Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Had a neat time at lunch with Leslie yesterday. We went to Dockside and it was so enjoyable to see the boats gliding past on the waterway next to the restaurant. Les and I decided to check when the "cruises" from Stewart's go out, so we can decide on a time to go, maybe with other friends.
After lunch, we zipped on down the road (Green Street, that is) to see Pat and his bay buddies. Several were there and we had a good time joshing with them. Large, mustachioed "young George," who's about 65, said they hang out there to pick up chicks--and there we were!
After I dropped Les off, I went to Shop-Rite in Manahawkin to get a few essentials. I should stay away from that place, as I invariably end up astounded at how much I spend.
Betty called and I asked her to let me know when she and Muckie were going out for lunch, so I can meet them. Won't be long before she can get back in her (now rented) house.
Barb H. came over with the registration form for the "historic van tour" she, Susan, and I are taking in October. This is run by the Ocean County Parks and Recreation Department and includes visiting several sites connected in some way to Abraham Lincoln.
Want to find a gift for my future daughter-in-law today, as I must get it sent off. Will write a note son can translate.
Tonight, baby-sitting for Tristan--can't wait to hold him again!

1 comment:

iloveac said...

Now, I am able to comment here, but not to yesterday's....weird.

Why don't I call some of the women who are in my group to go to lunch? Honestly, I am not interested enough in their lives. Sound awful? Well, it's true. I really don't want to listen to women talk about their kids and grandkids either. I did have good friends in Pensacola....friends with whom I shared common interests, but not so here.
I volunteer and keep busy so I'm OK. I don't remember ever being real friendly with any of my neighbors....most of my true friendships formed at work. I met a woman in a breast cancer support group a couple of years ago and I often went to lunch with her, but she was so into herself, I couldn't stand it. She recently moved to NC and that was good.
I do know some very nice people here in VB...just no real friendships. If/when something happens to Rich, I may not stay here...not sure. Rich and I have often talked about what either of us will do and nothing definite comes to mind for either of us. I keep in touch via email with my Pensacola friends and I have my blog friend Rosemary...you.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...