Friday, August 03, 2007

Little Tristan Edward Phillips is just beautiful! I got up there about 1:00 after finishing some chores at home. (Earlier, had weighed in* at WW, but didn't stay for the lecture.) Found Jen, Joel, Joely, Alison, and J. and J.'s friend, Jason, in the large, comfortable "birthing room" at Capitol Health Center (used to be Mercer) Hospital. His Mommy was holding Tristan, but let me take him when I got there. As soon as I walked in, Joely said excitedly, "That's my little brother, that's my little brother!"
Unlike my mostly bald babies, Tris has a respectable amount of hair (dark brown, like his Dad's) and ruddy skin. It's hard to tell at this stage but he seems to have "Byrne eyes"--that is, deep-set, as my father's were. He really is an attractive baby. He slept a lot, but also cried lustily, and seemed to enjoy being passed from person to person. When his Mommy held and talked to him, he looked straight at her and made little cooing sounds--so adorable!
Jen's sister had already been in, and her parents were due at 4:30 or so. Of course, Alison and I took pictures. Loved the ones of big Joel, Joely, and little Tristan sitting together--Joely greatly enjoyed holding him. At one point, he said, "Look at this, Mimi" and stroked Baby's cheek, making him turn that way! (Gee, Tris can do tricks.)
After I left, I drove on impulse to our old neighborhood and stopped into my friend, Mildred's, across the street from our former home. She was glad to see me and we chatted for a half hour or so. I stopped at the cemetery after that, where my dear friend, Elaine, has rested for four years now.
Driving home, I mused--with a kind of melancholy, but not unhappy, feeling--on the mystery of time passing. I had gone from visiting a human being only hours old, to a woman who is 94 and surely nearing the end of her life. After that, there's the grave. "Here she lies, where all must come/After days grown wearisome...."
It was almost 6:00 when I got home to put the pictures on the computer, make Pat scrambled eggs for dinner, and throw the bath rugs in the washer. Pat enjoyed seeing the pics of Terrific Tris, especially those of Joely holding him.
Today will be busy. The cleaners are coming in the morning, I'm having lunch with Mary Ann Van O. at noon, then going to the Little Egg Players show at 7:00. I have a coupla other items in between, but hey, that's the way I like it.
*2.6 more pounds off, for a total of 25.4 and a weight of 174.2. (It's a red-letter day when news about my weight is just an afterthought in an asterisk!)


iloveac said...

Oh Rosemary,
What a wonderful day you had. The whole circle of wonder you felt a bit melancholy and well you should. What a loss if you didn't connect each experience.
I can only imagine the joy you felt when baby Tristan was presented to you and your observation of him looking right at his mother when he heard her voice resonated with me.
Sounds like little Joely is going to love his 'big brother' role.

BTW,I noted where eblogger has a way for you to add a poll on your sidebar. I have an eblog, but don't use it now that I am on Vox. I just now noted eblogger has this feature.
Hoping to see one of your polls in the future.

Dee's Blog said...

Congratuations on your new great Grandson Rosemary. I can't imagine a better gift in this world then a new baby. Thank you so much for the pictures, he certinly is one precious little darling.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...