Sunday, August 05, 2007

Saturday, 8/4*: Alison came down about noon to help me weed. NOw the place looks better, although this year, I don't have nearly as nice plantings, especially annuals. I should have watered more, but just didn't get around to it.
Some decorative grasses had sprung up spontaneously in the front, but in the wrong places. Alison dug them up and transplanted to under the windows, where the remains of the irises are. Think I'll fill in with some potted stuff--will just have to remember to water more often. Alison also planted the azalea Mike sent for Father's Day, filled the bird feeder, and helped out otherwise.
Showered, got dinner on the table (a pork chop for Pat, Boca burger for me), and dressed for my stint at the play. When I went in, I was pleased to have Jim H., who wrote and acted in "Tony and the Heiress" greet me with a big hug. (I had been in the troupe last year, but withdrew because of other commitments.) It was fun to check people's names off, hand out programs, and suggest seating, although it was a little chaotic. The community center was set up with tables and chairs, which was supposed to make the audience feel they were in the bar where the play takes place. Unfortunately, that cut down considerably on the number of seats and we had to set up chairs in the back for some.
I left about halfway through, as my duties were over, and no sooner got in the door than Mike called on the web cam. Vivian yelled, "Hi, Nana! Hi, Pop!" and showed us her "water doll." This is a kind of cut-out that looks like a paper doll, but is made of flat foam, with a wardrobe that can be put on and off. Mike said V. hadn't yet opened all her presents, and that her party was the talk of the complex.
Have a full day today, too, as I need to shop for the Molloy Lunch tomorrow, make some of the things I'm serving, and check a few last-minutes items.
*Ellen mentioned that it's sometimes confusing to know what day I'm writing about. It's always the day before the entry, because I do this in the early morning. If I remember, think I'll add the day the action takes place for awhile.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...