Sunday, February 14, 2021

Spain, Jim, And Little Vic

The Zoom Mediterranean cooking demonstration was actually pretty good. Dr. Simpson, who's a bariatric surgeon at St. John's, did the cooking and commentary from his own kitchen. He made a paella, a Spanish dish, with lots of ingredients, including chicken, shrimp, and vegetables galore. That's right down my alley and, with modifications, I intend to try it soon.

Jim called and we had a long talk about a variety of topics, as usual. We made a date for Wednesday for lunch when the temp should be in the seventies--YAY!

After lunch, I bused to town. I was happy to see it was bustling with people--lots and lots eating at the outdoor areas of the restaurants, more in the stores, children here and there, and a festive air prevailed. 

Home about 5:00 and I laid out my ingredients for turkey stir-fry. I try to use of ratio of two to one: twice the veggies to the ground turkey. 

I put the pics below on Facebook. The big guy is Vic Micolucci, my great-nephew, a reporter for the Jacksonville TV station. For several years, he's been covering a prom for those with special needs. For obvious reasons, it had to be held outside, as a parade, this time. I thought the pictures were terrific, especially the one in the rain. Vic himself, grandson of my brother, Larry, is a really nice guy in person.  I love hearing his family call him "little Vic" to distinguish him from his Dad, "Big Vic."  Little Vic is six- foot-five and towers over Big Vic. Interestingly, he lists on his personal Facebook page, "Jesus follower." Yes, they're a very religious family.


iloveac said...

I consider myself a 'Jesus follower', but I'm not very religious. Vic is one good looking guy.

Mimi said...

Takes after his great-aunt--HA!


Julie picked me up at 9;00, then we stopped for Regina and off we went to the BCNN  meeting. It was raining (horrors!) and we agreed we didn...