Sunday, August 26, 2007

We're having a great time at the Molloy Manse with friend Karen C. Yesterday, we hung out in the morning, then, after leaving a sandwich for Pat's lunch, drove down to Atlantic City.
Boy, on a hot Saturday in August, that place was hoppin'. Mobs of people crowded the boardwalk, which made it very festive. Our first order of business was to have lunch--always a priority for me, WW or not--and we went to the Garden Buffet. This is a cheap ($6.99), no frills place with just basic food no better than it had to be, but we both enjoyed it. (I didn't have to cook it myself and Karen is a happy enjoyer.) Had salad, mussels, mixed vegetables, and dabs of this and that, skipping dessert, of course.
After, we walked the boards as the saying goes, for a few blocks. We took the added seaward walk to the "Bikini Beach Bar" (in the last few years, they've been allowed on the beach), where the open-air place was jammed, the music was hot, and a rollicking atmosphere prevailed. I got my camera out and two fellows--tall, good-looking, and smiling--tried to pick us up.
Uh...well, anyway, one asked if we wanted him to take our picture together and we said, "yes" and he did. Karen and I are both sure they would have tried to pick us up if...if...they both weren't about the age of my grandson.
Also took pictures of The Sands being demolished, which I sent to Alison. Will take Karen home this afternoon and stop in on her.
We got home a little before 4:00 and as I was pulling together dinner (the leftover Slymphie Stew, peas, Brussel sprouts, and a big salad), the doorbell rang. It was Susan, bringing a gorgeous frozen lemonade pie she had made, the perfect summer dessert. What a gem of a neighbor!
After dinner (I had a generous piece of the pie myself, a deviation I allow occasionally), we three sat and talked and talked, then Karen and I cleaned up. Adorable little Vivian and her Daddy called and we saw and talked to them with pleasure. V. said she wanted to see "the baby," meaning her own pictures on Daddy's computer screen, which he showed her. Paula just got back from China and is going to Jakarta next week; Mike's off again to Hong Kong tomorrow.
Will take Karen home today; it's been such a nice visit.
Note: I'm going to discontinue adding yesterday's date in bold for every entry. I think it confuses things--readers just need to know that each riveting account of my doings concerns the day before unless otherwise noted.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

This comment is for your Bluefish posting. For some reason I cannot post on the actual day. The cursor just hops all over the place. No problem if I go back a day.

Anyhow, when I first read you got the Bluefish I immediately thought "oh they must be like Goldfish, I wonder if Rosemary will like caring for them"....THEN my brain clicked...duh!

I had Bluefish once and like Pat did not care for it. I bet you'll chuck it.

Let us know what you think of the author Karen discussed with you. Wouldn't it be great to have her as a speaker? However some folks write well and make lousy speakers. We've made that mistake for one of our programs for our Women's Issues group.

I thought you were going to have a quiet week....seems to me your calendar is quickly filling out/up/in...whatever. Enjoy!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...