiled rudeness from an employee. Of course, the prices are outrageous (aren't they supposed to go down in re/depression?), and we're subjected to both horrid, intrusive television and disgusting piped-in music, whether we like it or not.
When Corporate America shows its true face, we realize it's a hydra-headed monster.

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