Monday, May 31, 2021


After breakfast, I pared and chucked the yams I had bought, put them in a pan with water, and set it to simmering. When they were finished, I divided them into my Corning ware, which I put in the fridge and two small casseroles, which I stowed in the freezer.

Ellen came about 11:30 and we went off to Target. She got end-of-the-year little gifts for her third-graders and I got iron, the only thing I actually needed. After, we went to the Wood Ranch for lunch. It was jammed, of course, as all the restaurants probably were, but we had to wait only 15 minutes. El had a pulled pork platter and I had a big rare juicy hamburger (since I don't eat red meat at home, it's a special treat when I'm out). We both had roasted Brussels sprouts, I a beer and El iced tea.

We came back to my place and sat and chatted on the patio for a bit. Said goodbye and off my girl went. I was restless after that, so I walked a little--just around the block.

Today being Memorial Day, the buses don't run. Since I like to at least semi-plan my activities (but I'll always jettison them if I get a better offer), I think I'll walk to Smart 'n' Final and The Dollar Tree. I also need to clean up the patio and will try to galvanize myself to do that, too. 

Sunday, May 30, 2021


 I walked to The Market after lunch, just for a few staples. Home, and tidied up a bit. Jim came at his usual 1:00 and we had our usual all-over-the-globe conversation. I was interested to hear he knew about Lotusland, in Santa Barbara. He's an opera buff and the woman whose garden it was, was a soprano. That sounds like an interesting story I want to look into.

Jim stayed until 3:45, then I walked him out. Neighbor Vickie called to tell me she'll go into the hospital on Tuesday, June 1, for a lumpectomy (as an outpatient). As soon as she's able, I want to have her, Mary, and Suzanne over for lunch.

I called Bobbi twice to ask how her procedure (a heart thing, during which they thread a wire or something up through her leg to the heart--AAGH!), but voicemail was on. 

Ellen called to ask if I wanted to go to to Wal-Mart, then lunch. Hey, is the pope...does a bear...? Yes, indeed, and I'll see her at 11:00. Happy day, school will be over for the semester in less than two weeks.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

T.O.P.S. And So On

Before T.O.P.S. I went into the Ventura Library site to request two books--they had neither. Okay, maybe it was too much to expect they'd have On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Non-Fiction, but The Smart Set: George Jean Nathan and H.L. Mencken? What could explain the absence of the history of a definitive magazine in a definitive era? Jim and I agreed early on that Ventura is provincial and yes, indeed, that proves it. (Of course, that very statement also proves what pompous, pretentious parvenu we are--HA!)

I wasn't happy with my weigh-ins; at home, I was up .06 to 130 and at T.O.P.S., up .09 to 131. Of course, it's not a disaster, but the latter is out of my zone of 125 to 130, and I don't like that direction. Will work on that.

I'd also like to work on a big fat gag for Sharon. Besides her, only Lolly, Lennie, and I attended. We weighed in and that was the sum total of anything having to do with the reason we gather every @#%&$% week. Sharon held forth--this is no lie--for more than thirty minutes on events in her background, such as her parents' divorce 47 years ago. Leader Lolly, true to form, just let her spout on. I had accepted Sharon's offer to drive me home (I bused and walked there), but when Lennie said she had to leave for a meeting down my way, I went with her. I think Lolly's last meeting is next week and after she leaves, I'm outta there, too.

After breakfast, which I didn't get until 10:30, I did some work on the laptop, seasoned a tilapia cutlet, and planted the pretty can't-remember-its-name that Ellen gave me for Mothers' Day. Did some more dead-heading of the daisies, too. Must plant the hydrangea soon. 

Had lunch, then hopped a bus to town and bought a nice wicker container and two more DVDs at the thrift store. Home, I walked over to Von's, as I was entitled to a free package of four strawberry shortcake popsicles. I promptly gave them to Patrick H., who had told me he knows neighbors building who'd enjoy them. 

My tenant emailed me that she had sent the rent electronically via Zelle and did I get it? Not yet, but maybe there's a delay. These money transfers may be more damn trouble than they're worth.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Santa Barbara

Got to Santa Barbara a bit after 11:00 and Carolyn picked me up. She treated me to an early lunch and we had a good heart-to-heart. After that, it was off to Villa Riviera to pick up Betty. My twin and I were then taken to Carolyn's; she got us comfortable, gave us some photo albums to look at, and went to her office/bedroom to work on some grant-writing. 

Betty and I had an okay time looking at pictures and chatting. Of course, the "chatting" was like something out of Never-Never Land, but I'm used to that now. Carolyn later had to run some errands related to her work, which was no problem. In fact, there were no problems except for the overwhelming one.

My bus was due at the SB Library at 4:50, so we took Betty back to the Villa, then Carolyn drove me to catch the Big Blue Bus (that's what they call it). Didn't get home until almost 7:00, immediately donned my pajamas and robe, and settled in for the night.

Usually, I'd elaborate on my day with Betty, but I just don't want to. 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Luncheon For Lolly

Jim called early, asking if I was free for lunch. Nope, nor today either, and he's busy Friday, but how about Saturday or Sunday? Saturday--good.

Cheryl picked me up at ten of twelve and it was great to see her again. We were surprised when we got there that Luisa was already seated at the table. The other six came in by 12:30 and we proceeded to have a ball. We had lunch (white roughy* for me and several others) and I had a Topa Topa beer--everybody else, good little girls that they are, had soda or iced tea. Sharon presented Lolly with a lovely mermaid necklace and matching earrings and I recited the verse below, then had everyone sign the card and write little notes. (As anyone can see, my art/craft skills are on the third-grade level--on a good day.) 

Here's Lolly's card:

It was great fun and we stayed for two hours. After Cheryl drove me home, I just switched purses, then got the 6 bus to Oxnard. Went to Whole Foods, saw Greg (who said he's doing much better), bought a loaf of Dave's Killer Bread, and waited--and waited--for the bus back. 

I called my pal, Pat R., while I was waiting and we had an enjoyable talk. Pat is recovering form surgery and is having to do a bunch of therapy to get back in shape. That's a drag, but she sounded pretty buoyant and we had a good time talking about theatre, men and their picadilloes, and the distressingly high incidence of death in one's graduating class.

Anyway, it was a good day and shortly, I'll take off for Santa Barbara and Betty.  

*It's a fish, SpellCheck, and that's the way you spell it--not "roughie," damnit!

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


Changed the bed and did a wash early on. Dead-headed the daisies again.* I must plant the hydrangea and other plant I got for Mother's Day. 

I was pleased to get a call from Cheryl, asking if I wanted her to pick me up for the luncheon today. I said I hadn't asked her because I wanted to get there early, so she said she'd pick me up at ten of 12. Good.

Walked to the Market, bused back, and that pretty well took care of the morning. After lunch, I finished the card for Lolly; the verse is cute, but my craft-type efforts look like third grade. 

Had our virtual Happy Hour with Nancy and Carolyn. Nancy suggested we do it every two weeks, instead of each week. Fine by me because there really isn't a whole lot to say. 

* Ha--things are pretty slow when I mention dead-heading the daisies!

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Michael's, The Black Angus, And Betty

 A pretty active day. I headed to Michael's craft store after breakfast for items for Lolly's card. Walked to Telephone Avenue, meaning to bus from there, but bus didn't come, so I walked the rest of the way, three miles in all. Got what I wanted and bused home.

At 1:30, I was just finishing lunch when Stella called, asking if I wanted to go to lunch. Uh--how about an early dinner, instead? Okay and we agreed to meet at the Black Angus at 4:30--very early for me, but I figured I'd improvise and I did.

Stella wanted to eat there because when we had lunch together last time, I had a big hamburger and her "doctor" told her she has to eat meat three times a day for a week. He's a naturopathic something or other--enough said. He's going to examine her urine to find out why she has allergies--or something. Anyway, I had a beer and a small bowl of mac and cheese, Stella a hamburger, half of which she took home.

We parted and I stopped at The Dollar Tree to see if they had any of the sugar-free candy I like once in a while. They didn't, but no biggie. Took the 11 to the transit center and the 6 home, but there was quite a lull in between and I didn't get in until 7:15. I haven't been out that late in an age! Of course, it was still light out and I didn't mind.     

Called Betty and finally reached her. I texted niece Carolyn to see when I could visit and I'll go on Thursday. 

Monday, May 24, 2021


A semi-dreary Sunday, but not too bad. I finished the full crossword which was good, put in a load of whites (yes, with bleach, so shoot me), and prepared broccoli and bean stew for dinner.

Called Lenore and Luisa, as they didn't respond to my email. It turns out all eight of the regulars can come--good--and one other may or may not, so with me, that's ten. I called Aloha to make the reservation, so that's done.

 I was pretty down for a time. I get into these moods where I think I can't do anything right. That was confirmed when Luisa H. called to say Carolyn M. had said the luncheon for Lolly was at 12:20, not 12:30. Later, I checked my email and yes, I had accidentally hit the "2," instead of the "3," so it said 2:20--damn! I sent out another email to alert them to the correct time. 

Things improved later in the day. My printer is acting up and skips every few lines. I need to print the little verse for Lolly, so I went to Office Max for ink and advice. Got it, did what somebody suggested, and it seems to be better. I perked up even more when Ellen called. We had a nice chat and will get together next weekend. Finally, I slept well last night, and Sunday is over. 


Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Floor And Facetime

I finally got around to cleaning the hard floor. As usual, I did it via the Bona method--where has it been all my life?--first using the dusting head, then the wet mop. I washed the bath rugs and tub mat at the same time; looks good. I was surprised to see it was only 10 am when I finished--yay!

Took my cart to Smart 'n' Final and got blueberries (they're abundant now, I'm happy to record), lettuce, bleach, and peanuts. On the way, I recited to myself both my "Dream" poem and the little verse I wrote for Lolly. Now I want to find some reasonable attractive way to present her with it.

Bused to town after lunch. I had been hesitant, since I knew it would be jam-packed on such a sunny Saturday. Because I was worry about CO-VID? Hell, no, because there were so many happy people having lunch with friends and family, making me feel lonely. However, I went and didn't feel that way--just enjoyed it.

Enjoyed even more a Facetime call from Mike. I got to see Violet and Vivian, too--darling girls. Vivian has colored her hair in a kind of dark blonde--boy, does she look gorgeous. Violet is learning Japanese--not in school, but in a language class. Paula is coming back from Pakistan and will have to be quarantined for a week in a hotel when she gets back to Singapore. It was so good to see and hear from them.

Saturday, May 22, 2021


I was 129.4 at home, for a gain of .02, but at T.O.P.S., I was 130.1, same as last week. Ho-hum. 

The meeting itself was somewhat different; the six regulars were there, but we were joined by a T.O.P.S. "advocate," who wants to try to rev up our chapter. Actually, I'd just as soon it sank anyway, once Lolly's gone.  Anyway, I don't think I want to continue, but--well, maybe. This "advocate" is pretty clearly unpaid. She said she was going to talk to people--or something--about getting more members. She also wanted somebody to volunteer to be the "web person" This is really the simplest of the simple, such a receiving newsletters on email and giving them to the leader. I restrained myself from volunteering.

I told the group I'd make the arrangements for us to take Lolly out for a goodbye luncheon. I called her, we settled on next Wednesday and I suggested the Aloha, which she likes. I then emailed the gang aside from Sharon, who has no computer and whom I called.

Aside from that, I did some food prep: got my roasted tomato/onion done and prepared an enormous cauliflower I had bought at The Market. Nothing much else went on, except another round on the phone with BOA and Vanguard. I think that mess is settling, anyway. Went over to Von's for a few things. 

I spent some time making up a little verse for Lolly; I'll make it into a card and have everyone sign it at the luncheon.


Friday, May 21, 2021


 Walked to The Market and back, leaving at 9:30 and I was back by 11:00. I then spent virtually the whole rest of the morning on the phone with BOA and Vanguard, trying to find out where my latest money transfer is. I don't even want to go into it, but have to call the bank again today.

Jim came at 1:00 and we had a good talk-time. He still is teaching from home and it looks as if the college won't institute in-person classes until August. Jim left about 3:30 and I walked him out front. The main building (or whatever they call it) is now finished and we stopped in to look at it. Boy, they did a great job on the gathering room, an open concept which includes a sleek kitchen, sofas and tables, and other amenities. 

Said goodbye to Jim, went home to collect my hat and purse, then, and bused to town to walk The Promenade. I had intended to go just part way, but ocean was very rough, the winds so wild, and the whole area so picturesque, I walked all the way to the end, about three more miles. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021


 I asked Suzanne over to discuss the strange rent thing instituted by SO-FI. Looking on their web site, I saw that one-bedroom apartment, all identical and identical to mine, are now renting for between one thousand dollars a month MORE than I pay and $1212 more. That's $12,000 and $14,544 more per year--it boggles the mind! What's even weirder is that the two-bedrooms now rent for less than that. I even called Bianca, in the office, thinking they were errors. "No," she said breezily, "We just have more demand for one-bedroom apartments." Now all the one-beds have the exact same footage, so what am I missing? It's incredible.

Another dopy difference is that Bennie next door is charged a service fee of $3.99 for preparation of the utilities bill (that, in itself, is an outrage) and I'm charged $4,47. We have exactly the same apartments, so what possible reason could there be for that? 

Picked up some stuff at Von's, had lunch, then hopped a bus to Oxnard. I just walked to The Collection, scouted around Whole Foods looking for Greg, but didn't see him, so he must not have been working. Walked back to the bus stop and got home about 5:30.

Jim called and we chatted--thrilled to see the sun again--and he suggested lunch today. Sure thing and he'll be here, as usual, at 1:00.  

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Phone Visits, Virtual H.H. And Vickie

Changed the bed, washed the sheets, and took the coverlet off the bed to wash. I decided it may be too big or heavy for the appliances in the apartment, so borrowed Suzanne's key for the laundry room. While it was washing and drying, I made several calls.  

The first was to Bob Szabo, asking him to turn on the sprinklers at the house, as he's done for me for years (I pay him, of course). The second was to Helen C., who is moving to the Methodist assisted living home in Ocean City on Friday. We talked for some time. The third was to Muckie D., with whom I had a conversation that lasted an hour. It was great fun to talk with her, although the news isn't entirely good. I enjoyed it so much that I sat down and wrote her a letter--a real one, which I'll finish today and send in a real envelope with a real stamp on it.

Went over to Von's for lettuce and beer.  At 5:00, I had virtual Happy Hour with Nancy and Carolyn. Nancy's hip is improving, she thinks, and Carolyn's eye surgery is coming up after her appointment on the 25th. Other than that, our conversation was, as usual, what we've been reading--or in Nancy's and Carolyn's case, what they've been listening to. 

I was surprised when the doorbell rang about 7 pm. It was Vickie P., who lives in the next building with her life partner, Mary, who has Alzheimer's. She knows about Betty and we've talked before about the troubles and sorrows surrounding the condition. I had stopped at her place the other day to ask if there was anything I could do to help, and I was glad to see her. 

Vickie stayed for about an hour and we talked very frankly. She is only 68, but looks older. Retired from the military (ouch!) and a convert to Catholicism, she is very religious.  I told her I was not, but didn't mention my pacifism. 

Vickie and Mary have been together for forty years. I asked if they had considered marriage and she told me that, in the early eighties, they had participated in a ceremony at a Catholic church that "blessed"--or something--gay couples. Wouldn't you know, it was in San Francisco.

Anyway, Vickie's had the book thrown at her. She had breast cancer, first in 2001, then a reoccurrence and a mastectomy, and now it's back. She goes on Friday for another test and, presumably, the start of more treatment.

What gets me is that, while Mary has two daughters and a son (divorced years ago), and sinks deeper nd deeper into dementia, Vickie has her whole care. She's in touch with one of the daughters, but there's no financial or other kind of help from them. V. is trying to get Mary into some kind of facility, but M. has only Medicare and Medicaid and no money for private pay. I was glad she had come over and will get to know her better.  



Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Fridge And Feistiness

Whew, kind of an up and down day. I received an unwelcome phone call from Michelle, of Erik's Appliances, to tell me about the two parts Erik had ordered for the fridge at my house. One was on back order and they wouldn't have any until June--and the other? They simply don't make it anymore, so that's that. I looked up new refrigerators and realized I'd have to bite the bullet and pay about a thou and a half, if not more. I sent my tenant an email saying I'd deal with the problem shortly. I had intended to go to Lowe's to look at new refrigerators, then somehow have one installed in my house in Jersey. However, see later for good news.  

Walked to The Market for staples--broccoli, mushrooms, and lettuce, then home, skipping the bus this time.  After lunch, I bused to town and did my Main Street to "The Avenue" routine, so I got about five total in for the day. Ellen called when I was on my way home just to say hello, which I always enjoy. 

I was even more pleased to get an email from Susan, my tenant, that said it really wasn't necessary to get a new fridge at this time. They'd use the fix Erik showed them and were okay with that. Wow, talk about good tenants! For all I know, they're running a drug ring from the house, but hey, they're A-OK in my book.  

Niece Carolyn called and we had a good long talk. I then called Betty and we had a not-so-good shorter talk; she's getting more and more incoherent. I hope to get to Santa Barbara next week to see her.

The top of the day? I got this from son Mike, of my sweet (well, not so sweet, more like feisty) granddaughter, Violet, who's on the cusp of teenhood (July 10):

Monday, May 17, 2021

Sunday Nun-Day

Did the usual Sunday (the crossword was annoyingly obscure), then food prep involving bean stew and three onions. Somebody at T.O.P.S. had asked me to bring to the next meeting my picture before I lost weight. It's about ten years old, so doesn't illustrate my most recent (and, I'm convinced, final) weight loss of 52 pounds, but here I am at 204 pounds:

After lunch, I bused to Telephone Road, in order to get to the Grocery Outlet in East Ventura. I was interested to see an anti-vax demonstration at Telephone and Victoria. I wasn't wearing a mask--naturally, since it was out in the open air--and exchanged some pleasantries with a man. I told him I had gotten the vaccine, but respected his position. He was holding a sign saying "Christianity is the answer," so I guess these were members of one of the many small church congregations in Ventura. Hey, I can tolerate his kind better than the sanctimonious types who are constantly preaching about CO-VID and how you'll burn in secular hell if you don't get the vaccine. I had enough of that kind of thing growing up. Here's the group:

Went on my way and visited Grocery Outlet. I didn't buy anything because, if truth be told, I didn't really need anything--just wanted to get out. 

Shortly after I got home, I was pleasantly surprised when Suzanne called, asking if I'd like to come in to her place for Happy Hour (she had O'Doul's, of course). She's contemplating retiring for good, although she doesn't want to. She had gone from full-time to half about a year ago and she loves her work. Unfortunately, her fibro neuralgia and more recent leg problems means she's sometimes in pain and she doesn't want to be an unreliable employee. She asked me my opinion and I suggested possibly she could act as a consultant and/or an on-call lecturer. She'll think about that and we chatted for a half hour or so.


Cryptic note to myself, re Vanguard: I transferred in some from BOA savings account on April 19, 2021 and some on May  , 2021.      

Sunday, May 16, 2021


Walked to Smart 'n' Final and the Dollar Tree after breakfast for various, so I got three in. Jim came at his usual 1:00 for lunch and we had our usual satisfying talk. Since he's a San Francisco native, I told him about my latest favorite on YouTube: a series of videos of the graves of famous people in cemeteries all over the country. I've always like that topic--it may be a morbid fascination, but I don't think so. Anyway, he was born and brought up in the Sunset district of SF--I have no idea where that is, naturally.

Jim stayed until 3:30, after which I bused to the mall. I had read that Trader Joe's was no longer requiring masks and I thought I'd go there and see if it felt odd. Well, far from it--the store was pretty crowded and I went down aisle after aisle; I was the only one unmasked. I just can't fathom why people would cling to that former requirement. I asked about it and was told only those who had had the vaccine could go unmasked--but they don't ask if anyone has been jabbed. Curious anyway you look at it.

Home at 6:00 and I had a well-balanced meal of about two ounces of leftover turkey, some cooked carrots, and a banana. Oh, well, I usually eat well and I had had a turkey sandwich at lunch. The weather's been annoyingly overcast and chilly--May Gray, I guess, and what's coming may be June Gloom. 

Saturday, May 15, 2021

T.O.P.S. And Other Stuff

For the first time in--what, a year? More than a year?--we met for T.O.P.S. at Trinity Lutheran, Bobbi picking me up at 8:30. There were seven of us, plus a guest, Lennie's sister from North Dakota. Oddly, I had lost a bit according to my scale at home (at 129.2, I was down .02), but gained a bit at the meeting (at 130.1, I was up .07). 

But if I had ever on the fence about dropping out, yesterday decided me. It was another pointless, meandering bore, with members just randomly chatting, showing pictures of grandbabies, recounting  recent forays into home repairs, and blah, blah, blah. Lolly tried to get someone to volunteer to be "leader," which entails a lot of uncompensated work and who would want to do it? Nobody in the existing group, it seems. We have two more meetings before Lolly moves away and that, for me, is going to be it. To top it off, I didn't sit down to breakfast until 10:30 and I just can't live with that. 

By the time I walked to The Market, it was noon. I got this and that, including (am I insane?) a box of masks, now that the CDC seems to be easing up restrictions (story of my life).  I ran the dishwasher, but once again, the rinse water seemed to come up into the sink. Called the office and Gabe came over and fixed it. 

I put in a color wash and while it was going, dead-headed some the daisies. I must get out to clean up the patio, but it's been downright chilly lately and I'm going to wait. 

Since Jim and I had been discussing death, I sent him Daylan Thomas'es "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night." It's expresses exactly my take on death. "And Death Shall Have No Dominion" is striking, too, but it's a little obscure. He wrote back thanks and "are we meeting on Saturday?" as if I'm the social director. But I was pleased he initiated that and wrote "sure!" so I'll see him for lunch today.


Friday, May 14, 2021


 In fear and trembling, I finally did it: I made an appointment to see dentist Dr. Mark Babbitt* on June 2. (That's an appropriate date--it's the seventy-first anniversary of my father's death.) Well, at least, until June 1, I can pretend it's not going to happen.

Gail picked me up at noon and we drove to town. At my suggestion, we parked at the library and walked the mile to The Himalayan. This time, I had chicken something something curry and so did Gail. It was good, but I couldn't really tell the difference in the meat part--could have been dog, for all I know. 

We walked back, stopping in a few shops on the way. I picked up the book I had requested (And I Alone Survived) at the library and Gail drove me home. Got in at 2:30 and immediately took off for Oxnard to get my bus pass. I really don't need it, as my drivers' license had always been accepted since it has my birth date on it, but I just thought it would come in handy.

I called Nancy from Oxnard to see how her hip is. She said it seems to have improved, but is continuing the cold packs and Tylenol. Got home at 5:00.

*I doubt if he's a Sinclair Lewis fan, but I'm going to ask him if he's ever been teased about his name. Not only is Lewis'es well-known book called Babbitt, but it has entered the language as meaning somebody who confirms unthinkingly to prevailing middle-class standards. In other words, a conformist bore. Boy, do I know a lot of them, male and female.  


Thursday, May 13, 2021


Trekked to Famous Shoes via shanks mare (that's an old one) and bus and bought a pair of what used to be called "sneakers." They also used to cost about--oh, fifteen to twenty bucks. What I bought are called "running shoes" and set me back $74.00. However, once I got them home and walked in them there, I think they're a little big. I'll take them back and see what else they have.

Aside from that, there was nothing much going on. I cleaned up a little and moved some things here and there for no particular reason. Having again slept very poorly, I lay down for a nap after lunch, dozed off, but was awakened by the phone. It was Michelle, of Erik's Appliances, who said Erik would have to get a part for the fridge at my house and she'll let me know the cost. Okay.

The good news is, I slept soundly last night. Meeting Gail for lunch today. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


Changed the bed and did a white wash. Got a call about 9:30 from my tenant, Susan. She was asking if I had heard from Erik, the appliance guy, who looked at the fridge last month. I hadn't, so called and was called back by Michelle, who will contact Susan. Not sure if the "fix" he did worked or not and I guess it will need a part.

Walked over to Von's and got (yesterday's) mail. I was surprised to receive a letter from Joe B. saying he was sending me $1400.00. Oh, that's right, I had gotten an email to that effect last week or so. The letter he sent was written, I'd say, on a fifth-grade level, with the usual clichés and platitudes. What's funny is--well, it's not so funny--I don't need the money. But I guess I won't send it back. 

After lunch,  I walked to the park and the little library. Left off some books and DVDs and picked up two. I called Betty while I was there and found that Pat (Kennedy) Hayes was visiting. That's nice and Betty knows who she is--good.  

At 5:00, we had our Zoom Happy Hour. I was surprised when Carolyn checked in, but Nancy didn't. After C. and I talked a bit, we decided I should call her. I did and she said she had forgotten it was Tuesday. That was okay, but what wasn't was the fact that she slipped and "heard something pop" in her hip. She said it's only painful if she walks and she's treating it with cold packs but she'll go to the doctor if it isn't better in a day or two. Wow, I think she should go to the doctor now, but it's not up to me. Carolyn and I chatted for about a half hour, but it's hard to get her to talk much. 

Again had a difficult time sleeping. Darn, I hope this doesn't last.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Gail And Blueberries

 I got my cart and set off for The Market about 9:00. I had just passed the back gate when I got a call from Gail; I was surprised to hear she was at the front entrance. (She did the same a few days ago and then, I was on the bus going somewhere. I'm puzzled as to why she doesn't call first to make sure I'm there.) Anyway, she brought me a zippered sweat shirt in a sort of raspberry color; said she wanted me to have it, as it's too big for her. I told her about The Himalayan, the Tibetan place I went to with Stella and she asked if we could do the same. On Friday, she's "dog-sitting" at her friend's beachfront place in Malibu (two mil or better, I'll bet), and we made a date for Thursday. 

When I got home, I tried on the sweat shirt and it's much too small. Gail is very slender (and tall) and I think she thinks because I have thin legs, the rest of me is, too. Even with the weight loss, it isn't; I still wear a 12 or 13. 

Got produce at The Market and was delighted to see they had blueberries--finally, they're in season again. I bought three 18-ounce containers, put one in the freezer and feasted on them during my DVD hour.

Bused to town after lunch and just stopped in a few places. It was quiet, but I'm sure will get more active as the week goes on. Home a bit after 5:00.  

Sharon R., a fellow T.O.P.S. member, called to see if I planned to go to the meeting Friday at Trinity Lutheran. I said I think Bobbi is going to pick me up. Sharon said she'd take me if Bobbi didn't. Fine, but I told her I'd likely drop out shortly, anyway. I just don't get enough out of it, I'm afraid, to stay in and the negatives outweigh the positives for me.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Mothers' Day

 A lovely Mothers' Day. I had scheduled the Access Van to take me to Ellen's by noon, but as ever, it came early and I got there before 11:00. Annoying, but we enjoyed playing with the kitties, anyway. I was so glad when Greg came in, as I haven't seen him since Christmas. We had some good talk together and with El. 

El had asked me what I wanted on "my day" and rather than go out to eat (I knew the restaurants would be jammed), I said I'd like to eat out in her yard. What did I want? A Rueben--why not? I was surprised and pleased that Greg knew what went in it (after all, he's Italian, not Jewish) and El made it herself. It had the requisite Swiss cheese, sauerkraut, Russian dressing on rye. As for the meat, she and Greg got pastrami instead of corned beef, but I honestly couldn't tell the difference. She served it hot and it was just delicious. I had a Stella Artois (beer) with it and macaroons after--what a treat, considering what I usually eat--or don't eat.

Beforehand, El and I had Margaritas and I even had another. Yummy-yum to that, too. She, Greg, and I then watched an old Father Knows Best episode from 1956--when I was twenty and not yet married. I'm always interested in acting styles--not to mention the sets, costumes, scripts, attitudes, and so on--and how much they change through the years. I don't think I could stand watching something like this very often.

El gave me a pretty plant and two handmade cards that were so sweet they made me cry. I stayed until about 4:30, then said goodbye to Greg and El drove me to Office Max, as I needed printer ink. Before we went in, Mike and Paula called from Singapore and we had a nice chat. Paula is going to Montenegro on a photo shoot for a week (something she designed) and has to be quarantined in a hotel for a week after.  

Sunday, May 09, 2021


Happily, I slept well and I hope this means the uneasy nights are in the past. Had breakfast, then put in a color wash. 

I forgotten to mention earlier that Jim was coming for lunch, which he did at 1:00; he stayed until 4:00. We had some good discussions about religion, philosophy, the Romanovs, death, and other topics we visit so often--arguments, too, but that's just as satisfying. 

I received this card from my little sweetie in Tokyo:  

It's truncated because I dare not add his name or those of his parents. 
Anyway, cards and flowers are great, but my real gifts are the four, plus the other four, plus the two--I know how lucky I am. 

Called the Access Van to take me over to Ellen's today. We'll have Margaritas out on the patio, then lunch, then who knows? It's a gift just to be with her.  

Saturday, May 08, 2021

T.O.P.S. And Tibet

Weight report--129.4. Curiously, there was no change from two weeks ago at home, and a .06 loss at T.O.P.S., but that has no real significance. What does is that Lennie announced that, starting next week, we can again meet at Trinity Lutheran inside. Now, should I continue with this or not? It's a dilemma. For me, there seem to be too many negatives. Bobbi said she'd call me during the week and I suspect she'll offer to pick me up and take me home. I guess I'll go next time and make a decision after. Maybe I'll simply go once a month...dunno.

I left for the bus at 10:45 and met Stella outside the library at noon. We walked around the block--uphill part of the way, which was strenuous--then on Main. We stopped in a few shops, then went the mile or so to The Himalayan for Tibetan food. We both had curried lamb, which was very good--it's been decades since I had lamb and, only very occasionally do I eat any red meat. But I enjoyed it, along with the Hoppy Poppy local beer. 

After our meal and conversation, we walked back to the library where Stella had parked and said goodbye. I then went in and greatly enjoyed browsing the new books--browsing! In the library! What a long-lost pleasure that was. There was a limited selection, though--the special shelves included only  relatively new books,* but still, it felt good. I didn't borrow any, however, having practically a whole library at home I haven't read yet.

On the way home, I got a voice mail from Gail, saying she was right outside my apartment complex, but assumed I was "gadding about" (damn straight and glad of it). Called her back and she said she wanted to give me a purple sweatshirt she bought that's too big for her. Okay, she'll call me on Monday or Tuesday.

When I got home, I found a nice Mother's Day gift from Mike:

Ellen called after dinner and we had a long talk. I'll see her tomorrow on Mother's Day, of course. At my suggestion, the plan, subject to change, is for us to meet there and maybe eat at her place.

 *And "relatively" is the operative word here; I saw M. O.'s several-years-old Becoming in the group. 



Friday, May 07, 2021


Although I hadn't slept well, I galvanized myself after breakfast. Deadheaded, then tied up my pretty daisies on the patio. Also washed, trimmed, and cut two pounds of carrots, added "cuties" (the small tangerines I like) and cinnamon, and set to low in the slow cooker.

I then walked to the post office to mail off to my tenants the quarterly brochure from the Little Egg water company. Just before I got there, Stella called to see about prospects for lunch and walking. We tentatively decided on today and The Himalayan, which Stella had suggested before. I don't remember ever having Tibetan food, but assuming I can get some that isn't spicy, I want to try it.  

Met neighbor Michelle on the way in and we walked together. She asked to see my apartment--she has a two-bedroom on the second (top) floor in another building. She liked the fact that I have hard floors in the dining area, kitchen, and hall; she just got them. We talked about meeting for a drink (that sounds so sophisticated!) one of these days, but we've been talking about that for about two years now.  

To town after lunch to drop the Stephen King book back at the library. I hadn't been to town, just to stroll, for two weeks, and I enjoyed doing it. Got home about 5:00, then went over to Von's for various. I had a big problem with their "Fab 5" promotion--I just don't want to go into details--which was finally settled. For my trouble the manager gave me a huge pile of Monopoly "tokens," with which I could win $25,000, a trip to Disneyland, or a role of aluminum file and--I WON! (Well, I need the foil.) 

Called Stella and suggested we meet at noon at the library, then walk to the mile or so to The Himalayan. We'll do that, after I get past T.O.P.S., breakfast, and busing there. 

Unfortunately, I again had a restless night. I hope my magic elixir, of which I'm about to take the first gulp, will energize me. 

Thursday, May 06, 2021


Much as I loved being at Ellen's, it was good to be home, too. Slept well and got up at my usual 6:30 and change. After breakfast, I found it oddly satisfying to do some food prep: i.e. chopping up my tomatoes and onions, adding oil, vinegar and seasonings, then roasting for forty or so. That will provide my salad with its veggie assist to the lettuce).

Then, an annoying incident: My sworn enemy, Bank of America, had not posted my tenant's rent check, which (I thought) I had scanned. In a huff, I walked there for the second day in a row. After some this and that, it seems I didn't actually scan the damn thing, though you couldn't prove it by me. Anyway, it got deposited and I'm going to have to be more diligent about it.  

After lunch, I walked to Smart 'n' Final for more provisions, including more veggies. I had a vegan dinner, then El called and we chatted. She taught from home yesterday, but resumes at school today.

With both treks yesterday, I had walked five, so I can't understand why I was so wakeful last night. (Wednesday to today, Thursday, that is). I got up for the usual at 2:25 (I probably shouldn't have looked at the time) and it took what seemed like hours to fall back asleep. I just got up at 7:30; maybe I'll take a nap today.  

Wednesday, May 05, 2021


Ellen and I had a leisurely breakfast together, then packed the car and set off for Ventura. We stopped first at my place, so we could put away the trunk-full of what I had taken to her house. Then it was off to Wal-Mart, as we both needed quite a bit after sojourning in places away from home.  I got broccoli, rice cakes, and a few other things and El bought whole bunch of paper goods, as well as two kinds of kitty litter, and much more.

We then unloaded my things at my place, visited for a bit, and said goodbye. I made my big salad lunch, then scanned with my phone the rent check my tenant had sent from the bank. It seemed to work, but when I went into my account, it hadn't been added. I wanted to got some walking in, anyway, so I took my cart and went to the bank, where I found it would take until midnight to post. The bank's near the market, so I went there, too, for tomatoes, onions, carrots, and rice cakes. Today, I'll get some food prep done. 

I sent the Zoom virtual Happy Hour link to Nancy and Carolyn, and we chatted for  the forty free minutes they allow. Nothing new with either one of them. Had tilapia for dinner, showered and washed my hair, and started watching the DVD of Deepwater Horizon. It's a disaster movie about an oil rig off the coast of Louisiana. So far, it's semi-interesting, but I think Mark Wahlberg and everybody else drowns in the end.    

Tuesday, May 04, 2021


 I didn't do a whole heck of a lot in the early part of the day; just cleaned up a bit after breakfast. I had finished Later over breakfast; after, I looked over El's and Greg's bookcases and selected Lolita, which I haven't read for decades. I sat out in Ellen's backyard/patio reading it, in the glorious sunshine. Nabokov was just the best, the top of the line, when it came to writing. 

Had the rest of my salad for lunch, then was kind of at loose ends. I actually turned on the television and saw an hour of Vertigo. It's 63 years old and boy, does it show it. Jimmy Stewart is pretty good in it and Barbara Del  Geddes excellent. I don't know who Kim Novak was sleeping with (certainly not Hitchcock, if I understand his orientation), but her performance was so-o-o wooden, her gestures so exaggerated, and her accent so contrived, it was a chore to witness her performance. The real star was San Francisco, which I loved seeing. 

My girl, Ellen, blew in about 4:30 and it was so good to see her. She settled back in, putting things away nd doing a wash, then off we went to dinner. El treated me at Sea Fresh, where we sat outside and  enjoyed Margaritas and mango shrimp, plus a shared brownie/ice cream dessert. Home, I watched the rest of Vertigo. Novak's acting improved when she played the second character, but the story line itself, especially the ending, was full of holes. 

My last day in Ojai--I've had a good time and enjoyed it as a little semi-vacation.    

Monday, May 03, 2021

Lunch With Noreen

A pleasant and interesting day. I called Noreen and asked if she was available for lunch. Yes, indeed, and she'll pick me up. (She lives in west Ventura, which isn't far from Ojai.)

After breakfast, I decided to walk to Von's for a few things I needed wanted. On the way, I passed The Artesian, an independent living place, which is quite new. In fact, only a few years ago, shortly after I moved here, I attended a free "learn about the facility and we hope you move here when it's built" luncheon. These come-ons are pretty common and I've been to many, but why not? I always enjoy eating out and the presentations aren't too tedious.

Anyway, a resident standing near the gate and I said "good morning." She replied, then asked if she could ask me a question. She wanted to know what had replaced some store or other nearby. Of course, I didn't know, don't live in Ojai, and we struck up a conversation. Clara (I think she said her last name was Didwitty or Dunwiddy) then proceeded to tell me her life's history: arranged marriage, later divorced, second husband was an intellectual giant, she's 92, got a million and a half for her house in Ojai, she loves the Artesian, and so on and on. Anyway, it occurred to me that this might an "in" to renew my acting course. We talked and she said she'd love to have me visit. Okay, and I gave her my card. She said she's going to call me. 

Noreen picked me up at 1:00 and I told her I'd leave it to her where we'd eat. She took me to something that started with a "C," but it was jammed, inside and out, and there was a 40-minute wait. We then tried M'Marco's, where I've eaten before and like a lot. It was closed, I hope not for good. So how about Sea Fresh, one of my favorites? We  didn't even park, it was so crowded. Japanese, maybe? That was closed, too. We finally settled on a small Mexican place and it was really good. We sat outside, had enchiladas, rice and beans, Noreen a glass of wine, me a Corona. We had a great time talking, then she dropped me off about 3:30.

I did some sweeping of the porch and back patio, just for a little help to El. She called and we talked for a bit. I'm looking forward to seeing them back here about 4:00 or so.    

Sunday, May 02, 2021

Lunch With Jim

 Did the usual morning stuff. Mary Hoffman called about 10:00 and we had a good talk. I then checked the bus schedule; decided on the 11:21, which got me to the transit center at 12:17, where Jim was waiting to pick me up. I asked if he'd take me to my apartment first, as I wanted to get a few more items. He did, then we headed to Jasmine Thai, where I treated Jim to a birthday lunch.

I had the pad Thai, Jim the curry something and brown rice. He had a glass of wine and I was sorely tempted. However, I resisted and got the good Thai Singha beer. I have avoided wine for some time now, as I tend to drink it too fast and then it's all gone. So I have another. And then that's all gone. So I have...yeah.

Anyhow, it was good. Jim wanted to see the little lending library I often mention, so we did. I got a book to add to the ten or so I haven't read yet and Jim took a bio of Tennessee Williams. I was amused, then he was, when I told him I had donated it myself a few months ago. Jim wanted to show me another L.L.L. in the park on Foothill Road, the one with prominently posted  "Beware of Rattlesnakes" signs--aagh! We drove in, but library doesn't seem to be there anymore. 

Friend Jim then surprised me no end by driving to his place. I've known him for roughly four years and we've seen each other virtually every week for the past two, but he has never invited me there. This time, he didn't "invite me," either--just drove there. For  the last several years, when we had lunch together, we always met at my apartment complex and ate either in the open or in my apartment, so this was a first.      

Anyway, the basic apartment is one I'd love to have myself, a major point being that it has two bedrooms. I'd kill for another bedroom, where I'd keep my laptop, printer, and filing cabinet. I didn't ask to see them, but maybe eventually, I will. As for décor, it was typical old bachelor: a retro mess.

I had mentioned to Jim how much I like the Sunday crossword in the Ventura Star and he said the free paper has one, too. He actually picked it up and started asking me to answer the clues. I did most of them, as it was on a third-grade level, it seemed to me. 

When we were almost finished, I asked Jim what time it was, he looked at his watch (yes, he still wears one) and said, "3:50," he said. Oh, no--the Ojai bus left at 3:54 and I'd have to wait an hour for the next one! I grabbed my things, we rushed out to his car, and he got me there just as the 16 was pulling away. Happily, the driver stopped and let me board. Got to Ojai in time for the Ojai Trolley to take me most of the way to El's, so I didn't have to walk. 

Talked to El and Greg later and am looking forward to seeing them tomorrow.

Saturday, May 01, 2021


 Another active day. Taking my cart and a bag of dirty clothes, I walked to the bus stop and got the 9:23. It was still incredibly hot, but much cooler in Ventura--very pleasant, in fact. Got in about 11:00, just as Suzanne was coming back from the laundry place. We sat outside and chatted for a bit. Unfortunately, she's been having trouble with pain in her leg when she walks and had been to to the doctor earlier. She has had fibro neuralgia for years, but this seems not to be related. She'll get an MRI soon.

I put in a load of wash, then put myself in. Okay, I didn't join in the sloshing and spinning, but I showered and washed my hair. While the clothes were drying, I walked over to Von's for heads of romaine and green leaf lettuce. Made my lunch salad with the former and packed the latter in the cooker to take to Ojai. Before I left, I put in cottage cheese and a seasoned chicken thigh from the freezer. With trepidation (would they melt on the way?), I added some sugar-free popsicles, which I like to have  in the evening after my pretzels and peanuts.

Ellen called. They were at the French Press, a coffee place Greg likes. She said Greg goes back to the doctor on Monday and they'd probably come home after that. I said I'd stay over then, too, so we can visit for awhile. 

Left  my place about 2:30 and got to Ojai at 4:00. I missed the Ojai "trolley" (really just a little, partly open, bus) and wasn't about to wait 35 minutes for the next one. So I walked again and by the time I got to El's, it was as if I had never showered. Oh, well, maybe I'll be brave and use one of hers today.

Called Jim and we talked, then made a date for lunch today--I'm treating for his birthday. That was two days ago, but somebody else took him to lunch then. We decided on Jasmine Thail and he'll pick me up at the transit center.     


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...