Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Luckily, the snow yesterday--not a whole lot--didn't turn to ice and it was easy to get Pat to the podiatrist. I think a heavier snow is coming, though. Was able to stop at the library and get some tapes and Pat even went down to the bay.
Saw "The Girl with the Pearl Earring," which was fairly worth watching, although slow-moving. Oddly enough ("oddly" because I had never heard of it before), I read the novel a year or so ago. Best part about the movie were the rich, glowing sets, so evocative of one of the two major subjects (the Dutch painter, Vermeer) and the era (17th century). Scarlett Johannson, about whom I know nothing--I lump her in with teeny-bopper celebraties like Lindsay Lohan who must be famous for something, but I'm never sure what--was in the title role and what an lovely, unusual, arresting face she has.
When Pat was coming back from the bay yesterday, he was pulled over by the police! Seems he had never gotten his car inspected and it's been illegal since May. Luckily, he didn't get a ticket, was just told to comply; probably the oxygen equipment he had on influenced the cop. Good thing he didn't get a ticket because as I know to my sorrow, they're $130, which I paid when I was nabbed for the same crime last year.
Got a welcome return call from the guy who runs the media center at Pinelands Regional High School. I'm hoping I can borrow equipment to show pictures illustrating my presentation about the Dionne Quintuplets to the Women's Club next month. I mentioned an overhead projector, but he said those are very cumbersome and almost obselete; he suggested another device instead, which somehow uses a T.V. to project onto a screen. Made a date to see him--and it--on Friday.


Anonymous said...

When I taught back in the first millenium I always used the overhead projector.
Recently I taught here and was told to use the 'power point'. I had and have no idea how to set up or use one. Bit of a luddite am I.
Will you be using something even more mod?

Mimi said...

Pat, you may be one of the few remaining humans who knows what "Luddite" means.

Anonymous said...

What is it? I thought I made it up? LOL! I did check the spelling tho'....wanted you to think I was super smart.

EBJ said...

I give up...What does it mean?
Luddite . I think it is:
1. Some kind a medication.
2. A floor covering.
3. Some kind of fake gem.

Mimi said...

A Luddite is somebody who resist technology and wants to continue to do things the old way. I THINK, but am not sure, it came from a dispute in 19th century England involving a factory or coal mine and modern equipment.
NOW you can work it into conversation when you discuss resistance to using computers, say. (Know what I'm referring to?)


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...