Friday, February 16, 2007

Walked with Susan yesterday, then Pat and I went to the cardiologist at 10:00. Nothing new in that area and we were outta there in a half-hour. Stopped at Santori's and got lots of red-leaf lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, and cauliflower, then got the Dionne stuff in some order. Pat took his insurance card to the MV place before going to the bay
Son Mike forwarded an article from the financial section of The New York Times about the new head of his company, Credit Suisse. It mentioned that the guy gets into work before dawn, stays all day and is otherwise considered a workaholic. No wonder he's divorced. These high-powered types don't seem to know that one day they'll wake up and realize what's important: more time, not more money. A picture showed the new head with Mike's ultimate boss, his "most important internal client" with whom he works closely. Mike is chief of internal client services for the Asia Pacific area, but has a string of other titles and duties, too. Interestingly, the new boss graduated from Villanova, and so did my father and two brothers. (Well, I thought it was interesting.)
Back to important business: Think I'll ask friend Ray to get the rest of the Dionne stuff out of the attic. As usual, can't decide on spaghetti or pork chops for dinner. Must work on the Dionne presentation and the flyer which Susan said we can add to our little community newletter.
Cold, cold, cold, and windy weather, but at least no more snow.


TotallyFixed said...

Thanks for the kind comment on my blog, Mimi. Glad you enjoyed/appreciated it.

Be well,

David Caputo
Totally Fixed and Rigged Magazine

Anonymous said...

OK,I must have missed where you told us what you are going to present about the Dionne quintuplets. How did you decide to research them? For whom will you do the presentation..the members of the Women's Club or non members as well? When will you be doing it?
So a little background please....and now you have your blog topic for tomorrow.

Mimi said...

Pat, thanks for this suggestion! I will indeed make it my blog topic for Sunday.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...