Thursday, August 02, 2007

Added to the following at 8 am: Joel just called to announce the birth of Tristan Phillips at about 7:30! He's 19 inches long, weighs 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and, judging from the background noise, he has a good, healthy pair of lungs. Will go up to see him in a few hours--happy day!

Boy, it's weird. Aside from doing wash and a few other domestic chores, I can barely remember what went on yesterday. True, I spent time soaking my foot and re-dressing it, but that was a minor part of the day. Went to Foodtown in Smithville for some items, put barbecued chicken legs in the crock pot, and had my usual veggieful lunch. Talked to Alison (Jen went in the hospital) and to Frank next door about my stint on Saturday "working" at the Little Egg Players show. Nuttin' else going down, I guess.
Tomorrow, the cleaners are coming in the morning, I'm going to lunch with Mary Ann Van O. at noon, and to see the Little Egg show in the evening with Marge and Fred. Should be a fun day.
Weight Watchers this morning. Have been faithful to my regime, but have no idea what my weight's doing. As ever, I'll be fine with any change--or none.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

Congratulations Great GrandMimi and to all the family.
Tristan will bring much joy to all of you. I wonder how Joely will feel about this little person in his life.
Enjoy it all!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...