Friday, August 17, 2007

Thursday, August 16: Was satisfied at Weight Watchers to lose another 1.6 pounds, and amused that I just barely missed my two interim milestones of getting into the 160's with 30 pounds off. I'm now at exactly 170 and have lost exactly 29.6 pounds. Okay, it's coming soon, I know.
Betty called from Muckie's to get my weight report and we had a nice talk. We're both looking forward to lunch with Gerri F.B. and the other "girls" (ha!) on Monday.
Nephew Tim e-mailed to say he and Eileen will be in Cape May next week and when can we get together, along with Betty? Wrote back that Betty was here for a week, but is now staying elsewhere. We'll be making arrangements for all of us to meet soon.
Got an e-mail from Jen to the effect that a friend of hers has made a web site for Joel, Jr. and Tristan. I wrote him and will e-mail him some of my pics so he can include them.
Went to Shop-Rite to stock the larder. Bought chicken breasts and legs, pork chops, salmon, and three kinds of squash, managing to spend $72 in the process. For dinner, I had the salmon, gave Pat a chop, then took a drive, and jumped in the shower.
When I came out, friend and next-door neighbor, Frank D., was here to report on two trees in the back of our property. Some background info here: When we bought our homes, both the D.'s and we paid extra to back up to N.J. Wetlands where nobody will ever be allowed to build. Every day, we enjoy gazing out at this wooded area instead of the back of somebody else's house; it's one of the best things about this home we love so well.
However, two trees next to the Wetlands, but not on it, are dead or dying and one is on our property; the other straddles ours and the Davide's. They must be cut down before they fall and Pat and I agreed to pay half the cost for removal of the joint one. That's what Frank was here to discuss. When the tree guy comes, we'll talk to him about removing the other tree that's solely on our property.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...