Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Electronics And Me

Walked Kimball, then home. I had just finished breakfast when the guy from Yandoo came to set up the new router and re-program the T.V.  He was actually a pretty nice guy; was here about 45 minutes and told me how to work it. I wrote that down and thought I had it okay. (Not okay--see later.)
After he left, I took my long shopping list and went to a variety of stores for all kinds of stuff, including the makings for tortilla pinwheel appetizers to take to the covered dish today. I already had the tortillas, although why I ever bought them, I don't know. Thought this would be easy. (Not easy--see later.)
Went to one Target for a new electric toothbrush, but didn't see any. Instead, I bought stick-on nails, which I'll try today. Went to the other Target and got the toothbrush. I fervently hope the Oral B brush heads I bought at Bed Bath & Expensive for twenty-seven bucks will fit the eighteen dollar toothbrush (not Oral B).
I did a few practice tortilla pinwheels and damn! The tortillas are hard to roll and look sloppy. Later, I did a few more and put them in the fridge. Will cut today and hope they look better.
After lunch, I hopped the bus for town and did the usual loop. When I got back to the library, it was only 3:30, so I stopped in to read for a bit before I caught the bus back. During the ride, Betty called; I'll be going up to Santa Barbara tomorrow.
Once home, I immediately got in my car to go to Wal-Mart, a place that should be consumed in flames along with Bank of America. I needed  omeprazole, which I take for my acid problem, as I had run out and yesterday and my stomach was bothering me a bit. Got it, but had a sneeringly indifferent cashier, which is customary in Wal-Mart. I hate that place, but it's only a mile and a half away, so I can even walk there (although I have only once or twice), so I go.
Got home to find the Internet down. It was up again later, but this happens a lot. Also found the T.V. hard to use. It's too long and involved to go into here, but boy, I hate Yandoo like poison and they should burn in hell with the rest of them. I rang Suzanne's doorbell and found she was having a problem, too. However, later they were both resolved and I was able to watch my daily does of Frasier before turning in.

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I started off the morning with some annoying problems with Amazon Japan re Christmas gifts, but I don't want to go into detail.  Left at...