Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Tuesday, August 7: Various and sundry. Went for my tick bite checkup in the morning and the foot's doing fine. Doc wants to see me in a month. Went to Tucker Tom's for tomatoes and pulled a few weeds. Betty called and we discussed her arrival late today. I'll just play it by ear for dinner, as she said they may stop to eat. I was planning to take her to Weight Watchers tomorrow, but she may meet friends for breakfast. No problem, we'll just do our own thing.
Saw the AFL-CIO "debate" of the democratic candidates last night. What a sorry bunch! Poor Keith Olberman, skilled as he is, had great difficulty in steering them toward actually answering the questions; shutting them up was almost impossible.
I swear, politicians, of no matter what stripe, are the bottom-eaters of the world. The only saving grace of those I saw last night is that they're at least in a party that doesn't actually reward criminal acts and international murder. Or hasn't rewarded it recently. Or doesn't reward it so openly. Or doesn't celebrate it. Hmm, maybe I'd better stop right there...

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...