Saturday, September 11, 2021

Lennie, Sharon, Muckie, Pat, Jim, Joe, And Others

So my home scale and the one at T.O.P.S. continue to differ. At the former, I was 128 for a gain of .06; the latter had me a 127.1 for a loss of .09. Natch, I'll take the second.

The usual at the meeting: Lennie unprepared, Sharon going on and on and on and on...., the rest of us just enduring it. I conducted my little before and after picture game and they seemed to enjoy it. Only five were there--I suspect new member, Margaret, won't be continuing, as she hasn't been here two weeks in a row. Anyway, it lasted until 10:00, an hour and a half, which, by my reckoning, is much too long. Lennie again will be away next week, so I'll conduct. Julie will take minutes.

We were almost finished when Jim called. I had invited him for lunch today, but he said he had something he had to do. Now he said that was cancelled, so did I still want him to come? Well, sure. When I got home, I changed, then started off for Von's to pick up a few things. As I reached the center of the complex my phone rang and who was it but Muckie Datesman? I was so happy to hear from her and we talked for a full hour--Von's could wait. 

The gist of Muckie's news is that she had had emergency gall bladder surgery at the end of August, then was in rehab at Betty Bacharach, then sold her house in Linwood (son Matthew, she said, did most of the work)--incredibly, with an enormous amount of things still in it--and moved permanently to Charlottesville, Virginia. Whew! It's a lot to absorb and adjust to for her, of course, but she's happy and I'm thrilled for her. I don't think Betty knows (or, maybe, would get the gist) or Carolyn, but possibly they do, as Muckie said she's spoken to Pat Hayes, so she may have informed them. Anyway, it was great to hear from her. I always liked Muckie a lot and still do, of course. Maybe when I'm in Jersey in October, I'll plan a trip to see her. Texted our mutual friend, Pat Rogers to share this, but haven't yet heard back from her (hint, hint)

I prepared lunch for Jim and me and had it ready when he called again to say he'd be late, as he was on the phone with the technical people at the college. They were trying to help him figure out some technical problem for his class. I didn't mind, as I had had such a late breakfast--in fact, eating later suited me fine. He came about 2:30 and we had lunch and our good talk. He stayed until 3:30, then I asked him to drop me off at the mall--thought I'd go to Target. However, when I got there, I went across the street to The Bargain Box instead. They're only open until four, but I got a little succulent plant for Ellen, then just bused home, then went to Von's.

I was so very sorry to hear from his daughter that Joe LaRocca, who graduated from Rider in 1955, has died. I visited him only six weeks ago, as recorded in my blog entry of July 9. Glad I got to see him then. I sent Donna a condolence comment on Facebook and will copy my entry for her. I hope the funeral is around here, so I can go.

Just thought I'd this pic of my family from about forty-five years ago. They all look so grouchy! I put it on Facebook and someone asked if it was a limo. I was amazed when son Patrick noted that it was a 197X Chevrolet Bel Air. I hadn't remembered that car at all, but he did. 

See that little rascal in the red coat? I was happily surprised last night to get a Messenger Video call from him and his darling daughters in Singapore. Had a great time talking to them.


Pat said...

Where did you text me? My phone is a landline and doesn't take texts. Best to message me via FB messenger.
BTW, where'd the kids sit in the car.? Did Michael sit between you and Pat?

Mimi said...

Pat, I texted to this number: (865) 273-7512. Darn, I didn't realize you don't use that anymore. As for where the kids sat, I think all were in the back seat, maybe with Mike on somebody's lap or three were in the back and one in the open space behind. No seatbelts then, of course.

Pat said...

So, I'm curious what you'd said please message me via FB...Merci beaucoup


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...