Saturday, August 18, 2007

Friday, August 17: After the morning chores--and a thunderstorm that didn't rain enough--I didn't do much of anything yesterday. Walked in the morning, of course, made chicken stew in the crock pot, answered e-mail, read, folded wash, and so on. Kind of a boring day, but I need some down time once in a while.
Next week should be more interesting. Monday is the mini-reunion with Gerri F.B., Tuesday, I'm having dinner with Vivian, my Wellspouse friend, and Wednesday, nephew Tim is coming. He'd like to see Pat, so I guess I'll ask him here for lunch and will invite Betty and Muckie. Friday, I'm meeting former secretary Terri M. for lunch, then attending a retirement party for a Rider person, Earle R., I've known for years, then will bring my friend, Karen C., down for the weekend.


iloveac said...

You do need that 'down time' as you will be one busy lady next week. Sounds like fun tho'.
I was able to retrieve Patti F.R. obit now that I know her last name.
Made me sad to read it. I met her in the D&B Corps when she was a freshman and I was in 8th grade. She was like a sister I wished I'd had, and I'm sure she's the reason I got into Theta when I got up to HSHS. She was a major role model for me.
Apparently (acc to the guest book) she continued to be held in high esteem by everyone she met. So sad.
I didn't really know Gerri, but remember her. Hey, maybe I signed her yearbook.

Dee's Blog said...

Rosemary, you are one busy girl. I'd go back to work if I had your energy.
You deserve a lot of credit on your weight lose, you'll be in a size 10 before you know it. You looked thin in the picture you sent me, how much more do you want to lose, what is your goal? I'm holding at 175, hope to lose more but I'm not pushing. Maybe my dieting brought the whole episode on, who knows.

Mimi said...

Dee, you're a lot taller than I am,I'm pretty sure, so 175 may be okay for you. I'm 5'3", so at 170, I'm still overweight by at least 20 to 30 pounds.
Please forgive my presumption, but don't kid yourself that dieting "brought on" your physical problems. Unless you ate a wildly unhealthy diet for a long, long time, that seems very unlikely. I'm convinced that a large majority of the medical ills people suffer stem from eating too much--and the wrong kind of "too much," to boot. Okay, lecture over--and just tell me to mind my own business.

Dee's Blog said...

Rosemary I ate a very healthy diet and still do. I was just wondering if my demand feeding did this damage. This was only a period of two weeks where I ate only when I was hungry.

Mimi said...

I thought that was what people are supposed to do--eat only when hungry. I just don't see how that could have led to the problems you described. Also, I should think it depends a lot on what you ate, not when you ate. Also, also, if that were so, after you corrected your eating pattern, I think your problem should have corrected, too.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...