Tuesday, March 03, 2009

We had lots of snow! I think Little Egg got about 9 inches. It's very pretty and very annoying. I must say the service cleared our walks and driveway quickly, but I didn't go out--even skipped our walk. Instead, got a lot done around the house: changed the bed, scrubbed the bathroom, did mountains of wash...
You know, I'm not sure why I record this stuff. Is it because I want everybody to know what a virtuous little wifey I am? (Now, that's pathetic.) Or because I think I'll read this over a year from now and be enthralled at my industry? (Hell, even I won't be interested.) Dunno.
I did take several pictures of the huge flock of blackbirds (grackles?) eating birdseed at Susan's and sent them to her. I think the sight of such strong black against stark white is somehow satisfying to humans--kind of a basic recognition of the principle of contrast, maybe.
Wider: Note this by Chris Hedges, from a talk that will be read at the anti-war rallies on March 19:
"The occupation of Iraq will not be disrupted. Lies and deception, which launched the war in the first place, are being employed by Democrats to maintain it. This is not a withdrawal. It is occupation lite. And as long as American troops are on Iraqi soil the war will grind on, the death toll on each side will continue to mount and we will remain a lightning rod for hatred and rage in the Middle East. Add to this Obama’s decision to increase troop levels in Afghanistan and even his most purblind supporters will have to admit the new president is as intent on maintaining American empire as the old..."
But for thinking people, it's important that the whole piece be read. See it at http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/20090302_its_obamas_war_now/

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...