Friday, February 02, 2007

Had a nice chat with sister Betty yesterday morning, then went to Manahawkin and bought lots of stuff too mundane to mention. Had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner--aside from all those exciting events, it was a pretty slow day. Cleaners are due in a few hours--ugh!
Alison e-mailed to ask if we wanted her to come down this weekend. I wrote back that it would be great if she could come tomorrow and help a little more with the garage clearing, moving boxes and so on. Also, Pat likes to see his daughter; maybe we could go out to lunch again. I hate to monopolize her time, but Mike is helping his brother move tomorrow and she said they don't need her to help.
I'm going to see if I can get to the doctor's today. This morning, I was dizzy and unsteady on my feet when I got up. I just looked this up and saw it can be caused by an ear infection, which I think I may have. (When I blew my nose, I could "feel it" in my ear.) Will call the doctor when they get in at 9:00.
Later: Luckily, the doctor had a cancellation at 9:30, so I was able to get in right away. She said I don't have an ear infection, but that I have fluid in (behind?) my ear and that's causing the dizziness and unbalance. We also discussed again my continual colds. She said some people have "slow" immune systems and can't fight off colds as well as others; also said the stress in my life probably contributes (as Alison says, "stress? what stress?"--she's kidding, gang). She wrote me out three prescriptions, for an antibiotic, a nasal spray, and a decongestant. I dropped them off at Rite-Aid, asked them to let me know who much they'd cost, then will decide if I want all of them. I'll take the antibiotic, but if I can get the others OTC, I will, or I'll skip them if they're just for symptomatic use.
While we're on the subject: I'm always amazed by the number of prescriptions doctors tend to write. For heaven's sake, I don't know why I need a nasal spray and, as for a decongestant, Pat takes on OTC (Rite-Aid brand), which would be fine for me if I wanted to take it and I don't. If I need medicine, okay, but things that will get better anyway, I just ignore or treat with this or that--from lemon juice to OTC crap (always store brand, if possible), to sleep therapy if I can swing it.


iloveac said...

In case you didn't get in to see the can try the Epley it. It's for simple vertigo caused by debris in the middle ear. Best to have MD verify that's what it is. I had to take some antivert for a few days, but the Epley thing worked. With the coughing you've been doing, you more than likely backed up some debris into your ear canal. But check with your doctor, he knows so much more than this ole nurse. At least it'll cost ya more.
Hope you get relief quickly.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat (who is a real medical professional, I want those hordes of my readers to know, unlike yours truly who thrives under a regime of ignorance and voodoo). I'll look it up and report back to you.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...