Sunday, May 09, 2021


Happily, I slept well and I hope this means the uneasy nights are in the past. Had breakfast, then put in a color wash. 

I forgotten to mention earlier that Jim was coming for lunch, which he did at 1:00; he stayed until 4:00. We had some good discussions about religion, philosophy, the Romanovs, death, and other topics we visit so often--arguments, too, but that's just as satisfying. 

I received this card from my little sweetie in Tokyo:  

It's truncated because I dare not add his name or those of his parents. 
Anyway, cards and flowers are great, but my real gifts are the four, plus the other four, plus the two--I know how lucky I am. 

Called the Access Van to take me over to Ellen's today. We'll have Margaritas out on the patio, then lunch, then who knows? It's a gift just to be with her.  

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 I shoudda stayed in bed! Yes, it was a pretty lousy day. I was looking forward to seeing my dear friend, Noreen, for lunch and, to that end...