Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Yesterday is really, really hard to remember--I guess because it didn't distinguish itself with anything at all. Continued to get my boxes of photo in order--hey, this will take weeks--then lay on the couch and re-watched "Sideways" while Pat was at the bay. Took two pork chops out of the freezer, baked them and served with scalloped potatoes and corn. The chops were very tasty--even Pat remarked on them--and I remembered reading that a few years ago, the meat people had removed a lot of fat from pork (maybe didn't feed the porkers as much or did something after they had sacrificed their porky little lives) so they could call it "the other white meat." However, that made the meat dry and tough, if you ask me and even if nobody did, this is my blog and I can write what I want. Well, I understand the meat people have noted this (dry, tough) and gone back to more fatty pork so it tastes better and blah, blah, blah...
Okay, wake up, Rosemary. It's time to go into the sub-zero cold and knock on Susan's door to tell her it's exercise time, I'm up for it, and it's back to the vigorous life!


iloveac said...

I agree about the dry, tough pork. Same with finding a good stewing chicken.....my aunt used to say "they bump them off early to make fryers out of them". I haven't stewed a chicken in years, but it made the best chicken soup in the world with all the good chicken fat.

Mimi said...

Good lord, Pat, I didn't even know they made chickens specifically for stew--but hey, you gave me an idea. It's been a while, but I've made stewed chicken in the crockpot (it's just like cooking it very slowly on the stove, after all). I just always bought a fryer--I never fry chicken; don't know how--and used that. Well, you live and learn...


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...