Sunday, February 28, 2021

Smoke And John Huston

Well, okay, the news is a bit better: Oceanside Carpet cleaned the carpets and sent me pictures via text. They look fine, plus Bill went over and wired the smoke alarm in the study to connect to the others, so I hope it will pass inspection this time. I was very annoyed that Eileen would have this added and I emailed Kim to ask if I can take what Bill charges out of her security deposit. Of course, I am in possession of the two very nice ceiling fans that she installed, but still--.

I spent most the of the morning--about three hours--pulling together my income tax info and readying it for Michelle. I called her and found she had gotten the second COVID shot on Friday, too, but unlike me, who had no bad reaction, she did. Said she had a splitting headache and was tired. I told her I'd walk over my stuff this afternoon. She lives only a mile and a half or so away and, considering my experience with the P.O., I didn't trust them to get it to her.  Bused to Wal-Mart and picked up a few thing. Walked part of the way back

Betty called and we talked for a bit. I called Carolyn later and asked if it was okay for me to visit on Wednesday. She was delighted (she'll be out of town), so I'll do that. Am I looking forward to seeing my twin sister again? I would be, if she were there, but she isn't. I visit her shell.   

I was happy to finally, at long last, get my John Huston bio from Amazon. Started it and it's good--nice and long and with interesting detail.  

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Further Woes

 Did I say things were looking up? I spoke too soon. Got a call at 7 am from the township to the effect that one of the documents--I thought she was saying "covid," but it was short for Code of Occupancy-- wasn't in the packet I sent via UPS Overnight. AAGH! She emailed the document to me, I filled it out, then keeping my fingers crossed, scanned it--luckily, I was able to attach it and sent it back. Therefore--happy day!--the inspector was able to go to the house yesterday and, surely, that would be the end of all my problems and the new people would move in on Monday and all would be rosy--

NOT! The house failed inspection. It seems the smoke alarm in the front room--the study, but they called it a bedroom--isn't connected to the other alarms. I called Realtor Kim, then Bill G., who does my maintenance work and is a retired electrician, and he'll go tomorrow while the carpet cleaner is there, to see what he can do. Bill told me the houses hadn't had alarms in the study, so Eileen must have added one when she put in the ceiling fans (which, incidentally, I now own).

This was all partly settled by 11:00, so I walked to the market, bused home, had lunch, then left for the fairgrounds to get my second COVID shot. That went smoothly, at least, and, aside from a slight soreness at the site, I've had no reaction. 

My niece, Joan, who lives in Manhattan, called. We had a nice chat, although I was sorry to hear that her son, Jeremy, an architect, has lost his job. It seems there isn't much architectural work going on. We commiserated about the shape the GD post office is in, as she's had problems, too. I posted my feelings about the place on Facebook: "The UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE IS A DISGRACE TO THIS COUNTY." 

Betty called and I talked to her in our usual vague fashion. Also talked to her helper, Mary. I hope to get to Santa Barbara this week. 

Oh, I almost forgot T.O.P.S. I gained 1.01 pounds, according to their scale, so am up to 128.9. Gained a whopping two point two according to my scale, so 128.4. However, I'm not concerned; I'm still within my comfort zone and I know it will even off next time.

Friday, February 26, 2021


 Well, things have improved, at least to an extent. I was glad to have slept all night, but not so glad when a text notification sound from Eileen woke me at five am.  Being in Jersey, she must have forgotten the time difference. However, no problem and she said the new people could put things in the garage on Sunday, and so on. 

Realtor Kim called to say that somebody or other has a possible "in" with somebody at the township, so would I email or fax her the documents and she'll get them to him. AAGH! That's what I tried to do for Walter and they wouldn't go through--kept changing from a jpeg to a dht or whatever it is. And I don't think I have a fax; I'm not even sure if my copier faxes. However, in desperation, I tried to send them. To Walter, I put them all on one, but for Kim, I copied, then saved them one by one--eight sheets. Thank Zeus, it worked!

Of course, that means I didn't have to have spent seventy-one dollars and the time over-nighting them, so that's something to obsess over, but I'm not going to, I swear. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not! (I hope I'm not.)

Carolyn B. emailed to ask if I'd like to pretend-attend a Storyteller Zoom presentation entitled "Growing Up." on March 4. Well, I'd rather do that that hang by my thumbs for three days, but--. However, I said I did and she sent me the link. I just hope it's not one of the shmaltzy things about dear old Mom and how she raised us up during the depression and made our school clothes out of Dad's old overalls.

I was pleased that Jim called about 10:00 and, after some chat, we agreed to meet for lunch. I went over to Von's beforehand for turkey for a sandwich, but didn't have time for a longer walk. We met at 1:00, as usual under clear blue skies, a light breeze, and about seventy degrees. 

I had just read a New Yorker article about a woman who is doing a play on Emily Dickinson (one of my all-time favorite poets), but incorporated into it the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein.  Of course, I had to discuss that with Jim, who said L.W. was famous. (Couldn't prove it by me.) 

Jim left about 3:30, I dropped my stuff off at home, then bused to town. I wanted to get some walking, so I went down Main, stopping in a store now and then. I probably got in only about two, but it felt good. Home and at 8:00, I settled back with Chardonnay, Jack and Faye, and their ill-fated affair in Chinatown.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Bad One

Bad, bad, bad. I hadn't slept well to begin with, plus I was fretting over getting my income tax stuff finished. Yes, I have an accountant (Michelle, who's done mine since I moved to California), but there are a lot of receipts, bills, checks, and other documentation I have to pull together first. Anyway, I did some last week, but have been putting the rest off. Finally sat down to it and saw there are several questionable areas (where to put this and that, etc.), so I called her, but she was with a client and asked me to call back. 

In the meantime, it occurred to me that I hadn't gotten the return receipt for the items I had sent Little Egg Township. These are essential to a house rental--a Rental Mercantile License and a code enforcement document. I called and they had never gotten them! I sent them February 9, this was the twenty-fourth, and they hadn't arrived. 

What ensued gives me a headache even to record here, so I'm just going to mention I spent the entire day on this. What I did included phone calls to realtor Kim, my former neighbors and friends, Walter and Susan, calls to several township departments, and so on and on. Walter offered to take the documents and checks and when I scanned and then emailed to him, he couldn't open them--they had changed from jpeg to dot something. When I sent them to myself, I could.   

The upshot was I bused to UPS, got a notary to notarize, copied what I needed to, sent all to the township with new checks via overnight mail, and paid $71 dollars and change for the privilege. The U.S. Postal Service is one of those many institutions I used to rely upon and even revere. No longer. I'm beginning to think all the rock-solid basic institutions I was brought up to believe were, and always would be, bastions of rectitude and worthy of all trust, have crumbled, one by one: the church, the military, now the post office. 

Howsomeever (I can't remember who used to say that), I perked up a bit by violating one of my own rules: I popped some popcorn, put on my favorite movie of all time, Chinatown, and poured myself a glass of Chardonnay. By the time I went to bed, it was almost 10, and I slept soundly all night. I was awakened at 5:30 by a text notification (I'm going to turn off that sound) from Eileen, saying she would pick up some plants and stuff on Saturday.  Texted back to ask if the new tenants could leave some things in the garage on Sunday, as they had asked. Also called her, but haven't yet heard back.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

My Hair And Zoom

 Another gorgeous day. After breakfast, I walked to the park and the little library; left off a book and two Consumer Report magazines (why I subscribed to that, I don't even know) and borrowed two books. Instead of walking home, I went from there to the bus stop and rode to the mall/transit center. Went to Target there, hoping they had blueberries, and they did. I bought three one dry pint packages and some darling little bunny rabbit salt and pepper shakers (talk about your easy target). I guess they're meant for Easter and it's coming, isn't it, so why not?

Lunched, then showered and washed my hair, preparing for a cut. Luckily, there's a salon right across the way in the Von's shopping center. I was taken right away and "Gee-Gee" did a nice job on my hair. 

Zoomed with Nancy and Carolyn at 5:00, as ever. It was just the usual idle chat; since they don't go out at all, there's rarely anything new to discuss. As for anything interesting--no, not that either.

I had a terribly restless night. Now, Wednesday morning, I feel as if I didn't sleep at all. I think I know what I'm troubled about and I'm going to address it today.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021


It was an incredibly beautiful day, the sky a perfect blue, the sun beaming, temperature in the low seventies, with a gentle breeze now and then. That lifted my spirits and made me remember one of the reasons I love it here. 

Via email, I wrote back to David and sent a note to my tenant, Susan. Also wrote to Roberta, Sandy Ottenberg's daughter, adding some of what I remember of my long-ago playmate. Did a few other little laptop items, nothing much.

After lunch, I walked over the footbridge to the Hill Street branch of the library to drop off the Mr. Rogers DVD documentary. In truth, I thought it was less than stellar, maybe because I've now lost interest in Mr. Rogers. From there, I bused to "the east end" of Ventura, near where Ellen used to live. I haven't been that way for almost a year and wanted to revisit a shop I had liked. Did so, and bought a sun hat--the one I usually wear is ready to be retired. 

Ellen called after dinner to say her Internet service, Spectrum, was out, not only in Ojai, but all over Ventura County. Mine, Yandoo Communications, was okay and I hope hers is this morning. With remote teaching, losing Internet connections simply closes the classroom.  



Monday, February 22, 2021


The gloom is easing up. Did the usual Sunday morning stuff, then walked to The Market and back, so got three in. I called niece Carolyn just to chat, then--with a little trepidation--called my new tenants.  Susan H. answered and I told her I just wanted to welcome her to the house, tell her a few things, and so on. 

Now, first impressions are often bogus--I've met plenty of people I thought were not my type, only to later develop a bond, but that didn't happen here. Susan, I immediately liked. She has a calm, well-modulated voice, speaks good English, and was pleasant and friendly without gushing, We chatted for a bit, exchanged email addresses, and I told her if she or Clifford had any questions or problems, don't hesitate to let me know. She expressed her appreciation and I know she was sincere. Okay, good.

After lunch, I bused to town and picked up The Fog DVD--I dunno; I thought it might be interesting.*  Also bought, second-hand, David Sedaris's Me Talk Pretty One Day. I like the way the guy writes and have read two of his others--just lent one of them to Jim.

I was walking out of the store when Ellen called and we talked while I walked to the bus stop. That's on the street, of course, and the traffic was loud, so I called her back when I got home. We talked about my brooding over the rent and she guided me through a better way to look at it, so I feel a lot better. We also talked about and Better Call Sal, which I've seen and which El informed me is a prequel to Breaking Bad, which I haven't. I don't have NetFlix, nor do I want it, but maybe I'll buy or rent BB. 

*It isn't. Starting watching it last night and I'm afraid it's another donation for the little lending library.

Sunday, February 21, 2021


Somewhat of another draggy day, aside from two bright spots. Actually, one was more like interesting than bright: From 9 to 10 am, I virtually attended a Zoom COVID talk by John Ford. Why, yes, the very one who directed John Wayne in all those classic westerns. He reincarnated himself and is now an M.D. and the medical director of the section Suzanne works in at St. John's.

Anyway, I was prepared to be slightly bored, but I wasn't. This guy also has a Masters in Public Health and I suspect he has lectured and otherwise taught a fair amount. He was clear, concise, direct, but not haughty. He illustrated his talk with some printed material, which was showed side by side with the video of him. He didn't, though, commit what I consider the cardinal sin of any speaker, i.e. read word for word the printed material. I've been in college classes where the teacher did that and in professional seminars, too, and nothing could be more boring. Use what's on a screen as a jumping off point for elaboration, yes, but what are you assuming if you read the stuff in front of the audience--that they're illiterate? Anyway, it was good and I thanked Suzanne for setting it up. 

I bused to midtown after lunch and picked up a few little things at a small shop I like. That's when the  bright spot occurred: I got a call from Gayle B., one of my young friends from the widder group (she's 66) and we talked about getting together for lunch with Anne L. another member of the group.      

Anne is a perinatal instructor and has her own web site. Her credentials include a BSN, RN, and RNC-OB (I don't know what that is). She's close to sixty, but looks much younger; she was widowed quite young. We clicked as soon as we met, for some reason, and I like both her and Gayle a lot.

Anyway, Gayle called when I was walking down Main Street. I ducked into a little alcove to escape traffic noise and we talked for a good forty-five minutes. I told her I was up for either bring-your-own-lunch-and-we-eat-in-a-park or a-restaurant-in-town-open-for-outside-dining, and to just let me know.  

Another call wasn't so enjoyable: It was from Betty, calling at 9:10 pm. No sense in going over it--it didn't make sense--but I don't want to be called when I've just turned off the light, preparing to go to sleep. She had called me in the afternoon, too, but that was perfectly okay. I'll get back to her today, but I'm almost sure she won't remember the late call.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

T.O.P.S. And Sandy Ottenberg

 As it turned out, Lolly didn't have a reaction to the second COVID shot, so she came for T.O.P.S. Since I had kept the scale, I weighed myself at home on it, in addition to my own scale. I remained the same according to the latter, i.e. 127.2. Interestingly (well, it wouldn't interest anybody but me and even I ain't exactly riveted by the news), the T.O.P.S. scale read 127.8 at home and 127.9 outside. Anyhoo, I've been maintaining at the 127 area for about three years now.

After breakfast, I walked to Ralph's for ground turkey, dry black beans, and tuna. Walked back, too, so got three in. Had lunch and thought I'd venture to the Cat's Cradle Thrift Store, which is in midtown, not downtown. There's a branch of The Market not far away and I thought I'd stop there, too. But I didn't. Had lunch and just didn't feel like going. 

Instead, I sat at the laptop and looked at Atlantic City Memory Lane 50s to 70s. I had posted about a Rosborough Avenue family, the Ottenbergs, whom I remember so well and I got lots of responses, prominently from a woman whose cousin Sandy Ottenberg had married. She posted several pictures and actually wore Sandy's bridal gown when she was married herself. To top it off, she was walked down the aisle by Stevie, the little brother we used to run away from. Sadly, Sandy died last year. Her daughter is a real estate agent in Brigantine and I emailed her. Why? I don't know. Just nostalgic for those days. When I realize we moved seventy years ago, I can't get my mind around it.

I received this reply from Sandy's daughter: 

How wonderful to receive your kind email. My mother was a great person and she is missed so much. She was an amazing mother, a great middle school teacher, and a beloved friend to many. We lost my sister Lynda to cancer 19 years ago this August 23rd. Both Mom and Dad never truly received from that and I believe they both stayed on earth just to take care of me. I lost Dad August 23rd but 2019. So, when anyone comes forward to talk about any of them, I am so grateful. Any time you want to share a story, please know it will be welcome with open arms. Thank you for reaching out, and stay well in this crazy pandemic.

I'll certainly write back with some of what I remember about Sandy and her family. They had a jewelry store, Alfred's, on Atlantic Avenue in A.C. with a clock in front of it. I remember the clock. Mr. Ottenberg had lost a leg during WW i--that's one, not two--and had an artificial one. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

Down And Then Up

Boy, was I dragging in the morning. I not only felt tired and out of sorts, but lonely and sad. 

Well, I am lonely. It may be a letdown after seeing Nancy and Carolyn (virtually) on Tuesday and--which is always considerably more enjoyable--Jim in person on Wednesday.  I even shed a few tears (boo-hoo, nobody loves me, I'm gonna go eat worms). I can't seem to put behind me this regret over not charging more for my house rental. I'm trying to get over it.  (I think my middle initial stands not for "Byrne," but for "brooder.")

I felt better when I got virtuous and tackled pulling together my income tax info.  After I get it a little more ship-shaped, I'll submit it to Michelle, who's been my go-to tax gal since I moved to Ventura. She sends out detailed and easy-to-follow instructions, plus she's very responsive if I have a questions. 

Before lunch, I intended to walk to Smart 'N' Final and started off, but turned back because the wind was so strong. After I ate, I set out again, got there, bought a few things I needed (wanted), and felt reasonably okay when I got back. 

I think what I need is a project I can get enthusiastic about again, such as my acting classes. I'm mulling over the idea of a weight loss video. I would describe and illustrate what I do and how I changed the way I first looked at, then addressed my weight problem. It's been three years now and I haven't regained. I think it's key that my first step was examining and questioning everything I've been told for decades and accepted as truth. That doesn't mean it's necessarily all hooey, but some is, at least for me. I've actually started writing about it and we'll see how far I progress. 

I had started taking pictures of what I regularly eat a few months ago and I looked at them again. Here's the tomato/onion/seasonings mix just before I pop it in the oven to roast:

I was just delighted to get a long email/letter from David Perry, in response to the snail-mail letter I sent him a few weeks ago (see entry of January 24). I'll write him back shortly.

Betty videoed me on Messenger last night and, after a frustrating few minutes guiding her to click on the camera icon so we could actually see each other, we were okay. I know, though, that next time she'll have no idea how to do it.  

Thursday, February 18, 2021


Not a bad day. Called Kim with a few questions, which she competently answered. Did some food prep in the morning, namely my usual tomato/onion/seasonings roast, which should last for more than a week. Also prepared a spaghetti squash. I finished that before ten, then--ta-dah!--started organizing and filing the piles of paper I hadn't gotten to. I made separate files for house info between the earlier rental and this one, got my vaccine stuff put together, and otherwise straightened up financial stuff. Boy, does it feel good to know that's done--at least until more comes on.

Then it was time to make lunch and meet Jim outside. I did, we had some good discussion about Nietzsche, the differences between the Enlightenment and the--well, the other ideas. Jim stayed until 3:30, we said goodbye, I dropped my stuff off at home, then immediately took off for town. Went to the library to pick up a DVD I had requested, then strolled around town for a bit. Didn't get in until after 6:00, but that was okay. 

What isn't okay, darn it, is that I had trouble sleeping. Tossed and turned for what seems hours, finally dozed off and didn't get up until just now, 7:00 am. I hope this doesn't continue.   

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Goings On

Okay, so what all went on yesterday? Kim, my R.E. agent, emailed me the lease and the first thing I saw was Pat's name with mine as owners on the first page. I wrote and asked her why, since he died eleven years ago. 

I've been agonizing over whether I should have asked for more rent. It is more than what Eileen paid, but son Mike thought it was low. However, Kim thought it was high and she should know the area. Well, whatever, it'll be locked in for a year (now that I have a yearly lease, I don't want to deal with my tenants having a month-to-month). I sent son Mike the lease to check it over (he owns several houses), and asked that he PLEASE not comment that the rent is low. He sent it back with this: "All looks fine.  (Except the rent is low ðŸ˜‚ ðŸ˜‚)"  Damn, I miss him so much.

Walked to the Market for fresh produce and walked back, so three. After that, I did a lot of genealogy stuff, trying to organize the Figenshu (maternal) side better. One of these days, I'll get the actual relics in shape.

I called the office to tell them not to have Troy or Javier come to fix the slow flow in the bathroom faucet after 3:00, as I had Zoom meetings then, a fib. Actually, I wanted to take a shower before my Happy Hour Zoom with Nancy and Carolyn and just didn't want to say that. 

As for the H.H., it was pretty enjoyable. Nancy, as ever, never shut up and Carolyn barely said a word; she has to be drawn out. It was okay, though, and I had two Blue Moons, plus mixed nuts during it. 

Sharon called and we chatted for a bit. I haven't seen her for several months, as she hasn't been able to come back to T.O.P.S. I was glad to hear, though, that her vision problem has improved.  After, I called Betty and spoke to her and one of her helpers, Elizabeth. I was very favorably impressed and we discussed the possibility of she bringing Betty here for a visit.  

Lunch with Jim today. I sent him a New Yorker article on Nietzsche and am looking forward to discussing it with him. 


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

My House And My Ancestors

My house is rented; new people move in March 1, the day after Eileen leaves! It's a long, involved story I won't go into, but it started with info from Kim about another prospect I rejected (so did my children), then the ones who look good. This is a couple--not sure if they're married  or not, as she uses a different name--younger (63 and 58), both work (he's a lineman for AC Electric), and excellent credit rating. Now, of course, I'm agonizing over whether I should have listed it for more. However, Kim said she thought it was a lot and she knows the market there.

I was also heavily involved yesterday in the Facebook site, Vintage Philadelphia. I had posted the picture as my Mom as a bride and, from that, two guys on the site found all kinds of historic documents, including this newspaper article from the Philadelphia Inquirer of July 7, 1890, which quotes my grandfather, the barber.  (His first initial was "G" for "George," not "E."

The guys on the site also posted other Figenshu items, including the certificate of my mother's baptism, which took place on March 9, 1902:
And information about my grandfather's estate:
I think that was considered a fairly large estate in the year of his death (1929).  That "and upward" phrase is fascinating--what could it possibly imply?


Monday, February 15, 2021


After the usual Sunday morning routine, I was pleased to get a call from Stella and we caught up with each other. She said she's feeling less isolated and depressed, for which I'm glad. Her son, Joshua, who lives in Spain, keeps urging her to come with him to Majorca, but she doesn't want to. I'd go there (or to Upper Japip or anywhere in a heartbeat, but nobody's invited me. I told Stel when she feels comfortable, to let me know and we'll meet somewhere outdoors. I then called Betty and we chatted--sort of--for awhile. She was waiting for granddaughter, Claire, to come over to play games. Betty's daughter and grandchildren are so attentive to her and that's good to know.

Put dried red beans, onions, saved "veggie juice," and seasonings in the smaller slow cooker, and let 'er rip. I love beans made that way and they're full of protein, too. 

After lunch, I took off for the park and the little library with my little cart. On my way, Ellen called and we had a good talk. I left off two books and two DVDs (Black Swan--it stank--and The Illusionist--fair, but labored) and picked up three books. 

My mother's birth anniversary was yesterday, as she was born on Valentine's Day, in 1902. Here she is as a bride:

I'm pretty sure the picture was taken a week or so before the wedding (on August 23, 1923), as my formal wedding picture was years later.  Anyway, she was 21. It boggles the mind to realize I now have a great-grandson not far from that age. 

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Spain, Jim, And Little Vic

The Zoom Mediterranean cooking demonstration was actually pretty good. Dr. Simpson, who's a bariatric surgeon at St. John's, did the cooking and commentary from his own kitchen. He made a paella, a Spanish dish, with lots of ingredients, including chicken, shrimp, and vegetables galore. That's right down my alley and, with modifications, I intend to try it soon.

Jim called and we had a long talk about a variety of topics, as usual. We made a date for Wednesday for lunch when the temp should be in the seventies--YAY!

After lunch, I bused to town. I was happy to see it was bustling with people--lots and lots eating at the outdoor areas of the restaurants, more in the stores, children here and there, and a festive air prevailed. 

Home about 5:00 and I laid out my ingredients for turkey stir-fry. I try to use of ratio of two to one: twice the veggies to the ground turkey. 

I put the pics below on Facebook. The big guy is Vic Micolucci, my great-nephew, a reporter for the Jacksonville TV station. For several years, he's been covering a prom for those with special needs. For obvious reasons, it had to be held outside, as a parade, this time. I thought the pictures were terrific, especially the one in the rain. Vic himself, grandson of my brother, Larry, is a really nice guy in person.  I love hearing his family call him "little Vic" to distinguish him from his Dad, "Big Vic."  Little Vic is six- foot-five and towers over Big Vic. Interestingly, he lists on his personal Facebook page, "Jesus follower." Yes, they're a very religious family.

Saturday, February 13, 2021


 This is weird: I weighed in at 127.2 at home for a smidgen (.02)  of a gain, but at T.O.P.S., I was at 128, a loss of .02. I know the scales vary, but they had been consistent when it came to gain or loss. I guess this is just one of those Great Mysteries Of Life. Lolly, our official leader and keeper of the scales, said she's getting her second COVID shot next Thursday, so probably wouldn't be here the next day, when we meet. Hmm...I've heard that a fair number of people have unpleasant reactions to the second shot, but to assume that one will..... Oh, well, I said I'd keep the scale and bring it next time.

Home and had breakfast, then cut and seasoned the rest of the Yukon Gold potatoes, roasted them, and portioned them out for the fridge and freezer. After lunch, I walked to The Market and Wal-Mart for a number of items, including parm cheese and salad dressing; bused back.

It was only about 4:00 when I got in and I didn't feel like going out again. Instead, I violated one of my cardinal rules (but if I can't violate them, who can?): I poured myself a Blue Moon, opened a jar of peanuts, and sat on the patio reading the Hume Cronyn bio. Okay, so shoot me, but it was very enjoyable.  I just don't want to get in the habit.

At 9:00 this morning, I'm "attending" a Zoom "Cooking Demonstration: A Mediterranean Heart Heathy Meal for Valentine's Day At Home," which will I assume will feature plant-based cuisine. This is from St. John's Regional Medical Center, where Suzanne works and she invited me. She does a class herself, on chronic disease self-management. One of these days, I'll ask if I can sit in; I'd be interested in her presentation style. Yesterday was her seventy-third birthday; I left a card on her door. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

A Project And Pat

Did a color wash early-on. I then started an enormous project and who knows when--if ever--I'll be finished. I'm putting in "albums" the pictures in my photos folder, trying to get them in some kind of order. There are literally thousands and some, I want in more then one album. For instance, I have a "Mike And Family" album, but I also have simply a "Me," so if Mike and I are picured together, where does it go? Easy: In both albums. The only trouble with that is those situations are multiplied dozens of times because I have a "Singapore," "Vietnam," and "China" albums, too, plus others. Oh, well, it's something to do.

Walked to Smart 'n' Final (stupidest name for a supermarket ever) shopping center to get some frozen foods and stuff, so I got my three in. Cut, seasoned, and roasted mushrooms when I got home.

Yesterday, February 11, would have been Pat's ninetieth birthday.  It's impossible to imagine him that old, but it's easy to remember when he was thirty-five or so and took a Dale Carnegie course.  He did well and here he is in the yearbook-type publication when he "graduated." I put the one of him alone on Facebook, too.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Just A Day; Nothing Special

Some insurance documents (he owns some houses in Florida) came for son, Mike,; I emailed to ask if I should send. Yes, but I also copied the first few pages to send him ahead. Packed up the rest and walked to the P.O. From there, I walked to The Market for produce, then back, so got more than three miles in before lunch. 

Attended to a few financial items, then ate, and didn't feel like going to town. For here, it was pretty chilly: sixty-two, I think, so after lunch, I bused to Oxnard. Went to The Collection to see Greg. Only problem was, he wasn't working yesterday. That was okay because I enjoyed the ride.

What I didn't enjoy was waiting about 45 minutes for the first bus, which dropped me at Wagon Wheel Drive, or whatever it's called, so I could catch the 6 back to Ventura. That took an age, too, so I didn't get home until 5:30. No real problem, though.

AND--there was good news--or hopeful, at least. I'm have an app called "My Home," which may or may not come from realtor Kim. Anyway, it--or she--said my house is being shown on Saturday. It also said a visitation had been requested for today, but "occupant had declined." I guess that means Eileen said it wasn't convenient for her.  I'm not sure if they're the same "lookers" (my parents always called prospective tenants that when they rented the Rosborough house for the summer), but I assume they are. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Target And Other Frustrations

I guess I've had worse days, but not recently. I was feeling down in the dumps to begin with, then I started tackling all the crapola I've put off. One was Target's bill, which they still send via regular mail. It was only fifteen bucks and change, but I knew I had bought more since the bill came. Went on their web site and, once again, was frustrated and furious at its ineptitude. Well, long, long story I don't want to describe, but it took an hour on the phone to resolve.

After that came an email from R.E. Kim, sending me papers from Little Egg Township, where my house is; she suggested I complete them as quickly as possible. I printed them out and, oh, good grief, they demanded a lot of information I didn't have, including a floor plan. What, who, where? I didn't have a floor plan! Anyway, I dealt with as much as I could, then called the township to ask questions and, wouldn't you know, the code officer or whatever he is, had a message suggesting I go on the web site, instead. But I had so many questions, I wasn't about to sit there and write them out. Finally, I called Kim and just like that--she answered my questions, joked about what kind of weather we're having here, and found a floor plan--in her files, on the Internet, or from the man in the moon--I don't care where, but she sent it to m. She's a gem.

I then filled out the stuff, copied it all, and called Suzanne to ask if she knew where a notary was. She did, in Montalvo Square next to Ralph's, I bused here, had it notarized, then bused to the P.O. to send it certified mail. The above took only a few seconds to write, but about two hours to accomplish. However, no prob, I got home by 4:00, in time to schedule the Tuesday Happy Hour Zoom meeting with Nancy and Carolyn. We had a good "visit," the Blue Moon was yummy, and I got out of my slump.

Note: I was amused by friend Pat's blog. which started "By now, you know that Kansas City did not win." Actually, I didn't know, but thanks for the info, Pat!

Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Jeanne P. And The James Brothers

 At 8:00 am, I got a communication on Messenger from Jeanne (Dollard) Painter, my former classmate at HSHS. We exchanged messages back and forth, then I called her and, as we do every few months, had a long talk. She's still in West Palm Beach with her gentleman friend, John, who is in his nineties.  They used to go back and forth between Jersey, Lake Placid, and Florida, but are staying put for now. As I have, Jeanne has let her hair go natural and on her, it looks good.

She'll be 85 in May.
I finally galvanized myself to dust and mop the hard floors. Also washed the bath rugs and mat and laid them out on chairs on the patio to dry in the sunshine.

I had the urge to call my cousin, Marifran, in Cincinnati; did so and we had a nice cousinly talk. I told about a project on which I'm working: Starting fourteen years ago, I transcribe my Uncle Frank's memoirs on to a blog, added Uncle Ed's (Marifran's father) and our Aunt Mary's, too. Cousin Judy, Uncle Frank's only child, had written a treatise on caring for a quadriplegic--which she was--at home. I added that, although I'm not sure how much interest it has for most. Anyway, I sent the link to my children and will send it to other family shortly.

After lunch, I hopped a bus to town, wandered here and there, stopping into some stores. Rode back and got home shortly about 5:30. I was delighted to see it was still light out then. Daylight Savings, here you come--YAY!

Called Jim and we chatted for twenty or so. I told him I was reading a auto-biography by Hume Cronyn, the actor (he died in 2003), and Jim surprised me by asking to borrow it. He's re-reading something by Nietzsche, wouldn't you know, then we started talking about Hannah Arndt and her writing style. He thinks it's unnecessarily dense and I brought up Henry James' The Wings of the Dove.  I had forgotten about James' brother, the philosopher, William James, with whom Jim is familiar and reveres. Anyway, it was a satisfying conversation, the kind that I miss living out here in the provinces. 

Monday, February 08, 2021


The Sunday crossword was challenging, but not un-doable, so I enjoyed it.  Did some food prep after: I had bought Yukon Gold potatoes, chose about three pounds of them, scrubbed and cut into chunks, then  roasted them.  I did that many because I had read on the Internet that they freeze well, as long as they're thoroughly cooled down first.  I picked out different seasoning from my spice box--I think I combined thyme, rosemary, garlic salt, and something else, mixed them into the potatoes with olive oil, and in they went. I had one after they roasted and boy, were they good. Froze about three quarters and reserved the rest for dinner--yummy.

After  lunch, I walked to Smart 'n' Final for lettuce and what I've been wanting to buy for some time: An eighteen-bottle box of Blue Moon. It's my favorite beer and, since I drink only with others, that should last for months. Lucky I had my cart, as it was pretty heavy, but I got it home and stowed them in the fridge.

Other than that, nuthin' much. I probably should have gone out again, but I just didn't feel like it.  I played around on the laptop and just kind of waited for eight o'clock, which is when I watch a DVD for an hour. Being on a Tom Hanks kick, I'm now into Charlie Wilson's War, which isn't bad.  

Sunday, February 07, 2021


A pokey day, enlivened only by a few phone calls. I called my former Sunrise Bay neighbor, Frank D., just to catch up and to discuss Anne Mary's death. After that, I called Roman K., down the street on Sweetwater. His Judy died nineteen months ago--another loss that had startled me when I heard about it. Judy had been a real original, a Brooklynite, volatile and sometimes a pain, but full of life and verve. I always remember that when we were new to Sunrise Bay, 17  years ago, the K.s invited us to their Halloween? Christmas? summer?--can't remember--party and we got to meet a lot of other neighbors.  

Anyway, Roman had been very good to Anne Mary in her last years. He told me she died alone at the hospital in Manahawkin. He wrote her "obituary" in The Breeze of Sunrise Bay, really a tribute to her. No notice appeared in the newspaper. I looked it up on-line, but couldn't find it--emailed Roman to ask. Roman also went into a very long story about how he, an old-school practicing Catholic, and Judy, Brooklyn Jewish to the core, converted. He baptized Judy and is now active with the Presbyterians.   

Trudging farther down the Trail of the Past, I started looking over my Uncle Frank's memoirs (plus some of Aunt Mary's and Uncle Ed's), which I had typed into a blog, starting in 2006. Frank's concerns his life from 1905 until he was a fairly old man, and it's riveting. I want to get it in shape to share with my relatives. 

Other than than, I was unusually idle. I did walk over to Von's for Yukon Gold potatoes and salad dressing. Chopped four large onions and stowed them in the freezer-I want to make ground turkey stir-fry for dinner. I called Betty and we had our usual meandering, unfathomable talk, then the connection suddenly cut off. When I tried to get back to her, the message machine was on. I called her later, though, and we talked for a bit.

Saturday, February 06, 2021

T.O.P.S. And A visit

A good day: I got to see my sister at long last and I received some nice birthday presents. Went to T.O.P.S. first, of course; I had stayed the same (127) on the home scale and was 128.2 on the "official" one, so up .06. Cheryl, our official weight recorder, gave us our week-by-week weight records for 2018 and 2020.  

Carolyn and Betty got here, as promised, at 10:00. The reason it needed to be early was that C. was expecting Lowe's to come at 1:00 to replace her blinds in the master bedroom. What happened? Their Kitty-Cat chewed right through the strings!

We just sat and talked. That is, Carolyn and I talked; Betty mostly sat silent, lost in her own dwindling world. Sometimes, she'd chime in with something entirely unrelated to what we were discussing. So very sad. She seems to be getting more infirm, too; uses a cane, walks very slowly, and has gained an unhealthy amount of weight. We talked about how I can go see her, once we both get our second COVID shots.

We opened presents. I gave Betty some "bath bombs" (she's the only one in the universe who takes baths, not showers) and a game. In truth, the game is meant for children, but that's about where she is. I received a lovely pale blue scarf from Betty, a pretty "lighted branches" thing from Carolyn, and some neat yoga pants and a top from Robyn and Steve. Carolyn also gave me a blouse she had bought for Betty, but that was too small. They stayed for about an hour and a half, then off they went. It had been so enjoyable--or would have been, if I had be able to find my twin.

Home, had lunch, then walked to the market and back, so got three in. I called Carolyn re the visit--we agreed Betty is rapidly declining--and we discussed other topics.

Got the mail and found a lovely "Happy Valentines' Day" card from my darling Ellen, with such a sweet hand-written note. I called her and we had a good talk.  Called Robyn to thank her for the gifts. 

Friday, February 05, 2021

Buzz, Betty, And a Band-Aid

Things continue to buzz right along. Early on, I turned my attention to veggies, preparing my roasted tomatoes and onions, plus two pounds of carrots. I decided go savory in the slow cooker this time, so skipped the citrus and added Italian seasoning, plus my saved veggie liquid. Those two were cooked and in the fridge by 10:00 am.  Later, I cut my red potatoes into chunks, added oil and fresh rosemary, and popped them in the oven. I love roasted potatoes; in fact, I love roasted anything.

I sent an email to realtor Kim, along with the first rental flyer. I also told her about the fans that Eileen installed. Let's hope she doesn't take them. If she does, she's responsible for having the ceilings repaired and re-installing the kitchen one. 

My niece, Joan, called and we had a good talk about my Uncle Frank's farm. She remembers her mother, my older sister, talking about going there. He wrote out his memoirs; in fact, I looked that up on this blog and found what I copied below. I'll send Joan the link to "Uncle Frank's Farm."

After lunch, I bussed to the library in town to return the Enlightenment Now book. Picked up the two DVDs I had requested, then walked down Main to my usual bus stop. I didn't ride it back to the transit center, though; I got off on Loma Vista to go to another branch of The Market. I hoped they had the rice cakes I like in, which the closer one didn't. Happily, they did, and I bought some, plus grapes and blueberries. Skipped the bus and walked back to the transit center, so in all, I got my three miles in.

Niece Carolyn texted me last night to ask if she could bring Betty today at 10 to visit, sitting outside, of course. Sure, although I have T.O.P.S. at quarter of nine. I'm not sure why she didn't ask to come at lunchtime, as we had talked about, but if this is better for her, it's okay. for the skin problem at the injection site: I was debating with myself whether to go back to the fairgrounds and ask if it was anything to be concern about, or to call my doctor. I figured I could Zoom her a picture. I ran my finger over it again--yes, tiny dots in a perfect hadn't seen it too clearly before, but now I noticed it was a pale beige.  Hm, again...and it was raised a bit...OH, GOOD GRIEF!!  It's a band-aid! 😜 

Forty or more years ago, my Uncle Frank had written out his "memoirs" (well, that's too grandiose a word) what he remembered of the Byrne family's years on the Domino Lane farm in Roxborough. It's an absolutely charming account, partly because he didn't try to *W*R*I*T*E*, but just put the words down, one by one, using an old manual typewriter. I used to visit him, Aunt Claire, and his beloved daughter, Judy, my cousin. One day, Judy asked if I wanted to read the manuscript. Of course, I did, and loved it, especially as my father was mentioned. Uncle Frank told me I could keep it and I took it home. Ten years ago, after they had all died, I made up a blog called "Uncle Frank's Farm" and recorded it word for word, except for a few minor typo changes. Later, I added some shorter family reminiscences by my Aunt Mary and Uncle Ed, plus a piece by cousin Judy on the home care of quadriplegics, which she was.

Thursday, February 04, 2021


I left for the Fairgrounds at 9:00 and via bus and feet, got there about 10:20. It occurred to me that the trip would have taken about twenty minutes by car, but of necessity, mine was almost an hour and a half. Well, okay, it's a healthier alternative. 

The whole thing was so quick and easy: was directed to a table, showed me driver license, was asked to sit down, got shot, sat elsewhere for fifteen (in case of a reaction), then left. All the people working there were courteous and cheerful, so it wasn't a bad experience at all. I'll now make my appointment for the second dose. 

Home, I "signed" the rent papers for realtor Kimberly. Texted Eileen that I'd give K. her phone number, so she can see the place. I was a little disconcerted when Eileen texted back "Okay, I have stuff in piles all around for moving. I'll let her know." I know she's not the warm and fuzzy type, so I'll chalk that up to her usual direct manner. 

After lunch, I walked to the P.O. to mail Valentine cards to the kiddies in Asia, then took the bus to Wal-Mart for things I needed. Stopped at The Market for veggies, then walked home. 

El called after dinner just to chat and I enjoyed that, of course. I hope I can get to see her one of these days. My arm isn't painful, aside from a very slight ache if I touch the site. It does, though, have a perfectly round, very slightly raised spot where the shot went in. I hope and assume this is just a normal reaction, but I couldn't find this mentioned on the unhelpful Internet. Maybe somebody with a medical background might chime in on this? 

Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Full Day

Right after breakfast, I called Walter, Susan's husband; the G.s had lived across the street from me in Sunrise Bay for 17 years and we're good friends. Walter is a retired chemist, but went into real estate when they moved to Little Egg. He's retired from that now, too (he'll be 85 in April), but I called to ask him to recommend a realtor. He did, Kim Wojcik, who calls her agency "eXp," so I assume it's a franchise. Kim handled Walter and Susan's house sale and very well, he said. It wasn't her fault the sale collapsed, as noted in my previous entry. I called her immediately, told her what's up, and she'll be sending me a contract. 

I like Kim's style. She doesn't waste time on unneeded niceties, but is all businesslike. I want that in people I deal with in business, including doctors, actually. She asked pertinent questions, we discussed for a bit, she got the pertinent info, and we were--well, in business.

Happily, Jim called me shortly after that to tell me he had gotten the first dose of vaccine at 7:00 at the hospital. He also suggested lunch and yes, indeedy, I'll be glad to. That's two beer sessions in one day--Happy Hour at 5:00--but so what?  Changed the bed and did a white wash, then met Jim at 1:00 and we had a good talk-fest (hee, hee), as ever. 

Our Happy Hour Zoom meeting with Nancy and Carolyn went well.--but oh, how I miss actually seeing friends and interacting per person, instead of virtually. Nancy got the vaccine, Carolyn isn't eligible yet, being only in her fifties and I'll get mine at 10:30 today. Nothing much else new with either of them.

I want to add this, as I'm so proud. This is my daughter-in-law Paula, Mike's wife. She is a partner with Hirsch Bedner, and just designed a terrific "senior living" place in Wuhan, China. You can see more pics if you go into the site, but good luck with reading the descriptions; they're in Chinese.

Tuesday, February 02, 2021

The Vaccine And The Vacating

I wrote to my new on-line friend, Dolores, to tell her the three things about which we will probably disagree: pacifism, religion, and the big one: DOGS! We'll see if she still wants to correspond.

I finally got a mailings finished, including a check for Bill and a condolence note to Bob S., Angela's husband. Walked to the P.O. and mailed them.  

Since yesterday was the day those in the first tier (health workers and those over 75) could register for the vaccine, I got on-line by 7:30. Looked and was told appointments at Ventura Fairgrounds were all taken. I don't want to go into the whole annoying thing, but I somehow was assigned a 3:20 appointment in Thousand Oaks. I suppose I could have gotten the Access Van to take me, but then what? I'll have to reserve a time I wanted to be picked up and go home and how would I know. Plus, it's miles from here and I'm not going to Thousand Oaks. I canceled and was able to switch to Oxnard, which is bad enough, but closer, but then--

--through some miracle, the Fairgrounds opened up. I got a time, then canceled Oxnard. However, the email that came back confirming the cancellation didn't mention the location and I was afraid they had cancelled the Fairgrounds. Okay, I'd go there and see and I did.

Took the two buses to town, then walked the mile and a half to the Fairgrounds and had them look it up. Yes, it's on for tomorrow, so good. Actually, they were very nice and it looked to me as if it was going smoothly. Visited some of my usual haunts, bought the DVD Milk, and, well satisfied, bused home. Ellen called and we chatted.  

All the above is just filler compared to the email I got when I sat down at the laptop after dinner: My tenant, Eileen, is vacating my house in Sunrise Bay, as of February 28 (we have a month-to-month lease). She said she didn't realize my email address had changed and the hard copy is in the mail. Wow. I'll have to deal with it and make some hard decisions and in this case, can't procrastinate. 
Speaking of which, somebody put this on Facebook and, clearly the cartoonist knows me:

Monday, February 01, 2021

Susan And The Park

 I called my old friend and neighbor, Susan G., after breakfast and we had a long, long talk--an hour and a half by the clock--mostly about Anne Mary. Susan was very apologetic that I hadn't known--she thought she had called me, but must have been mistaken. Anyway, I heard all about it--I think it happened in September. 

Susan also told me about her and Walter's problem with an independent living community in Whiting, N.J. They had paid into a long-term care policy for years and decided recently it was a good time to move. With their home on the market for only three days, they had several offers and accepted the one ten thou over their asking price. (It's a booming housing market, as everyone knows.) They had a house sale and got rid of a lot of superfluous  possessions and were all set to move...

...until they found out the facility (in Whiting, NJ) wasn't covered by the policy--some kind of licensure problem. Luckily, they were able to get the prospective buyers to agree to giving up the house and Susan and Walter, for now, are staying in Sunrise Bay.

After our extended phone call, I took my cart and walked to the Market for paper goods and lettuce. After lunch, I finally tackled the mountain of paperwork that's been sitting on my desk for days. I really need to stop this procrastination I'm constantly allowing to mess up my life. I actually have a list of five different projects I want to do; have completed three and will do he others today.  I have to force myself not to go out until they're done.  Ellen called after dinner just to chat; that made Sunday better, but it was still a drag. 

Forgot to post the following picture in my last entry. This is Kimball Park, to which I walk frequently, over the footbridge. I love the hills in the background--this picture doesn't do them justice.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...