Monday, August 27, 2007

Took good friend Karen home in the late morning and had a stimulating talk on the way up. K. told me about Peg George, a friend of a friend of hers, who wrote a book called We Knew We Were At War. This chronicles the impact of WW II on the homefront through interviews with women who lived through it. According to her web site, Peg is 79, single (I think widowed), and lives in Doylestown, PA. I'm going to mention it to Susan to see if she wants to me contact Peg to speak at our Women's Club. Karen lent me the book and I'm looking forward to reading it. Reluctantly said goodbye to K., sorry our visit was over, but we'll keep in touch, of course.
On the way home, I stopped at Alison's, but she and Mike were out. She called me later and said they were on a little bike ride--of 45 miles. I want to see her bathroom, which she just painted and otherwise renovated, replacing the molding herself. She's baby-sitting for little Tristan, now almost 4 weeks old, on Tuesday evening, and invited me to meet her at Joel and Jen's. When they get home from taking Joely to soccer practice, I'll go to her place to see the bathroom.
Alison's neighbor, Dawn, gave me two bluefish when Karen and I stopped there on Friday on the way down. I think a friend of hers had caught them; they were minus heads, but complete with innards. I decided to cook one of them and Pat gutted it for me--ugh! I baked it and actually, it was pretty good. I had one myself (Pat doesn't like them) and put the other in the freezer.
Okay, it was pretty good, but not that good, and I'll probably scuttle (that's real nautical talk) the other one in the garbage.
I'm picking up Leslie for lunch today and Marge e-mailed me to ask when I might be available for same this week. I'm looking forward to both excursions with great pleasure, of course. Want to get the lowdown on Leslie's son, Pete, and his family, in Cleveland. Les and Dennis were to visit them last weekend, but they were flooded out and had to be evacuated.


Anonymous said...

Tried to comment yesterday but it didn't go through. There are some really neat bluefish recipes online. Care to try one?

iloveac said...

OK...same problem again. Looks like Anon above has difficulty commenting on your current post as well.

You are so fortuante to have friends to do 'stuff' with. I guess it's a big benny of living in a 55 and older community.
Most women around here are still working. My one friend is all tied up with her new grandbabies.
My other friends are in a group I belong to...but I don't see them outside of meetings. Rich would go to lunch, but it's not the same as a good gabfest with 'girlfriends'. He's not about to go to 'Little' or 'Big' theater either. I sure wish I lived near y'all.
I do have two older is a huge PITA and the other has Alzheimer's.
BUT, don't cry for me Argentina....I am happy.
Thank God for the internet so I can stay in touch.

Mimi said...

Anon: Yes, would like to have bluefish recipes.
Pat: I don't think it's because I live in an over-55 community. Karen, for one, is nowhere near 55 and lives in Lawrenceville. I invite people over--or suggest we go out to lunch. I frankly tell them I'd like to get to know them better. So what if they work? Susan does and so does her husband, but we see each other often. Those with grandbabies can't spend all their time with the kiddies. Most of my friends have well husbands and I don't, but we go out on "girl excursions" often. If you don't see the women in your group outside it, why in the world don't you? How about suggesting you all meet for lunch? Barring that, call one of them you particularly like and just suggest you and she go. You're such a dynamic, interesting, and intelligent person, it's hard to believe you don't have more girlfriends than you can manage.

Anonymous said...

Mimi is a wonderful host! I had a marvelous time! I'll have to treat her to New York City!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...