Monday, July 31, 2023

Sparkling Sunday

A shiny day. The Access Van picked me up at 8:20 and we got to Ojai before 9:00. Mike and I then went to the farmers market, where I got three big, beautiful grapefruits, Brussel sprouts, and a marvelous orange squash. As for Mike, he brought Greg's list, including red cabbage, spinach, pine nuts, cheeses, and a multitude of other requirements. Both of us were ladened with goodies when we staggered back the car, but it resulted in Greg whipping up a wonderful lunch.

Sherry and Greg, Mike's friends he had known in Singapore and who now live in Santa Barbara, arrived about noon and we had a fine time. Not only did Greg make a special chicken dish, but he put together zucchini, spinach, and other ingredients, as well as a wonderful salad. Sherry brought a frittata and a delicious dessert, a kind of cheesecake with a crumble crust and a thick ganache. 

We had a terrific time talking with these interesting people. Sherry was born and brought up in Manhattan, got her masters there, worked at Arthur Andersen, then started her own accounting firm and operated it in Singapore, before moving back to the states. Her husband, Chris, is from the U.K. and was in banking before he retired recently, although he just turned 60. I noticed that Sherry's hair is somewhat patchy and, in conversation, she mentioned that she had had chemo for ovarian cancer; she had also had breast cancer. It's amazing how many people I know who have, or have had, cancer and it's so refreshing that we discuss it without the taboo idea about a forbidden topic.The Merseys (that's their name, same as the river in England), are devotees of the theatre and go to a lot of productions in Santa Barbara. We stayed talking through most of the afternoon, then said goodbye. Here they are with Mike: 

And with Ellen and Greg:
Mike took a pic with me included, but hasn't sent it to me yet. He goes up to Cupertino today (Apple has a huge facility there), and to L.A. on Thursday, so I won't see him again until Friday. That's okay, as I have rehearsal tomorrow and a lot other things to clean up.

Sunday, July 30, 2023


Still pretty busy with the minutiae that seems to increase by the hour. Got the new call list from Jeff and found that, although as Karyn had told me, we don't have a matinee on opening weekend, we start at 5:00 on Sunday, the 20th. That means I can't do the Art Comes Alive thing that day, so I emailed Connie to change to Saturday. She was okay with it. Did a white wash, including my bedclothes, then a color one. Remade the bed, cleared out a lot of what was on my desk; emptied the hall closet, and partly cleared it by getting rid of stuff. 

Amazon notified me that my gift to to Vivian didn't arrive because I had the wrong address. She uses her U. of Hawaii address and, damn, I had put "com," instead of "edu." Remedied that, did a bunch of other stuff, fooled with the printer, but it still doesn't print. Called the Access Van, which will pick me up in time to get to Ellen's by 9:00, then back home about 8:30.

Mike got in to LAX about 4:00, went to Ellen's, and I'll see him today. Showered, washed my hair, and otherwise spruced up. Ken picked me up at his usual dreadfully early 2:30 for the call at 3:00, but I'm reconciled to that. 

Rehearsal went well and I was complimented on my performance. I'm debating whether to mention to Karyn my suggestion about Ken's. He plays Albert grown old, who hasn't seen the woman with whom he was enamoured for forty or so years. She--Rose, whom I play as an oldie--is attracted to him, too, but after a comedy of errors, they go their separate ways.  It seems to me that Ken should have a much stronger reaction to having Rose find him "after all this time" (the name of the play, actually, and one of my key lines). But what Ken does,I'm afraid, simply suggests that Rose has been his next door neighbor all those years and now she's coming over to say hello. However, I'm not going to second guess the director. It's fine for me to enhance my own role (I added the cane and a few other things, with Karyn's approval), but otherwise. Hmm...maybe I'll mention it to Ken himself.

Speaking of: Ken will pick me up at--groan--7:30 pm on Monday, as we have an 8:00 call. We also have to get our bios in by August 1st and be prepared for head shots on August 5. Along with a variety of company--not only Mike, but others shortly--it's really heating up. 

And I love it.   

Saturday, July 29, 2023


 A pretty good day, starting with unexpected news at T.O.P.S.  At home, I've weighed 128.6 consistently for the last three weeks. That make me think there's something wrong with my scale, because an hour or so later, I get weighed at the meeting and it varies a bit week to week. Anyway, I was sure I had gained, considering I've been going out a lot (and had eaten half of that huge burrito the night before weigh-in). But no--wonder  of wonders, I lost two pounds, registering 127.9 at T.O.P.S.

As usual on Friday, I didn't get breakfast until 10:30. I called Diane to ask where she had had something altered and near her, there's a dry cleaners that does that. Thought I go there, but then remembered the cleaners near Ralph's and went there instead. The seamstress is in only on Mondays from 1:00 to 3:00, so will to get there then. I had packed a lunch and ate in the little park I had found on Ralston Avenue. Stopped at Ralph's for blueberries and The Market for this and that.

I  had first gone to Asurion to tell Tyler about the missed connections re somebody coming to the apartment to fix my  printer. I asked if he would after hours for $30 and he agreed. This may or may not come to pass.

Called Ellen to discuss Mike's arrival (today, but I won't see  him until tomorrow) and August 20th, when I'll be at Art Comes Alive from 12 to 4, then in the show that night at 8:00. She'll pick me up and we'll go to dinner in between. We talked for 45 or so, always a pleasurable activity for me. 

Got an invitation from The Townhomes for their luau on August 26. Asked Diane if she wanted to go--she does--but then I realized we have a performance that day. If it's a matinee, I can still go; if not, not. 

Today, my darling older granddaughter, Vivian, marks the last birthday of her teens. What a sweetheart and here she is at home in Singapore after her six weeks in Europe:


Friday, July 28, 2023


 Until Julie picked me up for the BCNN dinner, I hardly stepped out the door all day. Por Que? Because I was working my ass off (hubby's expression) on all kinds of chores. 

-Did a color wash before breakfast, then tackled some of the procrastinated task; 

-Paid a number of credit card bills and checked to be sure my returns were listed; 

-Contacted Connie to the effect that I'll do "Art Comes Alive" on the twentieth, but won't attend costume inspection on the 15th or 16th. Since we open on the 18th, it's gauche to skip rehearsals that late and Connie was okay with it;

-Gathered the incredibly numerous magazines I had accidentally accumulated. I do not read magazines--in fact, I don't even open them. Suzanne leaves her Time mag rag at my door every week and I don't want to hurt her feelings by refusing them. I get T.O.P.S. magazine, which ditto re opening. I had some local stuff, too, including two issues of Ojai from several years ago. Ellen's next door neighbor, Drew, writes for it and I was mildly interested in his article in one about his brush with the Manson family--"mildly" being the operative word. In addition, I had subscribed for a time to Vanity Fair and have gotten two issues, but I no longer recognize 90 percent of the celebs, so lost interest. There were lots of others I weeded out; in fact, so many, I had to put them in my little cart to get them to the trash place. 

-Started writing a little rhyme for Director Karyn.  I want to make a card for the cast to sign, using the pieces from the bracelet we had used as a prop watch, but it broke during rehearsal, so I'll devise something with it.

-The big thing: I took my laptop over to Asurion, but Tyler said he thought it was the printer (the printer guy thought it was the laptop). He said under the contract (only $25 a month), I got one free home visit a year, so he suggested I call. Good idea and I did. I was then told that it wasn't free, it was actually fifty bucks and tax. Well, that was okay and I was given yet another number to call. There, I was told that service wasn't available in my area! I might wait until Mike gets here on Saturday and have him look at it. 

-There are plenty of other chores I need to do, but at least I put a dent in it.

Showered, dressed, and Julie picked me up for dinner out with the BCNN group. We went to the Blue Agave and it was okay, but not great. There were fewer then usual attendees--twelve--and the service was pretty slow. Several people got cocktails--I didn't--and it was a good 45 minutes before we got our meals. I had a "mission burrito," although without sides, an enormous meal. I ate half and took the other half home for dinner tonight. The talk was semi-interesting, but it was a facade when I  put on my smiley, interested face--for some reason, I just wasn't into it. Didn't get home until 7:30.

Damn, T.O.P.S. today and I know I've gained. The half burrito itself probably put on twenty pounds.

In between the crapola above, I did a jigsaw of a cartoon Jersey shore:

Thursday, July 27, 2023


 Pretty busy. I took my cart over to Von's in the morning for milk, beer, veggies, and so on. Stopped at Aurion after to discuss my printer problem with Tyler. Said if I couldn't get the wire in the other port, I'd bring it to him today. I couldn't and I will.

Diane asked if we could meet at Urbane Cafe instead of near the library for lunch and fine by me. We did, at our usual noon, and proceeded to talk for a good three hours (we always have a lot to talk about). When we parted, I walked down to Barnes & Noble and got two of the puzzle books I like. Also got a new password book, as my old one is full of cross-outs. 

Took the 11 to the transit center and the 6 home. I was walking up to my door when my cousin from Cincinnati, Marifran, called. We talked for more than an hour, mostly about her mentally ill mother and the alcoholism in the extended family. I got a chicken thigh out of the fridge during our chat and was able to oil and season it, then put it in the oven, all while on the phone with Marifran. Had it for dinner--the chicken, not Marifran 😁--along with julienned onions, and it was good.

I emailed Connie that I would be Anke DeJong on Sunday, the twentieth, at the Maritime Museum's Art Comes Alive . This year, I'll do it only once, as we open on the eighteenth and have a performance that night. Speaking of excursions: the BCNN dinner tonight at the Blue Agave and Julie will pick me up.

I've posted photos of Ventnor, often the beach at sunrise, so thought I'd give equal time to Ventura. Clearly, this was taken from the pier and it shows what's called Surfer's Point. The largest building is the Crowne Plaza Hotel, where I've often had lunch:

Wednesday, July 26, 2023


Somewhat frustrating day. I don't want to elaborate at length, but will record here in case I need the info later:

1. At 10:15 am, I called Canon about my printer problems; the call ended at 12 noon. The thing will copy, but not print. The guy led me through all kinds of sites and clicks and maneuvers, but nothing worked. He finally concluded it could be the port on the laptop or the USB itself that was worn or something. I'm going to consult Asurion Computer Repair today.

2. I had a problem with BMO Harris Bank, one of my credit cards. They billed me for $19.47 for a GoFundMe contribution in--get this, Sydney Australian. I filed a fraud claim, but only after some annoying interactions. 

3. My cousin emailed me asking for the names our our grandmother and great-grandmother and it took me a time to dig out my genealogy stuff, but I finally did. Added a pic of our mutual great-grandmother, Mary Ann McElkenney.

4. I went into Amazon to have a gift card sent to Vivian for her 19th birthday, which is this Saturday. Put the wrong amount in first, had to cancel, then redo.

5. I need to order a hundred bucks woth of the OTC items I get from Blue Shield. It's a great benefit, but also a hassle, as I have a hard time coming up with that much every three months. 

6. There are all kinds of other paperwork I have hanging that I must organize and get done....  


...on the sunny side, Ellen texted to see if I was up for going to the movies. I sure was and she came over after her doctor's appointment (annual checkup) and we went to see:

We chose between that and Oppenheimer, the polar opposite to Barbie, I'm sure. which I also want to see. Barbie was actually pretty entertaining--very imaginative, but also with some thought thrown in. And hey, what's not to like about Ryan Gosling?

Diane emailed to see if I wanted to do lunch on Thursday, but I'm going to the BCNN monthly dinner with Julie, so suggested either today or Friday. 

On the sleep front: I'm afraid I'm into the can't-keep-my-eyes-open-in-the-evening and wide-awake-at-4:00-am phase. I hope and trust that will ease soon. Also, I may throw in a nap today, if time permits.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023


Left at 10:30 and walked to Wal-Mart to return one of the impulse buys for which I'm notorious. From there, I walked to Telephone Road to bus to the mall, then town. Stopped a shop to return a b & w top; I liked it, but it was too big.  After, I went to Buffalo Exchange (we buy your stuff, you buy ours) where I had sold a backpack and something else I can't remember, so I had a credit. The place is mostly patronized by college kids, but I stop in occasionally. There, I bought this neat hat:       

Incredibly, it actually fits--I have a small head and often, hats come down to my ears. What's more, the brims of sun hats can descend too far down on the neck side for me; this doesn't.

Ken picked me up at 6:30 and off we went to rehearsal. Now we're zeroing in on small things and I continue to marvel at Karyn's expert direction. Didn't get in until 9:30, so late for me, but I'm glad to be involved.

πŸ’—Granddaughter Notes: Here's a photo of just-turned-15-Violet, on a white-water rafting expedition with her sister campers:
I'm not sure which one she is--who could be?--but WOW!
And darling Vivian is back home after six weeks touring Europe. Here she is with her goofy Dad at Changi Airport, Singapore. She turns 19 in four days. 

Monday, July 24, 2023


After my usual Sunday stuff and nonsense, I took my cart and walked to The Market, then Wal-Mart. I was looking for grapefruit, but incredibly, neither had any. Had to cross Victoria Avenue to Ralph's to find them and bought five, along with some beautiful peaches.  Walked home, had lunch, then noticed one of the grapefruit had a too-soft spot. I excised that, then sectioned off that and one more, and froze the segments. I still have four left to make, but if I run out, I can go to the freezer (yes, I'm an addict--I can't help myself!).

Mike texted Ellen and me to the effect that friends of his, who used to live in Singapore and now live in Santa Barbara, would like to see him. After back and forths with Ellen, it was decided that, since Mike is staying with her, she'd have them over for lunch next Sunday, the day after Mike comes in. We also have other company coming, so it will be a busy--but happy--time. 

Showered, washed my hair, and prepared for 4:00 rehearsal. Good thing I checked because it wasn't called for 4:00, but for 5:00--damn! Okay, I adjusted my alarm (I always set my phone for several minutes before I have to leave) and played around with the laptop until it was 4:30 and Ken picked me up. 

Karyn was out this time and Jeff (he wrote the play and is the founder and head of Fractured Actors) took over. Rehearsal went well. Of course, our part is only the last five minutes, but I actually enjoy seeing After All This Time once again--I don't get tired of it.

Home about 7:00 and I made myself a stir-fry; ate half and will have the rest today. 

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Satisfying Saturday

After a rocky start, it turned out to be a good day. I spent several hours in the morning filing crapola and otherwise attending to long-neglected paper/computer work. When I turned to the two items I was sending back to Amazon--the hearing aid and the air fryer--I got more and more frustrated. I couldn't make head nor tail out of the instructions for the former and I couldn't get the fryer packed back in the box properly in the box; worse, it wouldn't fit in my cart. How in the world would I get it to Kohl's (they accept Amazon returns) on the bus? I certainly couldn't carry it; maybe I'd have to ask someone to drive me or get the Access Van....

As a diversion, I texted Ellen to see if she wanted to see the movie, Oppenheimer* some day while it's in town. She texted me back, saying she did and she also wanted to get out of the house--great! After a brief exchange, she came over, bringing lunch and we had a good, long mother/daughter session. We strolled out to the middle next to the pool (which I must say, much as I complain about the place, is really beautifully planted and maintained) and had a long heart-to-heart. We then went in to lunch, after which, Ellen tried her best to get me to be able to wear the hearing aid. We struggled over it for about an hour and she was soul of patience, but no luck. We made the joint decision that I would go the conventional route of seeing an audiologist first.

After, we walk for a half hour to the higher elevation above where I live, then she took me to Fed-Ex to return the Amazon goods, but we found they would charge; Kohl's doesn't, so we went there next. I had all the paperwork, but was incredulous it was so quick and easy--good to know! 

Home, and we said goodbye after a fine, fun, and fulfilling day. What's more, we made a tentative date to see either Oppenheimer or Barbie--we both want to see both--on Tuesday and that will be a treat, too.      

* Several years ago, I visited White Sands, New Mexico, and toured the site of the Manhattan Project. Here I am with the statues of Oppenheimer and the photo from which it was copied:

This is Oppenheimer and General Leslie Groves, presumably inspecting the carnage after the atomic blast. They seem to be congratulating each other on the job well done. 
O horror, horror, horror! Tongue nor heart cannot conceive nor name thee!...(Macbeth)

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Freakin' Friday

Oh, what a day. T.O.P.S. first, of course: I turtled at home, as my scale has been reading 128.6 for the past two weeks; at the meeting, I was 129.8 for a gain of .02 and so what. 

Home, breakfast, then I took my laptop over to Asurion Computer Repair, luckily next to Von's right across the street. Explained the problem: very slow, and left it there. Rushed back to prepare lunch to Jim and me. I had some seafood jambalaya in the freezer and served that, even though the weather was very warm. It was so-so, but the strawberry bucket and whipped cream made a big hit with Jim, as I knew it would. After, we sat on the couch and chatted animatedly, Jim regaling me with tales of his youth and if you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. 

While Jim was still here, it finally occurred to me that the problems with both the laptop and the TV  could stem from that outfit from Hell, Yandoo Communications. I called (yes, while Jim was still here) and found that indeed, they had something wrong with the in-coming or the out-going stream, or whatever it was. In other words, the screw-up was their problem; the guy admitted that. Therefore, I demanded they reimburse me for the twenty-five bucks I paid Asurion. I wasn't really serious, but incredibly, he said he'd give me a ten dollar credit.  Anyway, I had to go back over to Asurion to get the laptop and it's working--yay--so I don't really care about having to pay for something I didn't need.

On a cheerier note, Mike put on Facebook that my niece Chrissy (daughter of my late big brother, Jim), and her husband, Paul, were in Singapore and stopped at Mike's and Paula's place:  

(I'm starting to like Mike's beard.)
Then the four of them went out to dinner:
I messaged Mike and we chatted for a bit; he'll be back here on the twenty-ninth to pick up Violet from camp. Every once in a while, I realize how lucky we are to have this big. beautiful, extended family.

Show Biz Note: We've had a rehearsal hiatus recently, but will resume in earnest starting tomorrow from 4:00 to 7:00.   

Friday, July 21, 2023


I'm having big problems with this laptop/the Internet/the mighty gods of computerdom--or something. Oddly enough, this blog comes up okay and I can write in it, and save. I tried the Restoro app, which took about 20 minutes and, hoping the little darling was okay again, left for East Ventura. I had packed my cart with  four blouses, eight loose leaf binders, a water carrier, and some odds and ends to donate to Goodwill. Walked to Telephone, then got the 11 to Petit Avenue, and left them off.

Walked down the street to meet Diane in the park at noon and we had our usual three-hour talkathon. As ever, it was so satisfying to connect with Diane; we can tell each other anything--and we do. After we said goodbye, I stopped at Grocery Outlet for fresh broccoli and a bunch of beets.

Home, checked the laptop and the problems were just the same. I then packed it up and walked across to the Von's shopping center. Asurian, a computer repair place is right there and I took it in. Tyler, the guy here, said it would probably take too long to fix it then, but asked me to bring it in today. Paid him the $25 for the monthly coverage and will take it back after T.O.P.S. After dinner, I sat down for my hour or less T.V. viewing and found it didn't work; there's an error message. Could that possibly coincidental?  I'll have to deal with that, too.  

Called Jim and he'll be over for lunch. Now I'm going to end this tale of woe and and see if this damn thing will respond if I "publish." 

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Wednesday, A Down And Up Day

Internet was down when I got up and I was a little down, too. Like a silly kid, I brooded over the fact that I had had not one, but two, pieces of strawberry bucket, with plenty of whipped cream at our little birthday for Vickie. Also, and worse, I started running over in my mind various negative happenings, past and present, which is always a mistake.  

However, I rallied later. Skipped my oatmeal and had only a tangerine for breakfast, then got a few hanging-over-my-head bookkeeping chores cleaned up. After, I took my cart and walked to The Market, then Wal-Mart. Got made-up salad and other vegetables, and--well, this:

Why? Because I have an unsightly fat bulge above my waist and when I wear materials that cling even a little bit, it's emphasized. I'll see if this helps at all, but first, I'll see if I can even get it on. 

Ellen called and we talked and talked, probably for an hour or more, very enjoyable to me. Mike messaged about not accepting an Instagram request from his brother-in-law, as he (Mike) was hacked. This seems to happen so often; several times, I've gotten supposed messages from people I know saying things like "Hello, how are you?" which I know my friends wouldn't do. 

Karyn cancelled rehearsal, as little Logan is sick. Now we don't pick up again until Sunday, when Jeff will be in residence. He's still working on our final rehearsal schedule and other particulars. 

I wrote back to Connie about Art Comes Alive at the Maritime Museum. Said I'd participate one day as my character, Anke De Jong, but will let her know about time with the acting coach (this is a new wrinkle) and rehearsal.  Happily, she wrote back that I could skip the last two, as I've done this several times before to her satisfaction. The event takes place on August 19 and 20 and we open on Friday, August 18; however, A.C.A. is from 12 to 4:00, so I can do both. 

Up even more, I got an invitation to a "Happily Ever After" party for nephew Wes and his Heidi--how wonderful! This is the second go-round for both and their blended children will consist of no fewer than six--five girls and a boy adopted from Ethiopia, all teenagers. This is in Chicago on August 26, so there's no way I can go, but I messaged them each with my congratulations. Will send a gift certificate, but try to find some way to make it special. How excited Betty and happy would be!  

Wednesday, July 19, 2023


Did a color wash, had breakfast, and whipped up the heavy cream for the strawberry buckle. It's actually a kind of streusel type, I guess, since the recipe calls for a hint of cinnamon. Whipped cream stores well in the fridge, so I had it ready for later. 

I wanted to serve the buckle warm, so didn't want to start it until 5:00 or so for our little birthday party for Vickie at 7:00. Decided I'd like to eat out--meaning in this case, somewhere outside. I thought the hospital veranda would be a good idea; there are tables and umbrellas, and when I ate there before, it seemed very pleasant. So I packed a lunch, got my cart, and took a bus to the transit center, then walked to The Market near the hospital. Got  paper plates, so I can have Suzanne and Vickie take most of the buckle home. Walked to the hospital, but when I got to the veranda, I saw there were a number of white coats there having lunch. I felt self-conscious--did I look like a bag lady, pulling my cart?--so changed my mind. Walked to the transit center to bus home, and had lunch--pleasant enough--on my patio.  

After, I chopped three of my six large onions to store in the freezer; the others I'll just prepare as I need them. Started the buckle at 5:00; it was a bit more complicated than the ordinary blueberry buckle I usually make, but it came out beautifully:

Took it next door to Suzanne's at 7:00, Vickie came in, and they raved about the dessert. I have to say it was good and to prove it, I had two pieces, along with plentiful whipped cream. Vickie showed us on Suzanne's laptop seventy-five pictures of churches in France, which a friend had sent her. We chatted for a bit longer, then broke up a little after 8:00. 

I called Jim when I got home to invite him for lunch today, since I have a slice of the buckle remaining. However, he has a doctor's appointment, so declined. We talked for some time and will keep in touch.

An interesting happening: A Facebook friend and artist, Sergey Rauzin, does wonderful colorizing of photos from the 1900s and he did Albert Einstein today. He posted it, along with a little bio of Einstein. I jokingly mentioned in the comments that I have Einstein's cat, having bought it at a house sale in Princeton--the very house where he had lived until his death. The woman who sold it to me swore it had been Einstein's and I added this picture of it:    
To my surprise, Sergey, said it was a piece by Bordallo Pinheiro, a well-known (in certain circles, I guess) artist and ceramist from Portgual. Sergey put this picture on of Pinherio's work:  

I looked it up and my cat may be worth something, but not more than a few hundred and I wouldn't part with kitty for less than a thou. But it was interesting...

Tuesday, July 18, 2023


Ellen got here at 10:30 and off we went to Wal-Mart. We both got a fair amount of stuff, then went back to my place to stow the butter, and heavy cream. Hill Street Cafe was next; I had a delicious "Classic Cheeseburger" (surely not T.O.P.S. type food, but ever so good) and an 805 beer, El a salmon bowl and iced tea. We sat on the patio, which was nice except for a large, somewhat loud party near by.

Home, and El found out how to run DVDs on the laptop; for some reason, I couldn't get them to work. She then researched hearing aids for me. I have a slight (to me, anyway) loss, so thought I'd try the OTC route and ordered one. We'll see how it works; should get it today. I should have gotten my new air fryer on Sunday, too, but it hasn't come yet. A third "coming soon" item is--are--the hundred "forever" stamps I ordered on-line at a considerable discount. I was puzzled as to why the government allows a private company--and I believe this is a foreign one--to profit on something supported by tax dollars.  Then I remembered how many the billions spent on warfare goes to Halliburton and its ilk.

I've gotten some feedback--or whatever you call it--from several men on a dating site, but now that I have, I don't see any I really want to pursue. For one thing, several live a distance away and for another, they're all younger than I am. I expected that and can deal with four or five years younger, but ten or fifteen? No, that's too much of an age gap. We'll see what--if anything--happens now.  

Rehearsal went well. Jeff, who wrote our play, After All This Time, was there and we were "upstairs" part of the time, as another play was being staged. I was pleased to see that Ben W., the young guy who walked from here to Georgia a few months ago, was directing that one. Here's Ben in Area 22 , in which we both appeared last September: 

No rehearsal tonight. Will make the strawberry buckle and serve it next door at Suzanne's while we celebrate Vickie's sixty-sixth.   

Mea culpa moment: I wish I hadn't mocked Ken in a previous post. We seemed to have a closer fellow feeling on the way home last evening and chatted and laughed together. It occured to me that I'm much too hard on others, maybe especially older men.  Should I erase? No, that seems false, but I hereby acknowledge I shouldn't have and will try not to in the future. 

Monday, July 17, 2023


The Sunday crossword was so-so--nothing to write home about, as my mother would say--but doing it was, as always, an enjoyable task. 

Did the usual white wash and changing of the guard--I mean "bedclothes"πŸ˜„--in the morning, then bestirred myself to dry-mop the hard floors. Tidied up otherwise, then bused to the transit center to mosey around the mall. While waiting for the 6 bus home, I fell into conversation with a nice woman named Mariana. I enjoyed our talk (and the fact that she's a year older than I am) and gave her my card. 

Had a late lunch, showered and washed my hair, then was out front waiting for Ken at 3:30; rehearsal was called for 4:00 to 7:00. It went very well, is really coming alive, and I'm more and more impressed with director Karyn. We ran through the play three times and will have rehearsal from 7:00 to 9:30 tonight. 

When I got home, I stopped at Suzanne's to ask if it was okay if I make a strawberry buckle for Vickie's birthday, instead of a blueberry one. (I was joking, as I knew she wouldn't mind.)  A few weeks ago, during peak strawberry season, I had bought several quarts. I ate some, washed and chopped the rest, then stowed them in the freezer. I certainly have the two cups the recipe calls for--more, in fact--so I might as well use them.

Wal-Mart and lunch with Ellen today--YAY!   

Sunday, July 16, 2023


After breakfast, I spent most of the morning making a birthday card for Vickie: wrote a little verse, decorated a blank card, and enclosed a tiny metal angel.

Ken picked me up at 12:30, his usual horrendously early time for rehearsal, so we sat around for a half hour before others arrived. That meant he had time to hold forth, without stopping, on a narrow range of topics: his ideas, his beliefs, his this, his that; of course, he never asks about my ideas or beliefs. He also tried to interest me in attending a church service--which he assured me wasn't a church service--today. I declined, but not in an offensive manner. He gave me a copy of the Santa Paula free paper, in which he was depicted singing in the Half Notes Band for the fourth of July. Ken is on the far right:

Thank Dionysus,* Karyn had us go on first. I added a few subtleties and she liked them a lot, plus she modified our blocking slightly. We stayed to watch another scene, with Emma (below, middle), who was in Welcome Home three years ago with me. She's the understudy and frankly, I think she's far superior to the person who's actually doing the role. 
I talked to Anthony, who told me the picture I posted yesterday shows him in a commercial coming up. Unfortunately, I don't remember what product it was for.  

After, I was kind of at loose ends, as I had expected to be out until after 4:00, so I decided to walk to the park over the footbridge and stop at the little lending library. However, after I started off, I realized it might be such a hot idea--"hot" being the operative word here, because it was pretty hot, all right. I deviated from the plan and, instead, walked several blocks, then back--probably got a mile in. 

While I was doing this, Nancy called.  I had completely forgotten it was her birthday (she's my junior by 17 months) and was glad to hear her son, Richard, had taken her out for lunch and given her several presents. She may needs extensive dental work, as I did two years ago, and she asked me for an idea of the cost.

Home, I did something I never thought I'd do: I went into a dating site and actually send a message to three men indicating interest. I have no desire for any kind of romantic relationship, but would like a friendship with a reasonably sound, mentally and emotionally, man. However, I doubt if anything will come of this, but it was kind of fun to consider.

Rehearsal again today, this time 4:00 to 7:00. 

* God of theatre

Saturday, July 15, 2023


My weight continues to fiddle around: At home, I was up a pound to 128.6, at T.O.P.S., down .06 to 129.6. Oh, well, it's still within my comfort zone, so no prob. Bev, who has a thriving garden, brought in some wonderful slender cucumbers and I took two for my salad. She also showed me this picture of a bizarre cucumber snake--two of them grew this way and good grief!

Didn't get home until after ten, so I immediately changed, then bused to town to meet Noreen for lunch.

We ate at Paradise Pantry (I keep calling it "Cove" or "Kitchen") and we both had the delicious turkey/pesto grilled sandwich, she with prosecco, I with their wonderful citrusy beer. We talked and talked, naturally, then Noreen asked if I wanted to go over to Von's (not the one near me) for some kind of cocktails they had on sale. I went, but it occurred to me that, one, I don't usually drink cocktails and two, they were in cans and too heavy for me to carry anyway, so I didn't buy. We hugged goodbye, then I bused home and did a few things, so important I can't remember what.

Von's (my Von's) has Friday specials, so I walked over to get some paper products. On my way, Ellen called and I sat down next to the pool and we chatted for about twenty-five. I was pleased when she asked if I wanted to go to Wal-Mart, then lunch on Monday and yes, sure, I do. Continued on my way, got what I wanted, then--still stuffed from lunch--just had leftover roasted cauliflower for dinner. 

The cast of After All This Time shares a text site and I was thrilled to get this screenshot of Anthony--one of our two pros--from either a TV show or commercial; it looks as if he's enacting the father of the three girls. I knew he was in something, but can't recall which. (Since I've know him, he was always heavy, but he's gained quite a bit since he and I were in the show this past September.) I'll see him tonight at rehearsal, so will ask about about the pic.  

Friday, July 14, 2023


Set off for Smart 'N' Final (stupidest name for a supermarket ever) in balmy weather. There's supposed to be a heat wave, but when I was walking there, it felt wonderful: in the low seventies and with a gentle, cool breeze. Got my citrus, coffee, and a few other items, then walked back, so I did three miles.

After lunch, I called Jim, being somewhat concerned. Not only had his answering machine failed to work, but he hadn't responded to my email. It was working now, though, and Jim said he didn't know why it  hadn't before. He also kept telling me my own phone was breaking up, but I'm not sure if it was actually his or not.

Later, I walked to the post office. I had gotten stamps the other day and had been shown one--rowers, I think. I asked for six and when I was handed them, I assumed they were the same. But when I got home, I saw they depicted the medal of honor. As a pacifist, I always ask for non-military stamps, but this had slipped my attention, so I went back to ask to exchange them. The manager was consulted and I was told they wouldn't. Why?  Because they have a certain inventory and it would be thrown off--or something. I couldn't understand it, but I didn't make a fuss, I just bought others. Stopped into Suzanne's and gave them to her. We had a nice visit and I suggested that when we "do dessert" for Vickie next Tuesday, I make a blueberry buckle instead of Suzanne buying something. She was fine with that, so I will, but we'll meet at her place.

Lora texted to ask if she could pick me up for T.O.PS. today. Of course, Cheryl will, but I thanked her and it reminded me how lucky I am to have the friends I do. Julie asks me regularly if I want to go here or there (she'll pick me up for BCNN dinner on the 27th) and others do, also. 

Amplify Arts Camp, where Violet attends, posts pictures on its Facebook page, which I love to see, of course. The girls went to the beach--not sure if in Ventura or where (Ojai is inland) and here's Violet--the tall, beautiful one standing second from right:

Speaking of the camp, I found that Sallye Lange, with whom I graduated from HSHS, has a granddaughter who also attends the camp. It seems the girl's mother, Sallye's DIL, posted something and I noticed the last name Nordling, Sallye's married name. Got in touch with Jeanne Painter, who gave me the lowdown. I messaged the DIL and she responded; I think she lives in L.A. 

Two days ago was the eighth anniversary of my move to California: July 12, 2015. Do I regret it? Never for a nano of a second; the "new lease on life" thing is always in my mind. 

Thursday, July 13, 2023


Putzed around in the morning until I called Muckie and we had a conversation for one hour and forty minutes. Yep, there was a lot to talk about. Muckie is hanging loose with her pancreatic cancer which, happily, has not metastasized or grown larger. That doesn't mean it isn't incurable, but it seems to be a slow type, which is so good. Muckie continues to be in good spirits and it's a joy to talk to her. She asked me to give her best wishes to my blogging buddy, Pat R., and the reader can imagine those thoughts winging their way to Jersey.

After, I called Ellen. I've been concerned about her cough, which is hanging on so long, but she assured me it was lessening. She had to have an exterminator come because wasps (or hornets) have settled in the eaves of her house (they're not in the attic or the rest of the house). It seems she needs to either spray them dead and/or have their entrance places caulked over. She'll have to get somebody in to do both jobs. 

Took my cart over to Von's to get a few bulky or heavy items, including paper towels, milk, and grapefruit. Stowed it away, then bused to town. It was enjoyable to be back and I found and bought two tops. One of them, though, has to be dry-cleaned or hand-washed, which I hadn't realized--annoying. Didn't get home until almost 6:00; salmon, broccoli, and rice for dinner.

I impulsively (my middle name) ordered an air fryer from Amazon. Ellen has one and I've been wanting to try it, but in truth, I'm not concerned about non-animal fats (I use olive oil regularly), so will I use it very often? Of more concern, where will I put it in my tiny kitchen? Hmm...I'll mull it over; can always return it unused, if need be. 

Called Noreen and we made a date for lunch on Friday at Paradise Cove. After a hiatus, I tried to call Jim--just to chat, I'm not inviting him over right now--and, oddly, his answering machine didn't come on. (He never, never answers the phone when it rings) I'm somewhat concerned, so will email him. 

At dusk, my patio looks so attractive, with the the solar lights and darkening sky. Pictures don't really show the full effect (or maybe the photographer isn't very skilled), but here's a hint:

Wednesday, July 12, 2023


Met Diane for lunch by the library at noon. Incredibly, we didn't break up until 5:00. Yes, we sat and talked for five hours. About what? Everything under the sun: present activities, family, people we knew, the past (childhood, early married live, and how much alcohol is in wine opposed to beer, travel, our various aches and pains, BCNN groups, and more). I said I'd go to Happy Hour next week, but I'm not sure if I will; it starts at 4:00 and I have rehearsal at 7:00. Hm...maybe I can swing it.

A few minutes after I walked in the door, Suzanne stopped over. Vickie's birthday is on the seventeenth and S. wants to have something for her--possibly a dessert. We checked over my rehearsal schedule and she'll figure out a day when I'm not booked. 

Something rather amusing came up: Larry called me to ask if I had any knowledge of a $69.95 continuing fee from Spirit Airlines for membership in "The Club." (This is where you get special treatment before your flight, with food and drink, a comfy place to wait, and so on.)  He noticed it on his credit card and when he called Spirit, they mentioned my name. We decided it must have to do when, three years ago, Larry (who has thousands of bonus miles) insisted on paying for my airline ticket when I visited. He gave me his credit card number and, presumably, that's how my name came up. I think I may have experienced "The Club," but I certainly wouldn't have added it without his urging. I was going to use this blog to investigate, but Larry called again to say they had refunded the amount. Crazy world. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2023


Determined to get back to my walking routine, I took my cart to The Market for broccoli and other stuff and walked both ways, instead of busing back. That got three miles in and I'll continue today, as I'm meeting Diane for lunch at the library (well, behind it in the small parK). After, I'll either bus to town and stroll around or walk to Wal-Mart and back. Walked first to the post office to send off to the Tokyo Tot (ha--in two months, he'll be the Tokyo ten-year-old) the little booklet for "junior rangers" I  had picked up in Morro Bay. While at the P.O., I ran into Bridget* from BCNN and we had an enjoyable chat. 

After lunch, I tackled the patio, specifically the ivy geranium. When I tied it and the trellis the other day, the shape didn't look great. I deadheaded and discarded the faded blooms and tried to arrange it a little more attractively, but I'm not so sure I succeeded. It still looks a little droopy:

Ken texted me that Karyn had cancelled rehearsal for last night--okay by me, as I'd just as soon skip getting home at 10:00. Julie called to see if I wanted to go to the BCNN dinner on the 27th--yes, indeedy, and she'll pick me up. She's not going to Happy Hour on the 19th, though, so I'll have to figure something out about that. 

For dinner, I stir-fried onions and mushrooms, added leftover carrots and sweet potatoes, and had that concoction with shrimp. 'Twas yummy.   

Yesterday was this darling girl's fifteenth birthday--happy birthday, Violet!

*I'm pretty sure I mispronounce Bridget's name, as she's from Germany and that's an Irish name. I've mistaken her for Denise who was in my acting class, as they're both small, thin, and about the same age (mid-seventies). Interestingly, Denise has a slight accent, too, as she's from France. 

Monday, July 10, 2023

Sunday With My Tribe

Did some household chores in the morning, then turned my attention to the patio. I was horrified to realize the fallen ivy geraniums had taken one of the lilies down with it. I cut off and brought in what was left:


I then tied up the trellis and ivy geraniums; also propped the remaining lily plant:

The geraniums--both the ivy and the other--need to be trimmed and spruced up, that's a cinch, but I'll save that for another day.

Ken picked me up, as usual, a half-hour early, so we had plenty of time to sit and wait for the others. They came and we commenced four hours of rehearsal. I continue to be amazed at Karyn's directing skills--and people skills, for that matter. Here's a scene--we're still in the rough, early stages--and a pic of Karyn before we left, delivering her overall notes for the session:

The guy in the middle, Spence, is a semi-professional and is just terrific. He's well over six foot and can't weigh more than 160. He lives in Santa Barbara and comes all this way to rehearse, so is he dedicated or just nuts?  
Before this, Karyn had the whole play performed and stopped the action as soon as she saw something she wanted changed or corrected. This is the step-by-step formula for directing, of course, along with plenty of sidebars. Karyn herself is not a conventional beauty, but she's so appealing in her intelligence and knowledge of the genre, combined with her warmth and sense of humor, it's a pleasure to follow her lead.  

One thing that isn't a pleasure is the 7:00 pm (to 9:30) call time for tonight. That means it will be close to midnight before I get to bed, but I'll grin and bear it. 

Sunday, July 09, 2023

Saturday: Ojai And Geraniums

Left at 10:00 or caught the bus to Ojai. I met up with Vickie as I was coming out the gate and we chatted while she walked with me for a time. Got to Ojai at noon and Mike and Ellen picked me up. We had lunch, then Mike, Violet, and I walked to a nearby store for the hundred bucks Mike had won on some silly lotto thing. He then treated us to an ice cream cone at "The Jolly Cone."

We loafed around, talking and laughing, until Mike went to the gym and the three of us played Blokus (I actually won a game, thank Zeus). Greg was still in Santa Barbara, so Mike and Ellen fired up the barbecue; here, they look a little dubious about it:  

However, Mike put chicken thighs on and slathered them with the barbeque sauce he had bought at Sunset Farms, where we stopped on the way back from Morro Bay. They were excellent and so was the rice Ellen made, plus a few sides. Greg got back from five o'clock mass and made up his own, as he keeps to an all organic, semi-vegan diet. 

After, we played some more cutthroat games of Blokus, then the four of us went outside to wait for the Access Van to take me home. Said goodbye to Mike and Violet; today, he's flying back to Singapore and she'll enter camp.  Mike will be back in twenty days to pick up Violet, so I'll see them again then. 

These are the lillies Ellen gave me for Easter several years ago. When the gate was installed, I had to cut them to the ground because it swings inward. But glory be: They came back to life and are beautiful; two more are about to bloom. 
But all is not sunshine and roses. When I got up and opened the patio blinds just now, disaster had struck :
I don't know how it happened, but my vining geranium had fallen on the lillies. They're on a trellis and it must have been insecure or something. Hope I can fix it without too much problem.

Rehearsal today is called for 1:00 to 5:00, so should be pretty intense. Ken will pick me up and take me home. 

Saturday, July 08, 2023


For once in my life, I skipped T.O.P.S.; called Cheryl to tell her not to pick me up. I just felt like catching up with ordinary life, so shoot me. 

I stripped the bed, washed whites, then a color load before breakfast. Cleaned up a bit and did various mundane chores, then went over to Von's for bread. Great Clips is right next door and impulsively (I'm nothing if not impulsive), I stopped in and got a trim. It's not great, but looks okay.

After lunch, I bused to town; bought myself a blouse and a pair of jeans. On my return trip, I got off at the Loma Vista Road location of The Market for blueberries, mushrooms, and tomatoes.

Home, I prepared the carrots I had bought the other day at the Ojai farmers market. Just scrubbed and trimmed them, added some chopped onions, seasoning, and olive oil, and popped them in the oven. Had them for dinner with chicken and a sweet potato. 

Ellen called and we made arrangements for today: I'll bus to her place, we'll have lunch, then the six of us (or five if Greg has other plans) will have chicken on the barbeque for dinner. I'll then take the Access Van home. On Sunday, Mike leaves to go back to Singapore after taking Violet to camp. He'll be back to pick her up at the end of the month. 

I swept Suzanne's and my shared front walk (she does it most of the time), deadheaded the geraniums, and puttered around overwise. Jumped in the shower, washed my newly trimmed hair, and settled down after a quiet, but satisfying day. 

I love this picture, which somebody put on Facebook. It's the Ventnor beach from the ocean, an unusual vantage point: 

Friday, July 07, 2023

Wednesday and Thursday

Whew--I'm just going to run over what all went on during the last two days:

Mike picked me up, we drove back to Ellen's, then he, Violet, and I left for Morro Bay (Ellen decided not to go). It's about a five-hour (four-hour, six-hour) and we took the scenic route--gorgeous, of course, but hair-raising, especially over the San Marcos Pass. Got to the fabulous Madonna Inn and had an early lunch:


We were a bit early, so walked around the charming town of Morro Bay, then check into The Inn. This is a pleasant, but fairly ordinary motel, right on the water and with lovely views. (The cost, I might add, wasn't so lovely from a consumer's point of view, but Mike was payin', so--😁.) We went to the area around the big rock, of course--the area's claim to fame--and the veritable garden of cairns. to which Violet contributed:

Here she is again with the smokestacks that seem to balance out the rock:

She and Dad also fed the squirrels that live on the rocky beach. For some strange reasons, they also thought the ugly, slimy sea otters that infest the harbor were cute, too--ugh!

I'm not sure why, but after Mike traced on the sand, some lines from Shelley's poem, Ozymandias, came to mind
My name is Ozymandias, King of kings,/Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!/Nothing beside remains. Round the decay/Of that colossal Wreck,/boundless and bare/The lone and level sands stretch far away...HA! 
The next day, we explored a bit of the beautiful natural area:

On the way home, we stopped in nearby Los Osos ("the bear") for brunch at a Japanese restaurant Mike had remembered from when he was there years ago:

 We then explored a bit; Mike bought this shirt--I wish they had had one in my size:
Stopped in Santa Barbara on the way home to chat with Carolyn and Claire, then continued on the Ellen's. The four of us walked to The Farmer And The Cook for dinner (Greg was working), then played a fast game of Blokus before the Access Van picked me up. 

Mike is taking Violet to meet a friend in Universal City in L.A. and I'm going to devote today to catching up with ordinary life, aside from skipping T.O.P.S. Happily, I slept well and didn't get up until 6:15, have stripped the bed and done two loads of wash, now will get back to normal, at least for a time. 

Wednesday, July 05, 2023


Talk about a plenty of action day: Mike appeared at my door at 6:15. He hadn't texted or called me first, knowing I get up early, but still--! No prob, although I was stlll in my bedclothes and hadn't had breakfast yet. I dressed and we zoomed off to Ellen's for breakfast.

After, we hung out for while, Greg and I went to Bart's  Books, then Mike, Violet, and I (Ellen and Greg declined) went to the Fourth of July parade. It was kinda fun, but hot as hell, and it lasted two hours.  Some pics from the parade:

Back at El's, who had slaved in the kitchen while we were at the parade, Greg fired up the barbeque* while Mike read in the backyard:
. About 2:30, we had a great meal of salmon, sea bass, hamburgers, and sides. Later, Violet and El played digital chess:
After that, Mike and I joined them for several cutthroat games of Blokus:
That lasted until after 7:00, then El drove me home after speculating about getting me back in Ojai. This entailed getting Uber and Lyft on my phone and lots of other discussion. When we discovered driving me there via Lyft, I put my foot down. Finally, I went next door and asked Susan if she'd simply take me to the transit center and I'd get a bus. She asked where I was going, I told her and she offered to drive me to El's. I refused unless she's take some remuneration, which she finally reluctantly accepted, so good.

*It was nice of Greg to ask me to call Jim and invite him, too. I did, and he was grateful to be asked, but in his typical fashion, declined, saying he "wasn't pulled together" and so on. After we hung up, Greg called himself, but Jim--ever the way Jim is--still declined. Okay, another time.

IMPORTANT: Well, maybe not to the world at large, but here it is: We're leaving for Morro Bay at 8:00 am this morning for an overnight stay. I will not be taking my laptop with me. That means I won't be posting on this blog until maybe Thursday night or Friday. 


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...