Thursday, February 01, 2007

As of yesterday, I picked up an interesting and satisfying new project: I accepted the invitation of friends Leslie and Dennis R. to walk 5 miles on April 29 in Atlantic City for the March of Dimes and to try to get sponsors. Their adorable little grandson, Leo, now 3, was born prematurely and has some developmental delays and the M. of D. does a lot of work and research on that problem.
In the electronic age, this is a sophistocated procedure--they set you up with a web site and those you e-mail can apply their donations through the Internet. Participants are asked to set a "goal" and, not being used to this kind of thing, I said mine was $100. I got the ball rolling by kicking in some dough myself, then sent an appeal to 29 people. (I excluded the Sweetwater Drive neighbors I thought the R.'s would contact themselves.) To my amazement and gratification, I'm already up to $170 and I think more will be coming in. Yay for the March of Dimes, hip, hip, hurray for little Leo, and thank you, thank you, thank you to my so-generous family and friends!
Other than that, an okay day. Rented "Road to Perdition" and watched it in the afternoon, trying to rest to treat the perpetual cold. It was a dog, unfortunately, notwithstanding Tom Hanks with a mustache. Went to Acme to restock my meat locker (the freezer) with pork chops, chicken, and store-made meatballs (I like them better than mine). Had stuffed pork chops for dinner and made baked apples to go with them--a nice winter meal.

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Busy day. Got my train tickets for Encinitas on line. Finished most of my packing and tidied up a bit. After that, it was a walk to BOA to g...