Sunday, February 18, 2007

Yes, it's late, dear legion of fans, but that's because I was occupied with something I should have done months ago--I went back to Weight Watchers! Longtime readers (are there any?) may recall that at one time, I switched the title of this blog to "My Weight and Welcome To It" and it was mainly a chronicle of my struggles with the pounds. I jettisoned that some time ago and won't change back, but will add some about my constant battle. Just can't decide if I should be honest or not.
Oh, we-l-l, dammit, I guess I will. I've been weighing myself at home (all the while eating like Dolly Dimple before her diet*) and recorded 198 for the last five weeks. Mind you, this was before breakfast and without clothes. I knew I'd weigh heavier at WW dressed and after eating. I had been down to the low '70s at my last WW meeting 8 or 9 months ago, which means I've gained back most of what I had lost, but I was hoping against hope I didn't top 200. This morning, at WW, I was weighed in at--are you ready for this?--199.6!! Hey, that's practically svelte and it gave me a lift.
I'll try not to obsess about what I eat and weigh, but will keep a running report on my progress on this blog.
I had a request to explain why I'm doing a presentation on the Dionne Quintuplets. I've been interested in, and have pursued research about, the quints for about 20 years. I had remembered them in ads and articles from childhood on and, maybe influenced by my twinhood, had always been fascinated. I have a pretty extension collection of Dionne Quint material, including books, postcards, articles, brochures, etc., and have visited their birthplace outside Corbeil, Canada, in addition to attending a "Quinvention" in 2004 in Massachusetts.
To me, these particular quintuplets are fascinating on several levels. They are a biological phenomena, being only the third set of identical quints in the history of the world and the only ones ever to live to adulthood. Sociologically, their upbringing is enthralling--virtually taken from their parents and raised by nurses, they were returned, but with sad consequences when they were 9. There are even some political angles, as, to an extent, their story illustrates the on-going conflicts between English- and French-Canadians.
Well, I'm sick of typing--more tomorrow.
* Dolly Dimple was a morbidly obese woman who was billed as "The World's Prettiest Fat Girl" in a circus sideshow (1940s) when she weighed 555 pounds. Later, she lost more than 440 pounds; she's the subject of a book I've read several times.


Anonymous said...

Whew! I was getting entry on Mimis' blog.
Again you inspire me...WW. I've been there too and like you have fallen off the wagon. Let me know how it goes. I just can't imagine giving up my junk at night...I'm not satisfied with one thing..gotta have one more and know how it goes. You sound like you are 'ready' and maybe I'll get there soon.
Really appreciate the intro on the Dionne's. You have done quite alot of research to say the least. I thought Identical twins were the result of ONE embryo splitting into TWO. Since there were 5 Identical embryos, did one split into three? Amazing. I have nieces who are fraternal twins.

EBJ said...

Good luck Arty at WW.
I still count the points.
I take my weight on Tuesdays.
Sometimes I eat these bars:
Pria Bars. they are 2 pts. each taste sort of like chocolate candy. They do take away the sweet hunger.

Anonymous said...

Pat, it's believed the quints were formed like this: 1. Ovum meets sperm and is fertilized. 2. Ovum splits in two. 3. Those ova each split in two. 4. Two of the resulting ova split. But aha, you say (if you're really good at math), that makes six. Yes, but Mrs. D. passed an egg-shaped object early in her pregnancy and it's believed this was the sixth baby.
Betty, it's great that you can follow the program as well as you do. I hope I can do as well even going to the meetings!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...