Sunday, April 30, 2023


Yesterday, I got a Facebook posting about a Lotusland promotion:S

If you're planning to visit the Santa Barbara Earth Day festival this weekend, come visit us at booth 349 in the Public Square and recreate one of the most iconic photos of Madame Ganna Walska in our archive! Grab a freshly picked fruit from our Citrus Orchard basket, strike a pose, and upload it using #LOTUSLANDLEMONS on Facebook and Instagram for a chance to win passes to visit the Garden! #lotusland #lotuslandgarden #lotuslandlemons
Because Niece Carolyn is the grant writer for this foundation, I texted it to her. She wrote back with thanks and said she'd like to come visit. I'm pretty much booked this coming week, so we settled on May 10. She'll come for lunch and I'm looking forward to it. Decided to make ice cream to serve while she's here, so I spent time pureeing the two pints of strawberries I had bought the other day. Popped that in the freezer to make for next week.

I started going through my acting stuff--I didn't realize I had so much!--from the various roles I acted and plays I wrote over the last fifteen or so years on both coasts. I selected some posters and pictures to display at the BCNN meeting this Wednesday, plus various agendum and scripts.

Ellen got here about 4:00 after her hairdresser appointment and we almost immediately sat down for a long video visit with Mike. It never fails to amaze me that we saw him almost as big as life on this screen, relaxing after his bike ride next to a beautiful path by a river--and he was 8,570 miles away in Singapore. We chatted with him for a full an hour and greatly enjoyed it.

El and I then went first to Two Trees, but there was a fifteen-minute wait, so we decamped to our favorite Jasmine Thai. Had my usual pad Thai (and took half home), plus a good Sapporo beer and, as ever, more good talk with my girl.

Asked El if she had an easel I could borrow for my acting class and she called me later that she does and will bring it sometime before my first Acting for Amateurs session on May 9.

I saw this pic on-line and texted it to Suzanne and Vickie. (I might be accused of being loud and obnoxious but those two? Never!) They got a kick out of it.

Saturday, April 29, 2023


Again, a skewed weight result. At home, I stayed the same at 128.6. At T.O.P.S., I was up .02 to 129. 6, so that was inconsequential. What wasn't was the fact that Bev brought in muffins with chocolate chips in them and Lennie brought ice cream cones. To be fair, the muffins were very small and so were the cones, which listed 110 calories. But hey, folks, this is a weight loss group, so maybe a little restraint is in order?  As for me, I didn't eat them there, but said I'd take them home and have them after dinner, maybe last night--which I didn't, of course, because I was meeting Diane for dinner before the show.

Here are the unnecessary goodies:

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30, then attended to some email stuff. Went over to Von's for a few things. Called Noreen to ask if she could meet for lunch on Tuesday at Paradise Cove. Yes, she could and we will--good.

Called Ellen and we made a date to meet today for dinner at Two Trees restaurant. She'll pick me up after she gets her hair done, including a three-hundred dollar Brazilian blowout 😲in town. 

Showered and dressed to meet Diane for dinner at 5:30 at Lalo's, also right across the street from me in the Von's Shopping Center. We both had eggplant alla parmigiana and boy, was it good. Diane had a Chardonnay, I a beer and, of course, we shared a lot of good talk.

David, the Lyft driver, got us to the Performing Arts Theatre just in time for the 7:30 start. These Shining Lives was staged in the small, theatre-in-the-round studio arts center. It's an intimate production--we were on the same level and could touch the performers--which includes no curtain and the cast moving furniture around. The theme was somber: It was the (stylized) story of women workers at a watch company in Chicago who contracted radium poisoning. They painted the tiny numbers on watches watch faces with tiny brushes they dipped in radium, then into their mouths to make a fine point. They sued the company, won, but soon died. Interestingly, I looked it up and, among other information, found this:


 All this reminds me of the current craze to deny or ignore generally supported science in favor of health "experts" who tout their own treatment and cures. This certainly includes diet gurus, but more seriously, others who convince the gullible that their potions are superior. Almost always, they're selling something, but they never seem to run out of customers. Now, how often did Barnum say suckers are born?  

The Access Van picked us up and took us home by 9:30 after an enjoyable evening. However, I didn't get to bed until 11:02; I can't even remember the last time I stayed up that late.

Friday, April 28, 2023


Suzanne and I went off to WinCo at 9:00 and were home at 10:30. Put things away, then did some of what I regard as "business": paid some bills (electronically, of course) checked a few other things in my account, and made a stab at the ever annoying filing. I at least put that in some kind of order, but when I'll actually file them is anybody guess. 

Called the Access Van to request a pick-up tonight after the show, then texted Diane to give her the info. We'll meet for dinner first at Lalo's across from me.

Tried my new Air Pods and to test them, I put the phone in the bedroom and walked into the kitchen. Wow, I could still hear Nat (King Cole) and Johnny (Mathis), even John (Denver, poor guy) perfectly! Packed lunch and bused to town with those guys, marveling that other riders presumably couldn't hear them. 

Got off, exchanged my slacks (didn't try the new ones on, either, I hope they fit). Went from there to my usual spot across from the mission and had lunch, then bused home. By that time, it was after 3:00, which meant the high school kids were getting out and, although I always am able to sit and fit in my cart, it gets crowded. However, it was the 10, which meant it stopped right outside the gate, so it was okay.

Responded in the negative to my tenants' request about selling the house, but in kindly terms. I had sent it to my comrades in arms first to see what they thought. They had no problem with it, except Mike thought it  "overly effusive," the fresh kid. I sent it, anyway.  

Called Stella when I got home to ask about her actual purpuse in looking for a Sister to live with her. We had a short, disjointed talk and she expressed great surprise that there wasn't just some kind of list somewhere of Sisters wandering the streets in lieu of housing. She said she was so sorry Suzanne was was "on her own" and indicated she thought Sisters now now just operate as free agents. When I told her Suzanne reported to somebody and there was a motherhouse (or whatever they call it now) and other structure, she seemed surprised. I told her Suzanne's suggestion that she call the Sisters of Mercy under  the L.A. diocese as a start to her search. However, I doubt if she will and maybe that's not a good idea anyway. I'm afraid her cognitive decline is worse than I thought. 

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Wednesday With Stella

After breakfast, I was just about to call Noreen to see if she could do lunch, when Stella texted me, asking me the same. Yes, indeed, and we decided to meet on Ventura Avenue, as Stella was doing her volunteer work at Catholic Charities. I bused to town early in order to stop in a few shops. Did ao and bought some things I desperately need, cannot live without, and the possession of which will make me happy for the rest of my life. To wit:

Blue jeans-like pants with a drawstring waist; a pretty frame, hinged to display two photos; three small Cinco de Mayo skulls for plants; ten small burlap bags with drawstrings that I think will look classy for  small gifts; a set of blue pleated placemats and three sets of four woven linen ones. Now I'll have to go through my large collection of other placemats--seriously, I must have at least a dozen sets, mostly of four, some more--and donate most. 

Met up with Stella, who was also on a shopping spree, and after more browsing, we went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch. I had a beef burrito--maybe the best I ever had--plus a good Mexican beer and, of course, we talked a blue streak. Stella's son, Joshua, her only child, still wants her to move to Spain where he lives and she still doesn't want to. Stella talked about having some cognitive problems, memory mainly, but who doesn't? She also asked me to ask Suzanne if she knows any sisters who might want to live with her in her large house in Oakview. She said, "I don't have anybody to cook for," which makes me wonder what kind of arrangement she wants--to have a companian, to take care of a Sister, to have a Sisster take care of her?  I told her I'd ask Suzanne and I did, but I don't really want to get involved in being a go-between or translating Stella talk, but I asked Suzanne when I got home and she asked me to clarify what Stella wants, so I guess I'll have to. 

Suzanne over also invited me to go to WinGo this morning at 9:00 and I accepted. Will get the bulkier and heavier things I can't easily bring home myself. 

Stopped at the office after I got home to be sure management was okay with my my Acting for Amateurs class in the recreation room. All good, so now I'll decide the particulars of seating arrangements and so on.  

When I got home the air pods (I had thought they were called "ear pods") Mike ordered for me from Apple were at my door. Mike then called and on video message, walked me through how to set up their use. Wow, I'm going to like this.  

Note: I forgot to mention that on Tuesday, Vickie gave Suzanne and me each a SuperLottoplus ticket, winning numbers to be revealed late yesterday. Just looked it up and...guess... πŸ˜•. Yeah.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023


I again walked over the footbridge to return some books to the Hill Street library. I have three others out (I don't know how that happened) plus several of my own I haven't cracked yet. From there, I wanted for the 11 bus, thinking I'd go to Grocery Outlet. But why? I really didn't need anything and, considering I was having my little social session at 5:00, I thought I should be preparing for that, so I left.

Home, I put together my cocktail meatballs--so simple, but so good--and popped them in the slow cooker; must remember to make them for the next docent Dudley House dinner. Also sliced up a green pepper to dip into the hummus, plus put out a bowl of pretzels.

Vickie got here at 5:00, Suzanne a few minutes after, bringing a lemon meringue pie. Why the pie? Because she had had company (three of her sisters--the non-biological kind) over for lunch and it was left-over. Vickie brought the non-alcoholic drinks (stout--ugh! I don't even like the good kind) for herself and she,  S., and I sat down to visit for two and a half hours.

It might seem on the surface we don't have a lot in common--Sister of Mercy, great-grandmother and 65-year-old lesbian--but I believe there are more similarities than not. We had some good, far-ranging talk, at times surprisingly frank, and it was enjoyable. BTW, Vickie brought something else: Super Lotto tickets for each of us--I would never dream of buying them--which goes off today for whatever mega millions. I'm not even sure how you find out you won--must look it up.

I found this card for Jim some time ago and will send it off tomorrow: he turns eighty on Saturday:

Tuesday, April 25, 2023


I was surprised to get an email from Susan, my tenant, to say she and Cliff don't, after all, want to move to North Carolina where they bought a house (after their first in Florida was destroyed by the hurricane). They want to stay where they are, as it's closer to grandchildren and her mother; also, Susan probably will not retire, although Cliff will. So... would I consider selling the house? I wrote back saying I'd consider it and immediately emailed my children to get their input, ideas, and advice.

I had asked Lora, Julie, and Reginia if they wanted to go to the Fractured Actors thing on May 6. Julie called to accept, Regina emailed me the same,  and Lora ditto, so that will be fun. Maybe I'll see if they want to go to dinner first.  

I invited Suzanne and Vickie over for one of our little social sessions today at 5:00 and both accepted. Ran over to Von's for breadcrumbs as I'm going to made cocktail meatballs (tiny ground turkey meatballs in the slow cooker with chili sauce and grape jelly--it's yummy). 

Walked to the Hill Street library to return the DVD of A Clockwork Orange (in which I lost interest and didn't watch) and pick up a Faye Kellerman (Jonathan's wife) mystery. The other day, I had taken out  Robin Cook's Viral. Started to read it and quit--Cook is a physician, now 85, and has published more than 20 books, all mysteries to my knowledge, and all named for whatever the malady was, i.e. Coma, Brain, Fever, etc. I had borrowed his latest the other day, Viral, but once I started reading it realized, as I had when I read his others, that he's a pretty lousy writer. His style is turgid, slow-moving, and predicable, so I'll take it back and turn to Faye. I'm just finishing Joan Didion's Blue Nights about the death of her daughter, which is wonderfully creative, although painful to read. Unlike Doc Cook, she was a writer.

From the library, I bused to the transit center/mall and picked up a few items, including cream sherry from BevMo. Stopped at Von's on the way home for breadcrumbs to make the meatballs and rice cakes. Didn't get home until after 6:00 and just had leftovers, mostly vegan, for dinner. 

This morning, I called Holly, of Holy Family Church in Manayunk, to see if their archives had any record of my father's attendance there. She apologized that she forgot to call me back and said unfortunately, their archives don't go back that far.  

Monday, April 24, 2023

Sunday With Diane

I was disappointed in the crossword, as the major clues and answers concerned contemporary singers and their nicknames; never heard of most of them. Got some, missed some, and put it aside after only an hour or so. 

After that, I emailed Diane telling her I was taking a book back to the library and did she want to meet at the place off Hill Street for lunch? She did and we met at 12:15, each having packed her own. It was wonderfully warm and sunny and we proceeded to sit and talk for, incredibly, three hours, about everything under the sun. Finally said goodbye--I'll see her next Friday at the Ventura College play--and I walked to Wal-Mart. Got tangerines, olive oil, and several other heavy things. Going home, I had to ask the bus driver to put down the ramp, as my cart was so heavy.

I wanted to use up some egg noodles I'm not sure why I bought--I like pasta better--and cooked them up. Added tuna in oil and a can of peas and had that for dinner. It was okay, but not terrific. Called Ellen-- she and Greg were taking a walk, so she called me later--and was interested to hear she had looked at other manufactured homes. 

I'm continuing my current obsession of digital crossword puzzles and lately, have been doing Sean Gleason's wonderful Ventnor scenes. Here are just two of the latest:

Dorset Avenue Bridge

Ventnor Pier and a cloudy dawn

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Saturday With Two Guys

A good day. The weather was so nice--72 and sunny--that I decided to have a cold lunch and went over to Von's for provisions. Jim came a bit early and we chatted, then sat down to ham sandwiches, deviled eggs, and crystal pickles, accompanied by a good cabernet, of course. After, I presented him with a slice of chocolate cake (bought, not homemade, I'm afraid), added a candle, and sang The Song to my friend. (His spirits seemed much elevated, which I was glad to notice.)    

Remembering that Jim had enjoyed quizzing me on crosswords last week, I had put out a crossword puzzle book  and The Ventura Breeze weekly, which also carries one. After lunch, we sat on the couch and made use of them. I thought they were pretty simple, so was able to answer most. We then started talking about Maria Callas and opera and, via my phone and Instagram, I called up a number of sites that featured operas and singings singing it. We proceeded to sit there and listen and discuss (though I'm pretty ignorant, of course). Jim didn't leave until 5:30.

I cleaned up and just as I walked into the other room to the laptop, Mike PM-videoed me from Singapore. He was walking outside and it was wonderful to see him, of course. It was even better as he proceeded to take me down the street in his neighborhood, pointing out the various huge, townhouses and apartments, then over a walkway, then into a kind of open market. He showed me the wonderful fruits displayed, including several I never even heard of, as well as chickens, fish, and whole legs of pork. Little shopfronts displayed small non-edibles, too, all in tasteful arrangements. I was amazed, as I always am about Singapore, with the cleanliness and neatness. There is no graffiti, no trash in the gutters, no garbage cans overflowing; no homeless, either. 

I noticed Mike was wearing ear buds and mentioned I'd like some. He's with Apple and said he'd order them. Got up just now and found an email from Apple, saying they were on their way. He already paid for them ($225) and I emailed I'd reimbursed, but I know he won't accept that. The dear boy had this engraved on them: RBM β™₯.

Paula is now back from Mauritius, but here's another of her lovely pictures: 

Saturday, April 22, 2023


Sharon called at 7:10 (she knows I'm always  up at least by 5:30) to tell me she was going to T.O.P.S. She can now walk--slowly--so that's good news. She did, indeed, get there, and we had a pretty good session. As for me, at home, as we say in T.O.P.S., I "turtled"--i.e., I stayed the same at 128.6, but at T.O.P.S., I lost 1.8 from last week, weighing in at 127.6.  

Home and breakfasted, then left for the shop on Petit Avenue to return a jacket I bought last week. Found light cotton pants in yellow, which I like a lot. Grocery Outlet is right next door and I bought two pounds of Brussels Sprout, broccoli, and a container of hummus. Bused to the transit center, then home, so it was 3:00 by the time I had lunch.  

Put together a recipe for roasted B. sprouts I hadn't  tried before: just olive oil, breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese, garlic power, salt and pepper, then it goes into a 425 oven for twenty or so. Had some for dinner with scrambled eggs and chicken dogs and it was good. 

Called Jim to invite him for lunch today. He'll be here and seems to be dealing with his situation reasonably well (for him) so far We'll see how it goes. 

My daughter-in-law, Paula, posted some stunning pictures on Facebook of Mauritius. There on a quick business trip (two overnights) a few days ago, she has an artist's eye:

Mauritius is an island country in the Indian Ocean, off the eastern coast of Africa. It's 3,500 miles from Singapore, where Mike and Paula live.    

Friday, April 21, 2023


Left for Primary Medical at 10:00 and was early for my 11:00 appointment. That was okay, especially since, when I saw the P.A., she didn't send me to the dermatologist in Oxnard, but painted my spots with a freezing solution. I hope this will suffice. While I was waiting, I took some pictures of their pictures; they're all framed posters of national parks; these are just a few of many:

But none of them can warm my heart like this magical one of the Ventnor bay at night that somebody posted on Facebook:
From Primary Medical, I bused directly to town (I had packed my lunch and taken my cart). Stopped at the library to get Joan Didian's Blue Nights, this one about her daughter's death; The Year of Thinking Magically was about her husband's, two years before. Boy, could she write and boy, can I relate.

Ate lunch across from the mission, as usual, then hopped home on the 6. As I was walking in, Vickie came out to say hello and we had a nice chat. When I got in, I was hungry, so had a bowl of cabbage. Dug into my archives and found info on my Acting for Amateurs, which I cherry-picked to send Dusty (president of BCNN) a piece about my proposed acting group. 

I was pleased and relieved to get an email back from older son, P., after I reminded him I hadn't heard from him in awhile. Here's some of his family news (truncated): 

K. is, as of last week, in the fourth grade, and his school social life will be changing a bit: he'll be allowed to join a school club, and he'll have graded tests now....he was made the (child) leader of his Cub Scout den...I'll be doing duty as the adult leader of another den in the same troop. N. recently had one of her pictures (a cut-paper construction) exhibited in a competition. She didn't, alas, win any prizes, but when we went to the exhibition we heard several people remarking on her piece...

Thursday, April 20, 2023


Suzanne came over after breakfast to show me pictures of her trip to Phoenix. She also invited me to go to Camarillo to a flower tour on May 7 with her and Vickie, and I accepted. She asked if Ellen might want to go, as she has a ticket left. Said I'd ask her, but I doubt it.  

I was taken aback to get a call from Primary Medical telling me I need to see a hematologist as my blood count is low. This happened last August, too, and I went (in Oxnard, damn it), but can't remember the result. Must look it up. Not only that, but today, I have to see a sub for my primary in order to have my face "looked up" (I'd rather a cute guy looked at it) for Basel cell. That's not too bad--I'll bus there, then go into town.

Ran over to Von's for thisa and thata, showered, dressed, then went out to wait for Julie to pick me up. She did, we got to Rumfish for the BCNN dinner gathering and proceeded to have a ball. It was an evening of hilarity, with about twenty at a long table. After we shifted around a bit, Terry sat next to me. She had been in my second acting class and here she is, front and center, three years ago:  

It's hard to believe Terry was 72 then. Incidentally, standing on the left are Sharon (must call her) and Jim; way on the right is tubby me, 52 pounds heavier.

Anyway, the evening was great fun. I was sorely tempted to have one of the exotic cocktails, but resisted and had only a beer, along with garlic fries. Others--I'll mention no names--had the potent cocktails Rumfish y vino serves and that revved up the hilarity. Ellen called on her way home from work ad I ducked partly under the table to talk. She declined with thanks Suzanne's invitation to the flower walk, as I thought she would. I mentioned the seminar at the Kristimurdi Center in a few week and asked is she'd like to attend with me; said she'd let me know.

I decided, after mulling it over for months, to offer to conduct my acting class for BCNN members. Talked to our prez, Dusty, and she said she'd put it in her newsletter. Now I need to give her the i nfo, organize, decide things, and get it going, so I can have it announced and get sign-ups at the May meeting.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023


Got up and had my coffee sans sweetener, then strolled over to Quest at Von's for my blood test. Home, had breakfast, made my lunch, put it with my Goodwill donations in my cart, and took off.  I walked over the foot bridge to Telephone Road and got the 11 bus from there. Dropped my donations off, then walked to Diane's place at Sea Crest. 

We had originally planned to meet, as we have before, at the park across the street from her, but she texted me that she had trouble putting on her braces, so to come up. I got there at 12:30 and we sat down to eat lunch and talk...and talk...and talk. Incredibly, I didn't leave until five thirty and boy, we covered the waterfront. There aren't many with whom I can be entirely--well, almost entirely--open in conversation and I miss my twin sister so much in that regard.  Of all my friends on the west coast, Diane comes closest and, along with lots of laughs and some good Chardonnay, we enjoyed the afternoon.

Finally said goodbye and I walked to the bus stop, but seeing on my bus app it would be twenty minutes until it came, I walked another two stops away. I probably got close to four miles in and I credit my recent resumption of that daily exercise with my recovered ability to sleep well. For me, that means, getting up no earlier than 4:30 and today, it was an hour after that, so good. 

While I was on my way, I got--I thought--a Facetime call from my friend, Leslie. However, I couldn't connect and finally gave up trying. Just now, 6:15 as I write, she texted me to say she was having trouble with her phone, so I guess it was on her end. I texted her back and suggested we get together--figuratively, that is, in two hours. 

Back to yesterday: Before I left for Diane's, I called Olivia and we had a good chat. She's the one who lived here for a short time, left, and is convinced management wanted her to leave so they could raise the rent on the next person. That really doesn't make sense for various reasons, but I didn't express that. Enjoyed talking to her.

Suzanne got back from her trip to Phoenix yesterday. I texted to welcome her home and she wrote back she'll come over later to show me pictures. 

Today, Julie will pick me up at 3:30 for the BCNN Happy Hour at Rumfish. Should be fun.  

P.S. I forgot to add yesterday that "James" also mentioned he doesn't believe in evolution. That seemed odd, but considering his seven years in the seminary, maybe not; the order may have clung to medieval  ideas.  During my entire parochial school educational career, though, I don't recall evolution being denounced; the Church seemed to accept the science, somehow fitting it in with the supernatural. 

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Monday And A Monopolizer

For some time now, I've had a hankering for cabbage and apples. I make them in the slow cooker, add a few seasoning, and enjoy. 

So after breakfast, I got my trusty cart and walked to Smart 'n' Final. Got green, rather than red cabbage. Though I like both, green just seems to go better combined with apples. Bought four big Macintosh, plus a few other small items. Bused home and immediately chopped the c., cored and quartered the a., and popped them in the s.c. 

Had lunch, then remembered to call Primary Medical. I have rough areas on my nose and a lesion on my forehead, which I believe are Basel cell skin cancers. (I doubt if anyone brought up on Absecon Island can escape it.) I've had them removed twice before, but annoyingly, since I have an HMO, I have to see the primary first. I got an appointment for Thursday, but I know she'll refer me to the dermatologist in Oxnard, which is somewhat of a pain. 

Left for the the Stone Fire Grille and dinner with Soaring Spirits. Bused to Telephone Road and walked the rest of way (about a mile and a bit), but got there early and picked up two pints of blueberries at Sprouts. When I arrived, only Vera was there, but soon Gayle and Renee came, as well as four newbies. 

One of them was a man I'll call "James," who sat next to me and proceeded to regale me with his life story, including his graduation from Notre Dame and his seven-year stint in the seminary (a French order, oddly enough). He left before ordination and the story he gave me about that was bizarre. He went into detail about the harrowing facts of his marriage (she was in mental institutions several times and tried to kill their five-year-old son). As for his children in adulthood, President Obama called his son to ask him to work at the White House on a computer program he invented. After a career in banking and accounting, Joseph now teaches adjunct at California Lutheran College in both undergrad and graduate school.  I looked him up on their web site and he seems to have had a pretty illustrious business career--Price Waterhouse, Morgan Stanley, and others--before semi-retirement (he's 85). I was going to copy his picture and add it here, but thought better of it--maybe not a good idea. 

"James" also went on at great length about his out-of-life experiences and how he's destined to live because he was a captain in Vietnam and troops around him were killed and his voices tell him what's happening, plus he recovered from stage 4 cancer and astounded the doctors, and so on and on--oh, mama, preserve me from this!

Vera drove me home and commiserated that "James" monopolized my time. He had been at the lunch meeting two weeks ago and he pretty much did he same with her. She thinks he needs therapy and so do I.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Sunday, Town, And Thomas Wolfe*

My brother, Larry, patriarch of the most prolific family ever, called to announce that he had a twelfth--or fourteenth or otherwise, he wasn't sure--great-grandson, courtesy of one of the granddaughters. Also, one other of the other granddaughters has moved to Ohio and is preparing to divorce her husband, he wasn't sure why. Darn, I wish Helen was still alive, she would have given me the lowdown.

After Lar and I talked for a good 45 minutes, I packed my lunch and bused to town. Ate at my usual across from the mission; it was sunny, but a little too cool for my taste. Strolled around town, but didn't buy anything. Bused to Target and got a beautiful big cauliflower, a banana, and a frozen vegan frittata.

While on the bus, I got a call from Julie telling me there'd be no Rubicon Theatre last night after all, as it turned out Regina didn't have valid tickets. It's a confused story: It seems a friend of Regina's had won them via a radio contest, but when Regina called the theater yesterday, they said the seats were sold and the tickets Regina had were stolen. Julie didn't understand it, either, but I'll hear it sooner or later. I'm not terribly disappointed, much as I would have liked to have gone. The show at the college is coming up, and there will be others.

Home, I did my usual with the cauliflower: blanch, spread with mayo and parm, roast for twenty, and yummy-yum. That made up a good vegan meal along with leftovers of spinach, mixed veggies, and yams.

Texted Ellen and she called me after dinner. from The Rainbow Bridge (it's a supermarket, not a cemetery!) after dinner at Sea Fresh. I told them Jim was now agreeable to a Greg lunch, however, not until the semester's over in mid-May,  They were disconcerted, for which I don't blame them, and I said I'd see if I could get him to make it sooner. 

My FB pal, Sean Gleason, posted this lovely picture of the Ventnor Water Works on the bay: 

Betty and I used to walk there as kids and there were fish in the fountain outside. We would go inside, too, and look in awe at the machinery. Somehow, because we didn't go very often and because there seemed never to be anyone there, it stays in my memory as equal parts enchanting and frightening.  "O lost, and by the wind grieved, ghost, come back again."--Thomas Wolfe

* Okay, a compromise: I'll sometimes elaborate up top and sometimes not.

Sunday, April 16, 2023


It turned out to be a good day.  Jim got here at his usual 12:30 and we, as usual, chatted on the sofa while the chicken/broccoli/potato pan-roasted meal was in the oven. I had a surplus of eggs (ironic, considering the shortage), so I also made deviled eggs. With Italian bread and crystal pickles, it was a good meal. I hadn't had anything for dessert aside from some frozen cherries, so after breakfast, I had zipped over to Von's for Haagen-Dazs and we topped it with the cherries.

I was pleased to see that Jim seemed in better spirits. (I suspect that along with the shock of his dismissal, there might also be a sense of relief.) I had clipped an article from the paper about retired people taking minor jobs, many just to broaden their horizons and get out of the house. The ones featured, of course, had no financial need to work; clearly, they had pensions or other resources. I was happily surprised that Jim was interested and took the article; I also mentioned tutoring and volunteer work. I was even more surprised--astounded might be a better word--when I broached the topic of giving up his car and he didn't immediately reject it. As I do, he could bus free anywhere in the county, as well as taking the Access Van portal-to-portal for $3.00.  I gave him a bus book, which lists schedules, stops, and so on and we had a good discussion about it. I also mentioned the Agency On Aging, which is a resource he seems never to have considered.  

I don't expect Jim to do anything to address his new circumstances before the semester is over in mid-May. (He will continue until then, but will not get a new contract--after fifty years!) After that, he actually said he'd like to accept Greg's invitation to lunch. I also invited him to Olive Garden in Oxnard, for which I have a gift card and we decided we'd lunch, then go to the Oxnard library. He's been telling me for years it's much better than Ventura's.  

After we ate, as usual, we reverted to chatting on the couch and Jim started looking through my magazine basket. He found some issues of Reminisce and, leafing through, came across a crossword puzzle and started giving me the clues. Now, this was about on a third grade level, but clearly, he enjoyed it and I didn't mind doing it. (It beat me talking a blue streak and Jim nodding his head every once in a while.)  Anyway, we did three different ones and it was good to see he was in a better mood.  

Jim didn't leave until 4:30, after which Mike and Paula called on video messaging. I was so pleased to see them (my daughter-n-law is beautiful!) and to hear the latest on their girls. Vivian has changed her major from marine biology to botany and Violet has started playing chess. She regularly beats both her parents, they told me and that was good to hear.

Starting today (Sunday), my social life is heating up after the slow one just past. It's the Rubicon Theatre tonight with Julie and Regina; Soaring Spirits dinner tomorrow; and BCNN Happy Hour on Wednesday. Tuesday? Nothing's going except a blood test and that ain't no fun, but there's time to fill in.    

Saturday, April 15, 2023


Weight: slight gains both at home (+.03 to 128.6) and at T.O.P.S. (+.07 to 129.4), were inconsequential and I'm okay with them. Breakfast at 10:00, then I walked to The Market and Wal-Mart for a few items. At the former, I saw a large display of cucumbers that were nine for ninety-nine cents. Could I resist? Certainly not! 

Once I got home, it occurred to me that nine is a lot of cucumbers and these are extremely large. What to do? Why, make crystal pickles, of course; in fact, I made a recipe and a half, although that took only four of them.  Ironically, I'm not a big fan of cucumbers, but I'll try to find a way to make them more likeable. Looked up some recipes and will also try palming off the cucumbers to others. Used my mandolin on them and the onions (for a very thin slice) and now they stay in the freezer a few days, then can be served. I never met anyone who didn't like them.

I was a little hesitant to call Jim, considering his mood last week, but I did after dinner. He told me he had been fired, which didn't come as a surprise. What was a surprise was that he said he had taught at the college for fifty years. I could have swore he had told me he had been employed at another school elsewhere. He was in somewhat better spirits than he had been last week and is, I had assumed, going to his friend's for his birthday on the twenty-ninth. That's good and so is the fact that, when I mentioned Greg wanted to have us over for lunch, he said he'd like that. Must inform Ellen and Greg. I asked him for lunch today, our usual, and yes, he'll be here. 

Diane emailed me, asking if I wanted to go to a show at that same college where Jim was axed. "These Shining Lives" is the show and do I want to go? As we used to say when I was a kid--three guesses! It runs from the 26th to the 30th, so we'll decide when later.  

Aside from all that, here's another wonderful picture of the Ventnor pier from Sean Gleason, my pal on Facebook. Actually, I've never laid eyes on the guy and probably never will, but I love his (usually taken at dawn) pictures of my hometown:


* Okay, that's the end of me trying to find a "matching word" for the days of the week without repeating myself. It was a dumb idea in the first place and I'm reverting back. 

Friday, April 14, 2023

No-So-Thrilling Thursday

As noted on the last entry, the Internet didn't finally revive until after 9:00 Wednesday night, but here's Thursday: 

When I change the linens, I strip the bed, then put them in with other whites before I sit down for breakfast. By the time I finish my morning ritual (eat, read the Ventura Star, do the puzzles--two crosswords and a Jumble--play a few games of solitaire), they're done and I re-make. Did that yesterday before I started on the big new project--ta da!--read on.

I worked almost all day on the patio. Here are some pics, but they don't show the two other big bag of debris I hauled to the trash place, mostly from the huge overgrown geranium.  I also left some pots and vases at the trash place that others might want. Went back and forth three times with my trusty cart; also cleared off the shelving and took it via the back grassy area to Suzanne's hose to wash. I even trimmed the lower part of the ficus tree and may take off more from that. The final picture isn't that great, as it was taken from the inside and it was overcast. However, the patio looks so much better than it was and now I'm going to plant flowers in place of the potted ones, which I may put next to my front door.   

The other side of the patio, newly cleaned up:
When I finally finished, I stripped off everything I had on and put all in the washer, including my jacket and vest. I then put myself in--the shower, that is--washed my hair, dressed, and, hugely proud of myself, sat down on the couch with a nice little glass of wine and Joan Didion. 

Otherwise, the only happening of note was that Julie called to say Regina had three tickets for the Rubicon theatre and would I like to go on Sunday? Sure thing and she'll pick me  up. 

In the evening, I called my blog buddy, Pat R., who had been startled at the absence of Mimi's Musings yesterday. Thanks to the incompetent boobs at Yandoo Communications, the Internet was down all day, which just emphasizes how it has become such a big part of my life.  However, Pat and I had a good talk and that was some compensation.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Weeding Out Wednesday

Okay, it's now 5:43 pm on Friday; the Internet finally came back at 9:00 last night. Here's Wednesday:

I can hardly believe how virtuous I am: I continued going through boxes, drawers, and other containers, weeding out, organizing, and putting like with like. This took the entire morning and after lunch, I continued. What's truly remarkable is that I'm listing what I have where. I had been looking for shoelaces to change those in my best walking shoes. I knew I had several and looked, I thought, everywhere, but no luck. I came upon them in a fancy box, re-stored them in one of the bedside table  and now those items are listed for all eternity! 😁 .

If the weather had been nicer, I would have bused to town or at least, walked to The Market, but it continues to be overcast and chilly. That reduced to me just going over to Von's for goodies: early spring asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, plus milk, eggs, and a Minneola.    

I called Sharon. She seems to be marginally better--I hope--but even that is debatable. Unfortunately, she has gained back the weight she lost in rehab, plus more. She isn't going to T.O.P.S. tomorrow, but maybe will next week. I asked her about the diabetes drug that causes weight loss nd she said it's been advertised on T.V. Since I don't watch regular television, I didn't know that, but am not surprised.  I'll insert my mantra here: There is only one god in this country and his name is Mammon. 

Also called Ellen and we had a good, long, heart-to-heart talk. I won't go into detail, but our conversation made me so grateful I have such a daughter. She's wise, insightful, and on track to follow her best life before too long, How did I get so lucky?  

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Good Times Tuesday

It beat the hell out of Monday, that's a cinch. 

Early on, I finally got to talk to somebody at Holy Family parish in Manayunk, where my Dad went to Grammar School. "Holly," the business manager was cordial, but unfortunately, said there were no archives for the school that far back. However, she asked if he was baptized or confirmed there, and I think that's probable. She said she'd look up the records and call me back "in a few days."

Noreen called about 9:00 and we had a long, long talk. She's in a different T.O.P.S. group from mine and last week, a large number of people brought in candy; bagsful were given to each member. Noreen said they do this at Valentine's Day and Christmas, too. Now, what kind of insanity is this? We're talking about a weight-loss group, not an anorexia gathering! She wrote a verse of protest about it, which I encouraged her to recite at her next meeting, but I doubt if she will. 

Speaking of: I just printed out an interesting article from The New Yorker about a new diabetes drug, Ozempic. It's described as not only promoting satiety, but as slowing the rate at which food empties out of the stomach. There are negatives: Some develop diarrhea  and other unpleasant side effects, plus the cost isn't covered by insurance. At this point, users are out of pocket a thousand a month, but I'm not sure if that's true for those with diabetes who are prescribed it. I haven't yet read the whole article which, incidentally, is actually written for adults with an attention span of more than four seconds, unlike most of the crapola in print and on the web. 

I also--happy day!--finally cleared out and tidied up the decorative boxes in my bedroom, as well as my briefcase and a narrow basket. The latter two hold my will, plus information and documents regarding my estate, and cremation and burial instructions. All that was a fair amount of work, and I actually took pictures, then recorded what the various containers--well, contain:

(I STILL don't know how to put pictures side by side!) Anyway, I titled a paper "Where Things Are" and listed what's in what. I want to add to it as soon as I have a chance.

Bused to town, stopping first at the library, where I took out a bio of Joan Didion, plus The Year of Magical Thinking, her account of the death of her husband, John Gregory Dunne. I just finished watching the Nexflix documentary* on her life and was fascinated. I had read her two non-fiction books before, but it was years ago. Besides the one mentioned above, she wrote Blue Nights, about losing her only child, her daughter, Quintana Roo (the name is from a state in Mexico), just two years after her husband's death. Didion herself died in December, 2021, at 87. 

Lingered at the library for a bit, because it's my place. Libraries always seem a haven and a refuge to me and have since I haunted the Ventnor Library as a kid. 
Left to walk to Ventura Avenue, browsing in a few shops on my way. I bought a belt, as I like the look as long as I have an open jacket or sweater over it.

Home about 4:00, took the paper trash to the receptacle, then had dinner with Joan Didion and enjoyed the rest of my pad Thai. 

* The program was directed by Griffin Dunne, the son of Dominick Dunne, also one of my favorite contemporary writers. He was Joan's brother-in-law, and is gone now, too.  

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

A Mess Of A Monday

Frustration all around:

1. Ellen called to say plans were changed about San Luis Obispo and I wasn't needed to kitty-sit after all. That was okay, but I was a little disappointed.

2. I was on the phone with Bank of The West--may they burn in hell with BOA--to find out what some silly $1.20 charge was all about. I spoke to six different people; was put on hold at one point for 14 minutes, at which point I hung up and started over; was told I'd be transferred to "rewards," but got the original recording instead; and so on. Below is an explanation of my revenge on the credit card people, monsters that they are.

3. Called Primary Medical to be sure CVS Caremark, where I get my  meds (that's real medical talk!) had the change of my Atorvastatin dose from 20 to 10 mgr. daily. Dr. L. had lowered it in August of last year, yet CVS sent my 20 mgrs. Talked to three different people and found that it had been changed back again two months ago. What? I didn't know that and I've been cutting the 20 mg. in half all this time. I was also told I was supposed to get a blood test. Now I know all this confusion was my fault and that I should have looked on my on-line record, but conscious of obsessing about my health, I usually don't.  Anyway, it was annoying and I'm going to ask the doc why the dose reverted back.

4. I had every intention of getting the pile of filing done, but never turned my attention to it--damn!

5. I called Diane to tell her to scratch the gathering for Jim on the 29th, but maybe I'd have people over then unrelated to his birthday. She floored me by suggesting I have it outside somewhere near where she lives, as she finds it difficult to get to my place. I realize that, but I'm not about to bring several kinds of drinks, food, and all out to east Ventura. 

6. I brooded over the fact that I had eaten so much candy over the weekend and also, more alarming, a more than usual amount of alcohol. On Saturday, I had a Margarita with El in the late afternoon and a beer with dinner at Sea Fresh. On Sunday, I had beer while eating Greg's superb lunch, then cognac, then at Jasmine Thai a large (16 oz.) beer at Jasmine Thai. I'm less worried about the booze than the calories.  

7. Suzanne came over to confirm her email had been hacked. I was ashamed that when I got a request on Sunday from the phony "her" that I had insisted to Ellen it was legit. Against her advice, I wrote back and was asked to get an Amazon gift card for "a cancer patient." AAGH! 

After all that travail, I went over to Von's and bought Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, and a few other items, then my mood brightened considerably. Son Mike then video called and that took me considerably farther out of the doldrums. Today, I hope to go the rest of the way to my cheerier self. 

I did, at least, do something productive: I separated the flowers El had given me into different containers and they look so nice in the living room:

My Credit Card Strategy: Bank of the West is shortly going to credit me with $200.00 because I accepted their offer to open a B of W credit card. If new holders charge a certain amount (a thou or so) in the first three months, they get that promotion. Besides speaking to associates about the annoyance above, I checked to be sure I would get it. Yes, indeed, and it will be credited to my account in three days. This is the third time I've "earned " two hundred this way (so a total of six hundred smackers) and it's perfectly legal. I think I'll try another one...  

Monday, April 10, 2023

Super Sunday

Easter Sunday was different from a lot of earlier ones (dress-up, mass, and Easter baskets), but just as--maybe more--enjoyable.  I slept well in Ellen's guest suite, although it was pretty cool at that point. We all got up and had breakfast, for Ellen and me, toast and hard-boiled eggs (which she had dyed).  After, El and I went to look at a few manufactured homes she might be interested in when she retires. We  then took a hike at the Ventura River Preserve and...

Whew! I've been at the preserve before, but this was a new trail to me and it was very rocky. When I was there before, we had taken a smoother one, but yesterday, I spent a lot of time clinging to Ellen's hand and being helped across. But we got there okay and it was so good to know I had done it. We went from the Old Baldwin Road at the bottom about a mile up to the river:

At one time, the river flowed over all the rocks on each side. Later, it entirely dried up, but when the rains came back, so did the river, and that was good to see, modest though it is: 
After traversing what we could, El drove to another trailhead about two miles away. This was a much milder jaunt and we reached the river with ease. 

Got back to El's about one and Greg treated us to a superb lunch of very thin chicken breast (he sliced, butterflied, and pounded it) dish with a garnish of cilantro, Persian preserved lemon (I never heard of it, either), olives, sweet peppers, and several other seasonings. I ate every scrap and asked for more. After, we all took a hour's nap. Greg then went off to one of his preferred places, and El and went to Ventura to drop my stuff off, then to Jasmine Thai for a good old traditional Easter dinner.  Ham? Why, no, pad Thai and Japanese beer. 

El took me home and we said goodbye after a wonderfully enjoyable weekend. I'll be back there tomorrow to kitty-sit for two days while El and Greg go to San Luis Obispo. Mike messaged me, asking when a good time to call was and we settled on today, so I'm looking forward to hearing from him. 

Sunday, April 09, 2023

Sweet Saturday In Ojai

 Aside from running over to Von's for a few items, I spent the morning preparing for my visit to Ellen's. Finished, showered and texted Suzanne I'd be gone overnight. The Access Van picked me up about 2:30, so I was early, but that was okay.

Ellen, Greg, and I had such a good time. I got lovely flowers and a homemade card for Easter:

But Gwennie greeted me with disdain:
...then said she's bite my finger off if I didn't leave her alone:

πŸ˜„Just kidding--she was yawning.πŸ˜„
We hung out for a bit, and I mentioned the little late afternoon birthday celebration I was tentatively planning for Jim's eightieth birthday on the twenty-ninth. Both were agreeable, as Diane, Suzanne, and Vickie had been Then it occurred to me I should call Jim to be sure he was...

I did, and he wasn't. He said he had "an appointment" at 6:30 on the twenty-ninth, which is his actual birthday. I'm going to assume that's some gathering with friends, as you don't have "appointments" otherwise on at that time on Saturdays. I also mentioned that Greg would like to cook lunch for us next week and he begged off for that, too. He said he had a lot of problems, he had to concentrate on them, and so on and sadly on. Okay, goodbye for now.  

El and I enjoyed the Margaritas I had brought, then went outside  to tidy up the yard a bit. I have to confess I also enjoyed the Peeps and chocolates El had out, so by the time Greg, she, and I went out for dinner at Sea Fresh, I wasn't very hungry. Ordered oysters Rockefeller from the appetizer menu, and boy, were they good, as was the draft Blue Moon.   

Back to El's and we played a rousing game of gin rummy, which Greg won, probably because he's on the side of the angels. The proof: He left after it to attend 8:00 PM mass. We two infidels stayed in to watch part of a documentary on Joan Dion, whose writings I always liked. Had to go to bed before it was finished and hope to see the rest at home.  

Slept soundly, got up at 5:00, received a "Happy Easter" text from Leslie, and am looking forward to the rest of the Easter weekend. 

Saturday, April 08, 2023

Good Friday (Well, it was good for me, not so sure for....)

Having skipped T.O.P.S., I had time to prepare for what I was donating to Goodwill and pack my cart. Left at 10:00 and walked to Telephone Road to catch the 11 bus to Petit Avenue. Boy, the cart was heavy; it was a relief to unload the stuff. I got a receipt (yes, I take this off my income tax), then browsed around the store. Grocery Outlet is next door, so I went there and bought some Chardonnay. Texted Diane that I was on my way and walked the half-mile or so to the park across from her place.

She was already out there, waved me over, and we proceeded to eat lunch, then talk and talk and talk--for three hours. Her sister's going to be visiting in a few weeks and they plan to go to San Luis Obispo. I told her I'd look up the pictures from my last trip there and send to her. She asked if I wanted to go on Monday to the BCNN "ladies lunch," one of the many off-shoots of the main club. Thought I would, but later changed my mind. I had told Ellen I'd kitty-sit from Tuesday to Thursday while she and Greg go to San Luis Obispo (she's on spring break), so I'll be preparing for that. 

We said goodbye and I bused to the transit center; got the 6 bus home from there. Called the Access Van to take me to El's today; she'll drive me home on Sunday. I had a good, mostly vegan dinner, then watched an hour of the old Forensic Files and turned in. Didn't get up until 4:30, which isn't ideal for me, but not bad, either.  

Friday, April 07, 2023

Thinking Of Thursday...

(Ha! I wrote that just to get the "th" sound in.) 

I purposely put off breakfast, as I was meeting LaVonne for a late lunch at 2:00, so didn't eat until  9:00.  After. I spent time chopping and julienning onions, then stowing them in the freezer. I like to have them prepped and ready for stir-fry when I want to make it.

I responded to a BCNN Happy Hour invitation; will ask Diane if she wants to to go. It's not until the 19th and it's at Rum Fish in town, easy to get to by bus. However, maybe Julie and/or Margarita will ask if I want a ride; if so, I  may just have one of the take me home, but bus there by myself. That way, I can walk Main and visit some shops.

Walked the overpass to the Hill Street CafΓ© and stopped at the library first--it's next door--to pick up the DVD of A Clockwork Orange. Met LaVonne at 2:00 and we ate on the patio. I had what they called "croissant heaven," for some strange reason. It was okay--chicken salad on a croissant--but nothing special. LaVonne said she likes it in Oxnard, where she recently moved.She has some kind of living arrangement with an ailing old lady (82--ha!) and I got the impression she acts as housekeeper and cook. (It occurred to me that I'm glad to have friends in different social strata, different ages, and, for that matter, different races.) We chatted and enjoyed each others' company, then left and I walked home. 

For some reason, I was sleepy and took an hour's nap. When I got up, I packed my donations for Good Will in my cart, preparing to donate it today. That's only a half-mile or so from where Diane lives, so we had decided we'd lunch in the park across the street from her after I drop the stuff off. But Friday is also T.O.P.S. day and I wouldn't get breakfast until about 10:30, then I wouldn't want lunch at noon. So I made a momentous decision: I called Cheryl and told her I was skipping the meeting. I hardly ever do and it's not going to kill me, so there!

Called Ellen to tell her I saw that the buses do run on Easter, after all, but could I still stay over? Sure, and we'll eat out on Easter. I told El I had done a jigsaw of her kitties and she suggested I post it here, so "Gwennie and Cessie":

But here's a picture I probably won't do as a jigsaw: My beautiful daughter-in-law, Paula, taken last week on vacation in Thailand.  It's hard to believe she's the mother of an 18-year-old:
Here I see the strong resemblance with Vivian and the somewhat less prominent one with Violet, 14. 

Thursday, April 06, 2023

Wednesday With Women

Margarita picked me up at 9:15 for the BCNN (Beach Cities Neighbors And Newcomers) meeting. I knew Diane was going in order to join and saved her a seat at our table, but as it turned out, she was told to sit at the guest table. When we got there, I glanced around and saw a curly-haired woman, but had no idea it was Diane! When she came up to me, I was amazed--she always looks good, but yesterday, she outdid herself:

This gal turned 80 six months ago!

Diane and Margarita know each other, as both attended what Diane calls "the U.U. church." I'm not sure if that means Unitarian or not. Ventura abounds with all kinds of churches, not only established religions, but off-shoots of established religions, off-shoots of off-shoots, sects, cults, and covens--mostly tiny congregations whose members, I think, have a tendency to switch from one to another. Hey, whatever floats your boat.   

The program wasn't too interesting: A hair-stylist and wig person who demonstrated different types of materials and styles; she herself was wearing a wig that cost, she said, ten thousand dollars. Most of the rest were only several hundred bucks and one was rock-bottom cheap at seventy-five 😁.

On the way home, Margarita and I got into a serious discussion about politics and other controversial topics. She toes the neo-liberal line: Trump is the personification of evil, Republicans are either feeble-minded or on a par with Attila the Hun, all men are determined to subjugate all women, and so boringly on and on. (No question she watches television "news.")  Actually, although her beliefs are not mine (nor are they all necessarily the opposite), it was more engaging than our earlier conversations. 

Got in about noon and packed my lunch, took my cart, and bused to town.  I was determined to get a reasonable amount of walking in, so got off earlier than I ordinarily would. That was good because I saw this huge mural adorning a building on Main that I hadn't seen before. I set it up as a jigsaw puzzle, am now half finished, and find it challenging for obvious reasons: 


I got off at Loma Vista Avenue to pick up some onions at The Market, then walked to the transit center. Home, I cut up my three pounds of tomatoes, added the onions, seasoning and oil, and popped it in the oven. Had some for dinner with the leftovers of liver and onions (so good) and roasted cauliflower (even better).

Ellen called and we had a good chat. She invited me for Easter, which I accepted, of course. I told her I didn't think there was bus service then, so she asked me to stay over Saturday. But when I checked the schedule, I saw the buses do run then; I'll call and ask if I can come Saturday anyway.

Lunch with LaVonne today at the Hill Street CafΓ©.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...