Saturday, December 31, 2022

Fitful Friday And Family

I wrote a condolence note to Vickie, walked it the short distance to her door and left in under the mat. Did more of the never-ending paperwork (mostly not paper, but electronics) and potted the two amaryllis plants Ellen and Carolyn gave me. Directions said to put in a warm (70 degrees) room, so I put both on my bedroom bureau. I called both Jeanne Painter and my friend, Noreen, and we enjoyed chatting.  

I realized I had some heavy cream left from the other day, thought sure it would have soured, but no, it was okay, so I made some whipped cream. This can be frozen, but my freezer is so full, I doubted if it would fit, so I decided to call Jim and invite him for lunch tomorrow. I have some pudding and will just cook it up and garnish with the whipped cream.   

It was still raining--fitfully--after I had lunch, and that made me sleepy, so I lay down and took an hour and a half nap. Wasn't particularly hungry when I got up, so had dinner late. About 7:00, Vickie stopped by to thank you for my note and we talked a half hour about Mary's death. Vickie showed me an email Mary's daughter had written about her mother. It was so good I want to ask V. to send it to me so I can read it again. It so often helps to talk about it when one is freshly in mourning. Vickie said the funeral will be on January 14 at Assumption, but she'll keep Mary's ashes with her. 

Called Jim and we talked for fifteen or so. It turns out he did nothing on Christmas. Darn, I should have invited him to Ellen's, although I was sure he told me he was going to a friends'. Anyway, he'll come to lunch tomorrow.

Here are Mike and family on their little after-Christmas vacation. Hmm...not sure where they are--Atlantic City, maybe...? 😜

Friday, December 30, 2022

Thursday: Rain, Rent, And Mary

I spent the whole morning on paper work, then left to meet LaVonne for lunch. Walked over the footbridge to the Hill Street Café, so was glad to get at least a bit more than a mile in. But when I arrived--about 15 minutes early for our 1:00 lunch--I saw a sign on the door saying they were closed until January for renovations. Darn! I called LaVonne and left a message saying I'd wait next door at the library--but no, they didn't open until 2:00. Called again to say I'd look for somewhere to sit in the area. But she called me to say there were "problems" at home and did I mind if we didn't meet? Actually, I didn't mind so much, and told her it was okay, but to keep in touch. Yes, it rained, but it was that half-hearted California rain: a kind of passive drip, with one here, one over there, and I didn't even take my umbrella.  

From the library, I walked to Victoria and bused to the post office to mail the several letters I had brought with me. Had a quick lunch at home (by that time, it was after 2:00), followed by a stint at Von's. I filled my cart with with a fair amount of foodstuffs, including P.J. Chang's really good alfredo  chicken. Had some for dinner, and was that good. Just moseyed around the rest of the day.

I called Sharon and found she's still in the hospital, but will be moved to some kind of rehab facility where, I assume, they'll try to address the leg infection.  

Note: Wow, I'm really falling down on the job: I forgot to mention here earlier two items of importance: One, I got the official rent notice that, as of February 7, 2023, mine will increase by $136 per month.  I looked up the current rent for a one bedroom here and, incredibly, it's $504 more than what I pay now and will be $268 more when I sign the new yearly lease, which I'm pretty sure I'll do. I guess I should be pleased that the increase in my social security is almost exactly the same as the increase in my social security, but I'm not. However, this really won't have much impact on my life, so I'll just adjust my automatic payment and forget about it.  

The second piece of news is that Mary died yesterday, so Vickie's long ordeal is over and so is a highly significant part of her life.  

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Wednesday With My Girl

I suddenly decided to take down and stow the Christmas decorations and spent the morning doing so. I'm not even finished yet, but have done most of it. When Ellen came at noon, she was horrified: "It's only three days after and there are twelve days of Christmas!" So what, I had galvanized myself and gotten most of it done. 

She, the dear girl, had brought the gifts I had forgotten and we had a good visit. After discussing (agonizing over--it's a big decision!) about where to eat, we decided on the Urbane Café. El had the Baja bowl, which she liked a lot; besides chicken, it was chock full of heathy food, such as kale and tofu. So was my salmon bowl, which I've had before. 

Back to my place and we chatted a bit more. I asked El, since she's off for two weeks, if she would take me to Goodwill to donate the items I should have donated weeks ago. Her dentist is near me and she has an appointment next Wednesday, so she'll be able to do it then. 

LaVonne had called early to see if I wanted to go to breakfast at the Hill Street Café yesterday, but since Ellen was coming, I suggested lunch there today and we'll meet at 1:00. 

I watched the holiday video my blog buddy, Patti R., created of her Evergreens home in Moorestown, NJ, and greatly enjoyed it. In the shared spaces, there were elegant Christmas trees and menorahs, as well as whole rooms depicting Christmases of fifty or so years ago. The personal displays outside the private apartments were wonderful to see: some religious, others secular, but all so imaginative and cheery--it must be a happy adventure just to walk down the halls!   

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Tuesday--To Do Day

I worked my tail off* yesterday. Early on, I emptied my suitcase, rearranged the closet where I store it, did two loads of wash, roasted two potatoes and four yams, and started writing out my new year's cards. I wrapped a present for niece, Carolyn, walked to the post office through the driving rain--okay, it dripped a little, but all day--to mail it along with some other items. 

Stopped on my way back at Von's for tangerines. I was almost home when Sharon called. She said she and her husband had called an ambulance and she would go to Community Hospital to try to finally get to the bottom of her extreme physical problems. She can no longer walk and is in pain; I just don't understand why more hasn't been done by her regular doctor or urgent care.'s possible she was advised in certain directions, but is unwilling or unable to follow. 

Ellen texted me that today, she'll bring the presents I forgot, then we'll go out to lunch. Ha--she's a real Californian now--doesn't want to go out in the rain. That was fine by me, as I want to get things back to normal. 

Suzanne, back from San Diego for Christmas at her brother's and SIL's, stopped in to get her mail and stayed to chat a bit. I called Bobbi and I was glad to hear both she and her husband are, at this point, doing pretty well. Hope it continues.

Suzanne called again to bring me up to date on Vickie's situation with Mary. Mary is now in hospice at the hospital, so I assume it won't be long. Vickie was with Mary's family members coming from there, but incredibly, will drive the hour back after she has a bite to eat. I'm more concerned about her than Mary, as she's lost weight (she's very slender as it is) and a reoccurrence of  the breast cancer is always a worry. 

On a cheerier note, I want to show what Carolyn gave me for my birthday. It's unique, imaginative,  and wonderfully evocative of my life:

It's an air plant, which is great, as it requires no care (Ellen says I should mist it occasionally, though). On one side is a silhouette of California and figures of two little babies--the twins, Betty and me.
On the other side, there's a silhouette of New Jersey and two Scrabble tiles. But why are they "RT," instead of "RB" (for "Rosemary Byrne" or "RM," for that matter)? It's a long story, but so what, this is my blog and I'm going to put it here: 

Neither Betty nor I had middle names at birth. When the time came, I took the Confirmation name "Theresa," in honor of St. Theresa. That made my initials "RTB," which, sounded out, is "Arty Bee."  Betty started calling me that, then shortened it to "Art." In fact, that's what she consistently called me into adulthood until she went away. When she called me on the phone, she would always, when I answered, say, "Art?" I would give anything to pick up the phone and hear that again. 

Carolyn also added a Ventnor/Margate beach badge. (Fittingly, it's an old one.)  She gave me an amaryllis, too, as did Ellen, so I have--you might say "twins." 


* One of my husband's favorite sayings.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Day After--Monday

Because we hadn't gotten in until so late, I slept like a stone. Woke up feeling tip-top and, surprising even myself, accepted Ellen's suggestion of a burrito for breakfast. Tasted good. We then spent some time on looking at and assessing microwaves on the Internet. El favored the higher price, bells and whistles kind (several upwards of two hundred bucks), but I insisted on just a plain old utilitarian one. We more or less settled on a Black & Decker, which to my taste was 1.) too big and 2.) too expensive (El was giving it to my for my birthday), although I reluctantly acquiesced

BUT--Since El was driving me home (I had cancelled the Access Van), I suggested we take a look at what Wal-Mart had to offer. She agreed and we did. There I found exactly what I wanted: a small, simple appliance that was just right when it came to dimensions-and--a bonus--was bright red. The icing on the cake was that it was considerably less expensive then the others we had seen. We bought it, took it home, and it's perfect for my purposes.

That settled, we awaited the Zoom call from my other children. After some electronic problems, it came through and we happily visited with those in Tokyo, Singapore, and the great state of New Jersey.*  The little guy in Japan was his usual out-going, cheery self; the only snag was that our virtual visit there was interrupted with a 4.1 earthquake, the epicenter ten miles away. Luckily, it seems to have done no damage, at least where they live. 

Members of the Singapore contingent are leaving today for a vacation in India, and the the two New Jersey residents for Florida on January 2, after which New Mexico and Arizona.  I was pleased when it was suggested and all agreed that we duplicate our call in June.

El visited for a bit after and we discovered I had left most of my presents at her place--damn!  I reacted with my usual histrionics, but El said she'd bring them over either today or tomorrow and that was fine with me. I used the new microwave to heat up onion soup and it worked like a charm--that is, it simply heated the soup, which is all I want. 

*Those who dramatically pine for the old days may want to consider this. My children and their families live thousands of miles away, but I could see them, I could hear them--we were "together" again! Not to mention microwave ovens...

Monday, December 26, 2022

Some Fun On Sunday: Christmas

It was a terrific day! Ellen, Greg, and I got up at our leisure (good thing, as I hadn't slept well), then settled around the tree to open gifts. We all got items we wanted--or didn't know we wanted, but knew when we opened our gifts. I didn't take pictures, but Ellen did; me with a gift from Mike (he sent several), a wooden cheese board with a Jersey motif:

I got all kinds of neat things, as did El and Mike, but I won't list them here. El made scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast, we ate in a leisurely fashion, then I took a nap, while she went to Von's--yes, it was open for a few hours--and got ingredients for the green salad she said she'd bring to Carolyn's. About, we loaded up the car and drove to Santa Barbara (Greg opted not to go).

At Carolyn's, we found the rest of the guests in the backyard (it was in the seventies all day), we joined them, and were introduced to their new neighbors. We opened presents (I'll send mine for Carolyn later), drank a yummy concoction of Robyn's--strawberry and sparkling wine--and generally enjoyed ourselves.

We were introduced to the neighbors, Scott and Holly--an interesting couple from Minnesota. She's a Microsoft person, who works from home, he's a board game designer--interesting and enjoyable couple. They have two daughters, one of whom is the same age as Claire, 
Carolyn's daughter, and they're already tight. I took only a few pics, but here's some of the group. The activity, a new board game designed by Scott, was a lot of fun (I wrote down his web site, but now can't find it).
This is only part of the group; Ellen and nephew Steve on the left, then Claire and new friend, Dexter, Robyn, Holly, Scott, and Carolyn. While we were playing, Jeanne Painter called me from West Palm Beach, Florida. I answered, but said I'd call her back. Excused myself from the next game and went into a bedroom to do so. I'm not sure but she seemed a little addled--drinking, maybe? She mostly complained about John, her 93-and-a half-year-old paramour, then switched to how she wanted me to "witness" the fact that she and her mother were pregnant at the same time (her sister is 22 years younger than she is). She said how much she liked me at HSHS--ha!  She was pretty and popular, I was minimally with the in-crowd and this was 68 years ago, fer cryin' out loud!  We talked for about twenty minutes; I'll call her back one of these days and see what else was up.

Dinner was yummy and below, with Carolyn, is the chef, her husband Dana. It was served buffet syle and he made it all from scratch: roast beef, mashed taters, poached pears, and various sides. El brought the salad (she had asked Greg to make the dressing), Robyn some chocolate-covered pretzel sticks and cookies dipped in chocolate and sprinkles. 

The table extended from the dining room to the living room--good thing it flows--and was Christmasy decorated, and included poppers, which we all pulled with great hilarity after we ate.
It was just a lot of fun and El and I both had a great time. We didn't leave until 10:30 (gasp!) and didn't get back to El's until almost midnight. You can be sure I slept like a stone and now, Monday morning, I feel great. 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Saturday And The Eve

Got to Ellen's at noon to find this picture-perfect Christmas scene:

Actually, I took this later in the afternoon (note wine glass). When I got there, the tree was leaning forward--some problem with the screws in the holder--so El and I went to Ace Hardware and she got fishing twine (I never would have thought of this) and actually drove a nail on either side of the window surround, and secured it upright that way. If it had been an artificial tree, I guess this wouldn't have happened, but hey, the Molloys go with natural.  

I also took a video of the beautiful outdoor floating lights that El has projected onto her house front. The complete video wouldn't load, but I hope this, of the inside of the front door, does; I'll give it a shot:

We had a great time visiting, etc., of course, besides Ace and Von's and at 4:00, had cheese, crackers, and excellent Riesling wine. That was provided a few months ago by their visitors from Germany (who made it themselves, as they actually have a winery). 

Dinner about 6:00, Greg home a half hour after, then we played gin rummy.  For a big fat change, I won, but that didn't matter. I love the hilarity when we battle each other for triumph 😄. After, Greg went to "midnight mass," which took place at 10:00 (what weird world do we live in? and Ellen and I soon turned in.

M*E*R*R*Y  C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S!

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Friday: Tsk, Tsk, T.O.P.S.!

Talk about disasters: At home, the bad news was that I weighed 133.2 for a gain of three point two pounds; at T.O.P.S., it was was 132.3, for a gain of 3.4.  Hmm, I can't understand that--it couldn't have anything to do with the fact that I've been wined and dined for the last several days, could it?

At the meeting, only Julie, Lora, Lennie, and I showed up, but oddly, it was pretty productive and generally kept on-topic. We won't meet next Friday, which is fine by me; Lennie will be gone visiting her sister in Idaho, anyway. Incredibly, Lora brought about eight hand lotion gifts, all nicely presented, and gave me two. 

Lora asked if I wanted to go to The Market after and yes, I needed long envelopes and eggs. I was amazed to find they had neither. Okay, we'll go to Wal-Mart; there, I found envelopes, but they had no eggs, either. (This is beginning to feel like a third-world country.) Lora dropped me at home and after breakfast, to which I sat down at almost 11:00, I went to Von's and found eggs, but at an incredible $6.99 a dozen. There was also a sign noting that there seems to be some kind of egg supply problem.

Walked to the post office to mail off Mike's checks and get stamps. After that, I spent time packing and on a few other chores. Since I hadn't gotten to bed until late, I took a two-hour nap and felt good after. Researched "apartment-sized microwaves" on line and shared a few with Ellen.  Called the Access Van for today and otherwise prepared for my two-day Christmas sojourn in Ojai.

Weather forecast for both today and tomorrow: 76 degrees. Beat that, east coast!

Friday, December 23, 2022

Thursday--Good Grief!

About what? About the fact that it now actually is Friday, December 23, (5:59 am) and I didn't start this blog entry last evening, then top it off in the morning, as I've done for years!  But the hell with it; I guess now that I'm in my dotage, I'm entitled... 

Morning: I was pleased to get a birthday email from my old (actually, she's not much older than my children--late sixties, I think) Rider friend, Marilyn Machmer. She, Doris Goodenough, and I became friends at Rider, and still keep in (tenuous) touch. Marilyn graduated from Westminster Choir College, and is an organist, but also heads up a department in Jersey. I'm pretty sure her birthday is either today or tomorrow--must do the same for her. 

My brother, Larry, called with birthday wishes and we had a long talk. I hope to visit him in Florida sometime in '23.

After, I bagged and gathered in groups the things I'm taking to Ellen's: several for Christmas presents (mine, which I'll open on Sunday, plus some for Ellen and Greg from her sibs); a large one for two throws Ellen asked me to bring; two large, heavy shopping bags containing the many award DVDs Carolyn gave me some time ago; and a few items I can't even recall. 

El and I talked on the phone a few times, during which--I hated to ask, but did--we decided she'd pick me up, then take me to Lowe's for a new microwave. She was to come at 3:00, but fell asleep and didn't get her until after 4:00, and what ensued I'm not going to chronicle in any coherent way, but just put it here:
--She came, took my old microwave out to the recycle, we went to a store to see if I could get a larger size in the jacket Lora gave me (it wasn't from there; I'm sure she got it on-line, so maybe I'll just keep it); went to Lowe's, bought a microwave (which El's giving me for my birthday), laboriously took it home (El lifted and used my cart), got it out of the carton, and put it in the space. I vehemently declared it was too big and I hated it, she tried to persuade me to keep it, I kicked and screamed and tore out my hair, she finally uninstalled it, got it back in the box, we went back to Lowe's and returned it, and the upshot was, we agreed we'd both look on-line and have one sent from the great god Amazon. Whew!

All this took until almost 7:00, so we went from there to Steven's Greek restaurant. Greg came just a few minutes after we got there and, all microwave problems forgotten, we had a very enjoyable birthday dinner. I had moussaka, new to me, and it was delish. Instead of beer, I had Cabernet (two glasses--naughty me!), but best of all, of course, was being with my girl and her guy.

After we ate, I opened my gifts, which included a book, a gift card from Amazon, another from Olive Garden, as well as the studio pic of the Tokyo Trio, which I had opened before. We followed the meal with wonderful little cookies dusted with sugar (I was glad they don't do birthday cakes), and it was great fun. I exclaimed over the seasonal nails of the woman at the counter and El took a pic:

Now, happy day, I'm in the Christmasy mood, as I always finally achieve once the annoyance of my birthday is over.  Damn, why did my Dad have to get horny on that far away evening in March? 

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Birthday in Santa Barbara--Thursday

Julie, Lora, and Regina picked me up at 11:00 and off we sped to Santa Barbara, getting to Villa Alamar where Betty lives in less than an hour. Lora and I went in, Julie and Regina declined, but that was okay. We found Betty in the recreation room, dozing as she often is. But she awoke and smiled to see me and we talked for a bit. Well, it was mostly me talking, but she was, as always, amiable. 

I was disappointed that Carolyn wasn't there, but that was my fault, as I had told her we'd get there about 12:30, but it took much less time than that. I called her and she suggested we drive to her place, only about 10 minutes away. We did, I left the presents for Betty (and a box of See's candy for her and family) and she gave me a lovely glass container for my birthday:
We then went off to Cliff House for lunch and what a neat place!
We had lunch and lots of good talk, and I was presented with presents from each (forgot to take off my reading glasses):

That jacket was my gift from Lora, about which I'm a little dismayed. It was surely anything but cheap and she also gave me the rose-colored backpack on the table. Julie and Regina gave me what seems to me more appropriate: from J., two loaves of pumpernickel bread, which I had complained I couldn't find in California, from Regina, a bag of cashews, which she had doctored up at home to make spicy.* Julie insisted in paying for lunch for all four of us, and here we are:
From left: Regina and Julie seated, Lora and me standing.
I was dropped off about 4:00 and shortly after, Ellen called, driving back from work, after the last day of school in 2022. Had a good chat and she'll pick me up about 3:00 today, we'll run some errands, then we'll meet Greg at Steven's Greek Restaurant for dinner. Life is good.

* I was incredulous when Regina told me she was going to get me a small Bundt cake, but "had heard" I didn't like cake. What? Since when? She also, in giving me the cashews, said she knew how much I liked spicy food. Double what?  I like cake as much as anyone else and I've proclaimed my dislike a spicy food hither and yon, so what gives? The only friend we have in common is Julie, so she must have misunderstand what I told her about refusing cake at Suzanne's, but that was just because I was getting weighed the next day. As for the "Rosemary likes spicy," I can't imagine how anyone could think that.  

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Tuesday; The Last One...

...of being 85, that is.

Went over to the pharmacy at Von's for my 9:30 appointment to get the COVID booster and flu shot, only to have the pharmacist turn over my paper and find that I already had gotten the former in September--oops, so I just got the one.

While waiting for the bus to meet Noreen for lunch, Jim called with birthday wishes. He said he knew it was today, but didn't think I'd be available then. It turned out the bus didn't come for twenty or so, and we had a long talk; it ranged over my social life, the philosophy Descartes, and unplanned pregnancies (don't ask).

Got to Lure Fish House (one of my favorite restaurants) at 12, a half-hour early, so strolled Main Street. Bought  some decorative boxes (I'm a sucker for things like that) then went back to Lure and met Noreen. We had a delightful lunch and she gave me a gift of fuzzy slippers--incredibly, mine are just about done for and I was on the verge of buying others--how fitting! As for lunch, we both had their incredible sand dabs, I an IPA, but what was best about it was a good, satisfying girl talk. With Noreen, there are no holds barred, which is such a relief; we just shared our ideas and feelings and with not a thought of censure or disapproval.

Said goodbye about 2:00 and bused home. I had barely gotten in when Vickie called to ask if I was home and could she stop over. Yes, sure, and she brought me a birthday card and box of chocolate-covered cheery sticks, the sweet thing. With her, too, I enjoyed a heart-to-heart--I'm lucky to have such friends.

Is the medical world whirling out of control? I got a voice mail from Primary Medical to call them, did so, and found that the letter that went out about my doctor leaving the practice was "a mistake" and she isn't really.  Okay, that's just as well, but what an error--did heads roll? They should have.

Ellen called after dinner and we made plans. Tomorrow, she'll pick me up, we'll go get a new microwave, then she and Greg will take me to dinner at Steven's. Greg works until 7:00, but that's fine by me; I'll just have a late lunch.  Also, I'll go to their place on Saturday (Christmas Eve) and stay over.

On Wednesday, 12/21

I slept late--unusual for me--and was awakened just now at 6:00, half-hour ago, by a PM audio call from son, Mike. He was at the Singapore Airport to pick up Paula and "wanted to be the first to wish me happy birthday."  Lovely.  After we hung up, I PM him that I wouldn't open presents until tomorrow, when I'll be with Ellen and Greg.

Speaking of whom: On Tuesday, when I talked with Ellen, I bemoaned the fact that I'd now be closer to ninety than eighty. She set me straight by saying, "No, you're just still in your middle eighties, as you have been." My good fortune in having such children is boundless!

Tuesday, December 20, 2022


They say bad things or good things or plane crashes or whatever come in threes--in my case, we're talking fours. Okay, the first was only a big annoyance, but I'm including it:

1. Didn't get up until 6:15, about an hour late for me, but no prob since my Quest (bloodwork) appointment wasn't until 7:20, right across at Von's.  At 7:00, I glanced at my phone to be advised to  check in for my 7:10 appointment!  Yoicks, I still had my pajamas on! Dressed and rushed  out of the house, so got there just in time, but breathless. 

2. Home, I prepared my daily bowl of oatmeal. Popped it in the microwave and punched the "three minutes" button. Darn, when it beeped as finished, it wasn't even warm. Tried it and a few other things and found the microwave has given up the ghost. Darn, I so often prepare food, then pop it in the fridge or freezer, zapping it to defrost or rewarm when I want it. I need my microwave!

3. Scrubbed the double sinks and was dismayed when both filled with water. They finally drained, but then water started dripping out from under onto the floor. I called the office right away and two of the maintenance guys came over. It seems that a pipe, for some reason, was loose. Jose tightened it and it's okay now, but I had to take all the stuff under out and the containers they were in got wet, so I put them out on the patio to dry. 

4. The REAL disaster: I had been sent an invitation to a "A Townehouse Christmas" on Friday, December 23rd. They were going all out with prime rib, leg of lamb, mahi mahi, and lots of other chef-prepared yummies, plus, of course, cocktails, wine, and other drinks. I asked Jim if he wanted to go and he did, so we both put the date on our calendars. Since invitees were asked to R.S.V.P., I did, but AAGH!--I was told they had had to cancel because of an outbreak of COVID there. Damn, I hate to miss a party and The Townehouse gatherings are always great. 

Now that I'm reading this over, I can see these weren't disasters. I got my bloodwork done, the water/sink thing has been fixed, and I have plenty of other fun events coming up: Lunch with Noreen today, Santa Barbara lunch on Wednesday, then Christmas with Ellen and Greg, plus more planned for 2023. I do have to get a new microwave, but in the meantime, I can always use the oven and stovetop--it's not as if I can't have any hot food. And what if this had happened a day before when I had company? I had made the angel chicken in the slow cooker, then heated it for dinner in the microwave; it would have been a real disaster if I couldn't have done that. 

Aside from all that, I did a large load of  wash in the morning, then bused Wal-Mart, next Target to look at microwaves (I may just order one from Amazon), and ate at the nice park on Victoria. The weather was wonderful: In the sixties with no wind, sunny and with hardly a cloud in the sky. Ellen called and she'll take me to get a microwave sooner or later. Or maybe I'll ask Suzanne or Vickie to take me. Guess I could order one on-line, but at this time of year, I thought it would take an age.  Okay, I'll live with it--or without it. 

Monday, December 19, 2022

Again, I spent a good part of the day preparing my little dinner party. Made the orange cake--it wasn't too difficult--then the glaze that goes on it. For me, however, a lot of the appeal of cake is in the icing (or "frosting," as some say) and a glaze just isn't the same. I remembered I had some heavy cream left over from making the Irish Crème, so I whipped it up with sugar and vanilla to add.

It was almost 3:00 before I finished, as I had put off cleaning the bathroom. Did that and a few other chores, then sat down to play a game on this laptop. Also checked my email and Facebook, where I found this marvelous site:

I'm just entranced by butterfly dresses and jokingly messaged Robyn, Betty's DIL, who's a customer, asking her to make me one--they're gorgeous. 

Suzanne, Vickie, and Jim came, as planned, at 5:00, and we sat and chatted with appetizers and wine,  for twenty or so. That gave me time to heat up the angel chicken and cook the pasta (angel hair, of course), Suzanne brought a vegetable stir-fry (packaged, but good) and Vickie rolls, so I got them ready and we sat down. 

The main dish was really good. I served it, as directed, over the pasta, but potatoes or even toast could easily be substituted. As for the cake--yes, yummy, yum, yum, but I'm still glad I provided the whipped cream, too. I was surprised and amused when Suzanne whipped out three candles and put them on the cake, then all three sang the birthday song.  Vickie gave me a four-pack of champagne, which Jim and I enjoyed after dinner. Here's a pic; too bad I didn't think to take one before we ate:

Note that on the bench behind Suzanne, there are cards and gifts (little potted succulent plants) for all three that damn, I completely forgot to give S. and V. (When I got up just now at 6:00, I left Suzanne's at her door and later, I'll do the same at Vickie's.) Jim stayed longer and I did give him his. He got a kick out of the card, in which I wrote a take-off on Descartes, the philosopher who wrote, "I think, therefore I I am."  (I started with, "I stink, therefore I should bathe," and so on.) I was invited to dinner on the twenty-third (Friday) at The Townehouse and asked Jim if he wanted to go. Yes, he does, so we'll do that. 

Suzanne left about 6:30 (she's usually the first to leave a gathering), but Vickie and Jim  stayed for another forty-five or so and we had a good time talking.  After they left, I stowed the leftovers, packed the dishwasher, and otherwise cleaned up. While doing that, an errant thought occurred to me: I remembered that Betty often entertained (before and after Wes died) in her big house on Atlantic Avenue. It wasn't unusual for her to have twenty people for dinner and almost always, she would say goodbye to the last of  her guests, then go to bed, facing the disarray for the next morning. I could never do that in a million years, but could there be some clue there re Alzheimer's? I keep searching, which is a fool's errant, of course.

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Setup Saturday

I spent almost all day--hours, anyway--decorating the apartment. Here are some of the results:

Those three bundles in front of my stocking are little succulent plants I'm giving to my three friends. 

Once I finished, I rushed over to Von's for chicken breasts to make the "Angel Chicken." It's an interesting concoction and easy to make in the slow cooker. What I decided to do was to make it a day ahead, then heat it in the oven and, interspersed with decorating, that's what I did. I'll make the orange cake and glaze today and put the baked potatoes in the oven while the main dish is heating up.

Suzanne is bringing a vegetable and Vickie rolls; they always ask what they can bring and this time, I'm letting them--I'll just add baked potatoes.  Jim, as ever, is just bringing himself. It would never occur to him to offer to bring anything, either to my place or the covered dish suppers at Dudley House where I've been taking him for several years. I'm not sure if that's because of his upbringing (probably) or because men--even the mildest of men--often have a sense of entitlement. However, he is going to take me to lunch for my birthday. 

Also bought at Von's a Bic lighter--no, I haven't gone back to ciggies, it's the kind for lighting candles. Took it home, opened it, tried it, and it was impossible for me to operate! I just don't have to strength to press both the top thing and the trigger-type thing, so I can't use it. I went back to Von's, explained my problem, and Morgan, the very nice young assistant manager* suggested I get long matches instead. Brilliant idea, so I was refunded for the lighter and got them; they're 9 1/2 inches long and perfect for my purposes. 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Friday: Pretzels, Peanut Butter, and Dominic Dunne

At home, 130 pounds, for a ridiculous gain of 2.8 pounds, but 128.9 at T.O.P.S., so up just .02., which I can live with (should be "with which I can live," but that sounds so stilted). 

Sharon called at 7:00 to say that again, she won't be there--now she has a problem with her hip and was going to Urgent Care. The meeting was okay; Helen and Carol were there, in addition to Lennie, Julie, Lora, and me.  After, I gave J. and L. their Irish Crème and they were very appreciative.

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30, as I put in a bleach wash as soon as I got home.  Hard-boiled some eggs as they were drying, made a sandwich, and bused to Wal-Mart. I had bought a silly little Christmas top on Thursday and it was too small, so I just returned it without getting another. Picked up some aluminum foil and, living dangerously, a bag of stick pretzels, plus--dare I write it?--peanut butter! 

Had my lunch in the pleasant little park (fountain and foliage) across Victoria, and bused home. For some reason, my left knee was bothering me and I just didn't feel like walking. 

What I did when I got home was downright radical: I turned on the television (in the daytime!) and watched a segment of the life of William Holden. What's more, I did so while dipping the pretzels into the peanut butter. Put together, those activities acted as a soporific and I actually took a nap. Set the phone alarm for an hour and a half, snuggled under my electric blanket, and fell sound asleep. Got up at 5:30 and not only felt well rested, but realized my knee is no longer bothering me. 

At my usual T.V. time--8:00 to 9:30 or so, I watched most of After The Party, a chronicle of Dominick Dunne's doings with Hollywood notables. (I've always been a sucker for show biz celebs.) It was made in 2008 and Dunne died a year later. 

Friday, December 16, 2022

Thursday, Ahi, And Montgomery Clift

Once again, the damn machine is centering the text and has made disappear what I used to use for putting it on the left. Oh, well, I guess it's still readable.

I spent the morning preparing Julie's and Lora's presents. It didn't take nearly as long to make the Irish Crème as it did to make the cards (when it comes to art, I'm on Kindergarten level). I plan to take them to T.O.P.S. today (Lora will pick me up) and after the meeting, I'll give them to her and Julie.

My niece put this picture on Facebook--my big bother, Larry, who's 90, holding his latest great-grandchild. I'm hoping to travel to Florida to visit him in a few months.

Here's another picture from Facebook--2013 at Larry and Helen's December party. The sign was not only for Betty and me, but for some of the sixty or so others who attended. How things have changed--I was a lot heavier, hair was dyed, and I didn't have contacts then--and sadly, Helen is gone and Betty is going. It's just you and me, Lar.
Julie picked me up and we went to Prime Steakhouse for the monthly BCNN
"Ladies Dining Out" group. It was kind of a mix of good and bad. The place is practically all black--black walls, black carpeting, black velvet chairs, so we all had to take out our phones to read the menu. I had ahi with potatoes and spinach; I didn't read enough of the description to realize it was very spicy, my least favorite type of food. I was able to scoop off most of the red-hot wasabi, so at least enjoyed the fish.
I met an interesting member--Lauraine--who's originally from Queens, NY, and her (partner? roommate?) Marsha--and we had a good talk. Julie was a little more animated than usual, so that was good. 
We had actually gone for the five o'clock Happy Hour and "small plates," which suited me much better than their regular menu, which featured lobster for 98 smackers and steak, ditto.
Home by 8:00 and I settled in to watch one of those shows for which I'm a sucker: old Hollywood and the stars that populated it. Last night I was introduced to Montgomery Clift and I found it more interesting than I ever did his histrionics.   

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Went Wild On Wednesday

Okay, not wild, but I went and went pretty much all day. At 9:00, it was WinCo with Suzanne; I was so glad to get most of what I needed, especially whiskey and heavy cream for the Irish Crème. Also got spinach, an acorn squash, and cauliflower, as well as a number of other groceries, i.e., crackers and cheese and other nibbles for Sunday. 

Home, I immediately started on the Irish Crème. I made one recipe and was chagrinned to see it only filled the second carafe halfway. Luckily, I had enough ingredients for another batch, so I was so I was able to fill it and have some left over.* 

By that time, it was noon, so I packed my lunch and walked to the bank with the checks that son, Mike and daughter-in-law, Paula had received at my address. The complication was that Paula uses her maiden name for professional reasons and her check was made out that way, but was was to be deposited into his bank account. I took a chance and forged both their names and was amazed the teller didn't ask for identification; he simply allowed it. (Geez, I could have put them in my account or used them for a little trip to Cancun--or whatever.)

Went from there to Wal-Mart to get some Christmas cards. I toyed with the idea of making my own, but probably won't get around to it. I had intended to eat in the small park on Victoria, but was due home by 2:30, as Suzanne had invited me to view the "Christmas cans" downtown. (These are stacked by Food Share in the shape of trees and are then donated.) I bused home and just had my lunch in the middle of our complex.

Suzanne and I drove to town, but the display wasn't there. I looked it up and we found it had only be exhibited on December 3 and 4, then dismantled. We then decided to drive the harbor and this was more interesting anyway. We walked next to the water, then stopped at Top This Chocolate, as Suzanne wanted to get some hot chocolate. She offered to treat, but I declined--too many calories. However, the shop is wonderful and, for grandson, Joel's forty-first birthday next month, I'll get his name in chocolate--what a neat idea! (I plan to send him a gift certificate for The Flying Pig, also.) 

We got home about 4:30 and I prepared my cauliflower for dinner. This is a yummy way to fix it: trim, then blanch it in boiling water for four minutes, then spread it with a mix of 1/4 cup each mayonnaise and parmesan cheese, sprinkle with a little garlic powder and pepper, then roast at 375 for twenty minutes. It's so good I have to restrain myself from eating the whole thing at once.

(This blog continues to trip me up! I used to be able to choose the text to be either to the left or centered, but now, after I post a picture, it no longer come up with text location; just centers itself and that's it.) 

* Note to myself: This size whiskey is exactly enough to make two batches of Irish Crème (2 1/2 cups):

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Tuesday, Too

Busy day again, that is. Right after breakfast, I started wrapping presents, which isn't as simple as it sounds. Why? Because, for one thing, I had let my thrifty nature persuade me to buy store-brand tape. Often, the less expensive ones are just as good than those advertised. This wasn't: It refused to unwind, then stuck onto my finger, then wouldn't stick on the paper--damn! I finally gave up and rushed to Von's to buy Scotch tape, along with eggs for the Irish crème.

Wrapped grandson's and great-grands' gifts, adding a card and little birthday gift for Hannah, plus others. They're decoratively wrapped separately, but I was able to pack them into boxes together. Made lunch, stowed everything in my little cart, then walked to the P.O.--jammed, of course, even on a Tuesday morning--and sent them off. 

From there, I bused to town to look in the thrift stores for attractive decanters, as I want to make Julie and Lora Irish crème.  Didn't find any that were both the right size and cost less than twenty bucks. Had lunch at my usual across from the mission, then bused to The Market and found two perfect ones; bought them and will make the Irish crème today. Walked from there to the transit center, so got four or five in.

Suzanne texted me to ask if I wanted to go to WinCo this morning--yes, and I'll get the whisky and heavy cream there--and to see the stacked cans this afternoon. I said yes to that, too. Both Mike and Paula were sent checks from different sources and I'll ask S. to stop at the bank so I can deposit them. Send her some info on Moravians; I saw some I know last month in Jersey and she had never heard of that religion.  

Went into Amazon Japan after dinner, and ordered a little extra gift for Mr. K. Now, I have to decide what about V. and V. in Singapore? It's getting late, especially to send though regular mail and I don't know what to get them, anyway. Mulling it over...

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Movin' Around On Monday

Still roaming and roving, but I got some calls and texts done in the morning. Called niece Carolyn to say my friends, Julie and Lora, will take me to lunch in Santa Barbara on my birthday and I'd like to stop at Villa Alamar to give my dear twin her present. That was fine, she said, and she will probably be there, too. Called Julie to ask if that was okay and yes, it is. 

Texted Vickie to see which day this weekend is better for her for my little dinner party; Suzanne, Jim, and I are free both days. We settled on Sunday, which gives me another day to prepare. 

Walked to The Market, then Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. Home, lunched, then went to CVS for the L'Oréal conditioner I like; annoyingly, they didn't have that version, so I bought what I hope is comparable, also L'Oréal. Went to Von's for a number of ingredients for the angel chicken and orange cake I'll make for my little dinner party. I also want to make Irish Crème for Julie and Lora. Incredibly, Von's had no eggs; I'll have to get them elsewhere. 

Suzanne and Vickie are always asking if they can bring something and this time, I acquiesced. I asked S. to bring a veggie and V. rolls. I'll add baked potatoes or something, also. We've been in the habit of bringing our own drinks, too, so presumably, S. and V. will; Jim, as ever, gets a free pass. 

Called Muckie and we talked for more than an hour. She's about to undergo a new treatment which administers the chemo for her pancreatic cancer more quickly and more accurately. She casually mentioned that the cancer is not curable, but the treatment should give her more time. On a lighter note, she asked me to be sure to give her regards to a certain fellow-blogger, whom she remembers fondly. I don't quite remember the name, but I think the initials are P.R. 😁

Spent time after dinner wrapping Christmas gifts and I hope to mail the Jersey ones today. Now I guess I'll have to think about cards. I'd like to make my own, as I have  before, but don't know if I'll get around to it. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

Sunday And Some Soul-Searching

Busy day. After breakfast and the crossword (challenging), I left for Dudley House at 10:00. It was, of course, decorated beautifully downstairs and up, as ever, but I was resolved not to look and definitely not to buy. 

It had rained earlier, but stopped by the time I bused there. My volunteer hours were 11:00 to 1:00 and I was a wrapper. That just meant removing the price tags from items, passing them to Jan to ring up, then wrapping them in tissue, if fragile, and bagging. It was fun to chat and joke with our customers and I enjoyed it. Also enjoyed viewing the beautiful Christmas items, including this handmade doll house:

It's an exquisite Victorian home, certainly four feet high and I assume some little girl will be thrilled on Christmas morning; must have cost five or more hundred.

My stint ended at 1:00 and, although it was windy and cold, I walked the  mile or so to the transit center and caught the 10 home. There, I found I found a gift bag at my door. In it were presents from Suzanne: a pretty, light-up lantern, a homemade note card, and a personal Christmas letter, with pictures. I heard her outside shortly after and asked her in. I thanked her, we chatted, and I invited her to dinner next weekend. Will ask Vickie and Jim, too.

I then set to food prep. Took me an hour, but I zested two large oranges, diced a green pepper, then six onions; julienned two other onions after, and cooked up an acorn squash. Stowed all but the last in the freezer, as I want to make turkey stir-fry soon. I'll make orange cake on Friday for my company over the weekend.

After that, it was a long-put off chore: clearing the hall closet and rearranging the contents. That took a full hour, but at least, I know where everything is now.

Called Jim to invite him to dinner with us next weekend, whether Saturday or Sunday depends on Vickie's schedule--I'll text her today. Jim also said he wants to take me out for my birthday. Fine by me, although Julie's taking me to Santa Barbara on the day of, so we'll make it after that.

Note: I have NO IDEA why I can't get the text to go to the left. Something changed up top and now I can't find the margin control. But I'm not going to get all mad about it--see the following.

Additional Note: My friend, Pat, had a problem with scheduling and wrote on her blog that she reacted with annoyance to someone. Later, she thought better of it and apologized to the other person. That resonated with me, although it didn't involve anyone else: When I found out the two-dollar extra little gift for my grandson would cost $17.90 in postage to Japan, I didn't chastise the postal worker, but went into my usual fury mode internally: "Damn, I went to some trouble wrapping the thing, walked three blocks to the post office, stood in line for twenty minutes, and all for nothing!"  When I started walking home, though,  I realized how stupid that was.  K. will never miss it, I'll write him (and Vivian and Violet) letters with pictures of their Dads as kids and they'll enjoy that. I'll ask Ellen if she wants the pen for one of her third-graders. By the time I got home, I was relieved to consciously know I shrugged it off and went on about my day. 

Sunday, December 11, 2022

"It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like.." Saturday

 Yesterday, I was delighted to see this message from older son in Tokyo, to my other children and me:

--Good afternoon, all:   (K.) is anxious to have another Christmas-time Zoom call, if others are amenable. However, the time it is Christmas for people in the US is the twenty-sixth for us, and I'll be working all day, so the time around (for the west coast of North America) the late afternoon of 26 December would be most convenient for us. This would be earlier for people on the east coast and morning on 27 December, of course, for Singapore. Please let us know if you all could be available.--

All wrote back of their time-zone availability and we'll look forward to being at least electronically together once again. 

Instead of individual presents this year, I'm sending one that families can share (which shall remain a secret until after-you-know-when). However, I want to send small individual ones to the children. I had bought a small one for Mr. K. and walked to the P.O. to mail it. I was stunned--although I should have known--that this very small, light object would cost--literally--ten times more to send. I knew his Dad would be angry if I spent that much, so I took it home. Will think of something else for him, V. and V., and the great-grands.

Spent most of the afternoon on household chores, recording appointments, zesting and juicing oranges, and so on. Went to Von's for a few minor items. I've decided to make an orange cake, using the oranges Margaret gave me, and found a yummy recipe for it. However, I don't want to make it until next Saturday, so will freeze the zest and juice until then. Since Ellen and Greg aren't available then, I'll just invite Suzanne, Vickie, and Jim. I'll stay with E. and G. over Christmas.

Suzanne and I went to The Townehouse Christmas celebration at 5:30 and it was so well done-- beautifully decorated and with a full bar. I had champagne, then a good white, plus wonderful pastries. I spoke to Anne (?), the activities director, whom I've know for a while, and she said they have an on-site pastry chef; I can attest that his or her the scones to die for. 

It was nicely decorated, of course, and there were carolers in costume:

There was also a boutique and I bought some small Christmas gifts. Home by 8:00. Today, I'll be wrapping presents at Dudley House 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Friday Thai-day

Weighed in at home at 127.2, for a miniscule gain of .04. Lora, back from celebrating her anniversary in Vegas, picked me up for T.O.P.S., where I weighed 128.3, up .04. Julie suggested that Lora join us for my birthday outing, and I was pleased when she accepted. The meeting meandered, as usual--there were five of us there--but I was home by 10:00.

I'm having a Christmas present sent to Mike and his family and have decided the girls, now that they're 18 and 14, can do without another little bauble from me. Instead, I'm making up a humorous Christmas letter specifically for them; it will include a lot of pictures of Daddy Mike, from birth to the made-in-heaven match with Mommy. I'm sending the same present to the Tokyo Trio, with a little extra one for Mr. K. 

Packed my lunch and went to town, eating at my usual place near the mission. I browsed in shops here and there, but didn't buy anything. Bused home, got in at 4:00, and was about to prepare dinner when Ellen called. I was delighted to be asked if I wanted to go to Jasmine Thai for dinner--yes, indeed!--and she came directly from school.  I was not only delighted, but thrilled when she took some of the Christmas stuff I was discarding. I'll donate the rest to Goodwill.

It had been months since I'd been at Jasmine Thai and I had the pad Thai, my favorite, plus a large Sapporo, the Japanese beer I like. Even better was the conversation; we stayed long and ranged over a variety of topics, all of great interest to me since they involved my daughter and her doings. One of the things we discussed was my upcoming birthday; she's fine with my going to Santa Barbara with Julie and Lora on the actual day and we'll probably do something the following weekend. 

Home at 8:30, late for me, and I was in bed by 9:15. Tonight, Suzanne and I will go to the "Holiday Celebration" at The Townehouse and tomorrow, I'll be a gift wrapper at Dudley House.  I'm thinking about going to see my dear lost twin on Monday. 

Friday, December 09, 2022

Throwback Thursday

Left my place at 10:00 and walked to Telephone Road, then hopped a bus to Office Max. There I bought one of their annoyingly overpriced desk calendars, then walked to the Urbane Café and lunch with Diane at noon. We sometimes buy their yummy "bowls" there, but yesterday, we both brought our own lunches; the tables outside are for anyone. 

As ever, we enjoyed a plethora of good and often intense, talk--much of it centered on our childhoods. They're similar: lots of children (too many, too soon), parochial school, old-time religion, sibling rivalry, and all the complicated results that made us what we are. We hashed it over--talking to each other, but also to  ourselves--and were there for almost three hours before we said goodbye. I bused to the transit center and from there took the 6 home.

I got this invitation from The Townehouse (independent living) for tomorrow.  Emailed Jim to see if he wanted to go, but--surprisingly--he declined.


As I was getting my mail, I ran into Vickie and invited her. She said she would have loved to, but has an evening commitment in Moorpark. She stopped in and I caught up with news about Mary (it's never good). Stopped in at Suzanne's and yes, she'll go with me--good. I think she'll enjoy it and I know I will. 

Thursday, December 08, 2022

Wednesday And Ladies Who Lunch

Julie picked me up at 10:30 for the BCNN Christmas luncheon. It was at the Ventura Yacht Club and a good time was had by many. I was glad to chat with Terri M., who had been in my Acting for Amateurs group and later, with Erica Whosis. Here are some pics:

I have to say I looked pretty damn good for an old crock of almost 86. The top is a nice purple/black swirl in the longer length most becoming to me (or anybody with a lumpy middle).  
That's Julie (dark hair) and Regina (blonde) at the table. Band was good.
Big crowd--I think about a hundred women.
A lot got up and danced--that gal in the middle was wild. Don't know why I didn't--guess I'm a little self-conscious. Note the silly snowman centerpiece; I won it and it's now at my door. I exchanged the  chinzy "scarf" for a gold ribbon.)

The luncheon started at 11:00 with happy hour and I was home by 2:00. Told Julie I'd go to the "Ladies Dining Out" dinner on the fifteenth and also, to Santa Barbara for lunch on my birthday, the twenty-first. I'm sure I'll be with Ellen around then, but not on a weekday, I think. 

 Got an invitation from The Townehouse to a "holiday celebration" on Saturday evening, which includes strolling Dickens carolers, holiday boutique shopping, and desserts, wine, and coffee. Sounds good and I forwarded the invitation to Jim and asked if he wants to go. 

Today, lunch with Diane at the Urbane Café. 

Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Transit Center Tuesday

Slept well and got a lot  done. I put Lensa on my phone--it's all the rage--but unfortunately, I don't know how to operate it. I really prefer using the laptop for most things; maybe I can transfer it. 

Ran into Suzanne at the mailboxes and we chatted a bit, but both had plans. She had her book club and I was anxious to scout out the rental on Lang Street Jim had told me about. I packed a lunch, got my trusty cart, and set off for the bus. 

It had been weeks since I traveled that way and did it feel good. It was a fairly cool (for southern California) day, but bright and sunny, the way I like it. Got off at the transit center and walked the way Jim had directed. It looked like a nice neighborhood and I found the house without too much trouble. 

I looked in the windows; living room is small, kitchen rather nice. I couldn't see in any of the other rooms, as there's a stockade-type wall (see right of pic), which isn't a bad idea. This place is, of course, very much a long shot. For one thing, it's as far from the transit center as the bus stop is for me here. For another, it may be out of my price range; for a third, it's Jim's place I really want. That would be ideal for me, having another room and being only a short walk to the transit center and mall. In fact, I walked over to his place after. Didn't ring his bell, I just wanted to see it in daylight. Damn, I'd give anything to have one like his. 

Back to the transit center and happy to bus to town. It wasn't at all crowded--nice for a change, although I like the hustle and bustle--and I browsed in the shops. Bought a light flowered top which I may or may not wear to the BCNN Christmas lunch today. I also bought--I should be ashamed to admit it!--a small ceramic Christmas tree with a pot attached.  (I can't seem to help myself!)  

Ate my lunch, as I like to do, across from the mission and it felt so good to be there again. Home about 3:30 and I continued the Christmas decorations. Suzanne and I both did our doors and this year, it's an angel theme:
Mine is the tapestry, hers the wreath and she added the angels and pine in between. 

Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Soaring Spirits Monday

 Back in the saddle again...

Rather, back on the sidewalk again: I got in a good walk to The Market, then, eschewing the bus, walked home, too, for three miles. It felt good and, happy day, after early cloudiness, it turned out sunny and even warm. I happened to meet Diane going in the opposite direction and we confirmed our lunch date on Thursday. 

Got batteries for my window "candles" and put them in. Also got actual candles for my three little "Joy" angels, but need either a lighter or utility matches. 

Showered, washed my hair, then just hung out until Julie picked me up at 5:45 for the Soaring Spirits dinner. We had a good time, although I was the ONLY ONE who didn't bring an ornament for the exchange. However, Susan had brought extras and I got one apropos for this pacifist, all agreed: 

I enjoyed meeting the two newcomers, Julie, whose husband had been a dentist in Camarillo (sudden, from an undetected brain aneurism) and Kim, probably only in her thirties (suicide).  Vera took me home; got in at 8:00.

Earlier, and annoyingly, I got a letter from Blue of California that my doctor is leaving Primary Medical and that I was assigned to a new one--in Oxnard. No, thank you, I'm not going to Oxnard, so I called and after a lot of talk, chose another. However, when I looked things  up, I saw that Dr. Ficks., who is an endocrinologist, is also accepting new patients, and she's one I want, as I've already had dealings with her. Here's my entry from almost exactly a year ago (12/8/21):

Dr. Ficks marveled at my well-being. She said she had gone over all my tests and so on and I'm "remarkably healthy." She expressed amazement at my well-being, considering my age and my forty-one year history of two packs a day. However, there is evidence of osteoporosis, of which I was already aware. 

Here's Tristan, that sweet kid, fifteen and growing tall (for our family, that is), in his school picture.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...