Kimball, then breakfasts, then John, the Gardener, came. He and his helper, Richard, did a quick and efficient job of planting my ficus tree and cleaning up the patio. I was very pleased.
Nancy called and we had a long talk, mostly about our concern for our friend, Carolyn, who had decided not to join us for Happy Hour yesterday because she thought it might rain. Nancy wasn't coming, either. Nance and I talked for almost an hour about Carolyn and a range of other topics. We'll look at what's playing at the Regency on Tuesday, too, and then raise a glass at The Cave.
I spent quite some time consulting the Ventura County, the Ventura to Santa Barbara,and the Santa Barbara City bus books to figure out where and when to arrange the Betty visit. First bus leaves at 9:20 this morning..
Spent time re-memorizing my Art Comes Alive talk and other things I can't even remember. Lunched and did more things (I know I did something, but what?) until it was time to get the bus for town and Happy Hour.
Met Diane at 4:00 at Pacific by noru and "Ru," the part-owner and chef came out to talk to us. Diane and I love the place and we had a great time. We stayed, incredibly, until 6:00, also talking over the situation with Carolyn. Didn't get home until 7:30. Stopped at Von's and got some blueberries and bananas, as it occurred to me I'm supposed to bring something to Toastmasters tonight; decided on fruit salad. Bringing Betty, too.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Silvercrest And Connie
Walked Kimball early, so I'd have time to shower before breakfast. Did so, ate, then left for Diane's at Silvercrest. I'm more and more impressed with this over-62 complex. It's very nicely kept and, while the apartments are small, they're adequate and maintained well.
I had been with Diane when she bought a bedspread (burgundy or dark red, and gold), a table runner (brown and burnished gold), and several wall hangings (gold shading into both burgundy and brown). That decor may sound garish, but it isn't--it's beautifully tasteful. I had acquired a lamp I have no use for and brought it to see if Diane could use it. She could and it fit perfectly in her bedroom; she was ecstatic.
At 10, we went downstairs to the balance exercise class and and I thought I recognized the instructor. I asked if she had worked at SCAN and, yes, it was Camille, whom I had met there. We chatted and both expressed regret about SCAN's closure.
The class, which included a stretchy band and weights, was pretty good. I thought I might be sore today, especially in the shoulders, but I wasn't. I'm considering going every week. Went back up to Diane's for a bit after, then left about noon.
Lunched, then went to meet Connie on Ralston Avenue. She got there with the costume, which I haven't tried on yet. I'm not so sure I like it, as it looks more like a bar maid's outfit than a fisher wife's, but we'll see how it looks.
As soon as I got home, I started preparing the patio for "John," who will be here at 10 this morning. I got rid of the multitude of pots I had collected and tidied it up a bit.
Went out for mushrooms, paper towels, and Parmesan cheese. Niece Carolyn called and we had a long talk. Betty called, asking if I was picking her up today; no, it's tomorrow. Had tuna steak, mushrooms, spinach, and carrots for a yummy din-din.
I had been with Diane when she bought a bedspread (burgundy or dark red, and gold), a table runner (brown and burnished gold), and several wall hangings (gold shading into both burgundy and brown). That decor may sound garish, but it isn't--it's beautifully tasteful. I had acquired a lamp I have no use for and brought it to see if Diane could use it. She could and it fit perfectly in her bedroom; she was ecstatic.
At 10, we went downstairs to the balance exercise class and and I thought I recognized the instructor. I asked if she had worked at SCAN and, yes, it was Camille, whom I had met there. We chatted and both expressed regret about SCAN's closure.
The class, which included a stretchy band and weights, was pretty good. I thought I might be sore today, especially in the shoulders, but I wasn't. I'm considering going every week. Went back up to Diane's for a bit after, then left about noon.
Lunched, then went to meet Connie on Ralston Avenue. She got there with the costume, which I haven't tried on yet. I'm not so sure I like it, as it looks more like a bar maid's outfit than a fisher wife's, but we'll see how it looks.
As soon as I got home, I started preparing the patio for "John," who will be here at 10 this morning. I got rid of the multitude of pots I had collected and tidied it up a bit.
Went out for mushrooms, paper towels, and Parmesan cheese. Niece Carolyn called and we had a long talk. Betty called, asking if I was picking her up today; no, it's tomorrow. Had tuna steak, mushrooms, spinach, and carrots for a yummy din-din.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Happily Busy
Walked Kimball and I was pleased to see many of the regulars. Also delighted that it was warmer. After breakfast, I did a load of wash, then looked on Craig's List for a gardener to plant my ficus and clean up the patio garden. "John" gave me a reasonable price (I had taken a picture of the patio and texted it to him) and will be here at 10 tomorrow.
I scrubbed and trimmed two pounds of carrots and put them in the slow cooker with pieces of tangerine, skin and all. Went to WinCo and Sprouts for lots of fruits and veggies. After lunch, the carrots were finished; I removed them and put in the rest of a roast chicken I had.
Took the bus to town and did the loop. Stopped at the library for a bit, then home. Carolyn called and we discussed Betty's visit here and mine back to Santa Barbara with her. I'll get her on Thursday, as planned.
I had defrosted a tuna steak for dinner, but instead had some of the chicken--it came out very tender--plus carrots and fresh Brussels sprouts. I'm holding the steak over for tonight; must get some mushrooms to go with it. Sliced and froze the rest of the chicken.
I go to Diane's for exercise class today at 10, then will meet Connie at 1:20 to look at a costume she has for the Art Comes Alive thing. Not sure if I'll wear that or the one I wore last year.
I scrubbed and trimmed two pounds of carrots and put them in the slow cooker with pieces of tangerine, skin and all. Went to WinCo and Sprouts for lots of fruits and veggies. After lunch, the carrots were finished; I removed them and put in the rest of a roast chicken I had.
Took the bus to town and did the loop. Stopped at the library for a bit, then home. Carolyn called and we discussed Betty's visit here and mine back to Santa Barbara with her. I'll get her on Thursday, as planned.
I had defrosted a tuna steak for dinner, but instead had some of the chicken--it came out very tender--plus carrots and fresh Brussels sprouts. I'm holding the steak over for tonight; must get some mushrooms to go with it. Sliced and froze the rest of the chicken.
I go to Diane's for exercise class today at 10, then will meet Connie at 1:20 to look at a costume she has for the Art Comes Alive thing. Not sure if I'll wear that or the one I wore last year.
Lunch At Ellen's
Well, I'm just a slug-a-bed. I stayed up so late watching that damn 20/20, I slept until 7:00 and did not walk Kimball--so shoot me.
Had breakfast, did the crossword, then packed up the leftovers from Saturday and took off for Ellen's (driving). We ate and I told her I had the movie Green Book and would like to see it at her place. Okay, and we watched it; I thought it was terrific. By the time it was over, it was close to 4:00. El wanted to trim her bougainvillea bushes, which seem to have fallen on bad times. Her clippers weren't up to the job, so she decided to go buy more serious ones. We said goodbye and off we both went. Stopped at Von's for more blueberries, then went home to saute some wonderful jumbo shrimp. Connie e-mailed me, asking if we could meet so she could lend me a costume for the Art Comes Alive thing and we decided on tomorrow. I left a message for Diane thanking her for lending me the movie. So I didn't get any real walking in yesterday. I'm not worried about it, though, as I'll resume my usual today.
It wasn't that long ago that this was taken for granted:
Had breakfast, did the crossword, then packed up the leftovers from Saturday and took off for Ellen's (driving). We ate and I told her I had the movie Green Book and would like to see it at her place. Okay, and we watched it; I thought it was terrific. By the time it was over, it was close to 4:00. El wanted to trim her bougainvillea bushes, which seem to have fallen on bad times. Her clippers weren't up to the job, so she decided to go buy more serious ones. We said goodbye and off we both went. Stopped at Von's for more blueberries, then went home to saute some wonderful jumbo shrimp. Connie e-mailed me, asking if we could meet so she could lend me a costume for the Art Comes Alive thing and we decided on tomorrow. I left a message for Diane thanking her for lending me the movie. So I didn't get any real walking in yesterday. I'm not worried about it, though, as I'll resume my usual today.
It wasn't that long ago that this was taken for granted:

Sunday, January 27, 2019
Diane And A Man
Warning: This is a long one.
Saturday was interesting, to say the least.
Walked Kimball, then went to Von's, WinCo, and the 99-Cent Store for lunch fixings. I had decided on a salad with red leaf lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, chopped eggs, and grapes, in addition to sandwiches of sour dough bread and two kinds of cheese. Of course, I had Chardonnay for Diane and Blue Moon for me.
Diane got here, as arranged, by 1:00, and we had an absolute ball. D. is very attractive, slender and youthful looking (well, she is youthful, only 76, and she's "had work" on her face). She ate heartily and loved the lunch, modest though it was. We talked and talked over so many topics, including our cockamamie president, our backgrounds, and world affairs. She seems to me a contrast between intelligent, knowledgeable adult and hard-to-fathom adherent of superstition. For instance, neither she nor her siblings will open an old trunk left by her deceased mother because they think Dracula' body might be in it. (Geez, if it was, they could make a mint.)
Anyway, it was great fun. Diane was delighted with the clothes I gave her--and she looks a lot better in them than I do--and stayed until 3:15, when she was picked up by the van.
After that, I whisked the dishes into the dishwasher, tidied up otherwise, then left for town. That was about 4:00 and I thought I'd just walk a bit and get home in an hour and some. Little did I know I wouldn't be back until almost 8:00.
As I was walking to the bus stop, I impulsively decided to skip town and go to Oxnard to pop in on Greg, Ellen's fiance, at Whole Foods. Got the bus and asked if it stopped at The Collection. No, but you can get another bus in Oxnard that does. Okay, I got on. When we stopped, the drive pointed out the stop for the other bus and I crossed the street to wait. There was a man at the stop, who introduced himself as Bill.
Introduced himself? Just an overly friendly person, I thought. He asked my name and I said it was Marion. Thinking nothing of it, I asked if the next bus went to The Collection. Yes, he said, and he was going to The Collection, too. I wasn't suspicious, as The Collection is a huge, very heavily frequented, shopping center with all the usual suspects as stores and tenants.
Anyway, off we went on the bus, which stopped next to the Target Parking lot. Strangely, "Bill" wrote his name and number on a scrap of paper and said to call him if I ever needed anything. Weird, but I'd blend into the crowd at The Collection. I asked the driver to tell me where to get the bus back and he pointed out the stop across the wide and busy Rose Avenue. Okay, fine. I got off and so did "Bill."
However, I quickly walked away from him and to Whole Foods, where I surprised Greg--I'm always pleased to see him--and we had a nice, ten-minute visit. Walked back to Rose Avenue, crossed to the bus stop, and waited and waited for the bus to come. In about fifteen minutes, who should come walking up, but--?
Yep. He asked where I was going and I said Ventura, he said he was going there, too. At this point, I was furious and asked where he was going in Ventura. He said the Starbucks. I said there was a Starbucks right across the street. Yes, but he likes the one in Ventura better. It turned out that this wasn't even the direct bus to Ventura, but one that stopped where you could get the Ventrura one.
By the time the bus came, I was not only angry, but slightly disturbed. There was no way in the world I was going to let him ride to Ventura on the same bus with me. The cross street two blocks from me and where I get off, is Victoria Avenue, one of the major arteries in Ventura. I knew he would say--seemingly plausibly--that he was getting off where I did to go to the Starbucks there.
We were the only ones on the bus. When it stopped, "Bill" got off; I knew he would be waiting for me when the bus pulled away and I told the driver he was following me. The driver got out and saw him across the street and came back to tell me. At this point, I decided to call the police and did. I was across from a busy restaurant and they told me to wait there for officers to come. I was there about ten minutes when the Ventura bus came and stopped a few yards away.
I saw several people get on, including "Bill." I rushed over--I wasn't about to let it get away without me--and asked the driver to wait, as the man was following me, and I didn't want to go back to Ventura with him on the same bus. Driver called his supervisor, who came in a few minutes, asked
what was going on. He was very nice and while we were talking, "Bill," who had sat near the back (the bus was crowded) and had his head down, got up, walked toward the front where I was, and grinning said, "Oh, it's okay." He then sat back down!
At point, being tired and in an absolute rage, I yelled loudly at him to leave me alone, you've been following me, I called the police, and you are NOT going to be on any bus with me! Still grinning, he finally exited by the back door. I guess the poor bus driver (and the poor passengers) were as relieved as I was.
Called Ellen to tell her about it and she asked me to call again when she got home. I did, then realized I had forgotten to tell the police about the phone number he had given me. I called them from home and gave it to an officer.
Anyway, this was an incident I wouldn't want to repeat, but I honestly don't think it was evidence of some kind of mental lapse on my part. I certainly didn't show the slightest inclination that I invited his "friendliness" and at least had the presence of mind not to allow him to ride to Ventura with me. Betty had called earlier and I called her back. By that time, it was after 8:00 and I settled down to watch 20/20 about the gruesome 1983 murder of a whole family in Chino Hills, which is ninety minutes from here--yoicks! I actually stayed up until 10:30, but couldn't last for the end of it, went to bed, and slept soundly though the night.
Saturday was interesting, to say the least.
Walked Kimball, then went to Von's, WinCo, and the 99-Cent Store for lunch fixings. I had decided on a salad with red leaf lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, chopped eggs, and grapes, in addition to sandwiches of sour dough bread and two kinds of cheese. Of course, I had Chardonnay for Diane and Blue Moon for me.
Diane got here, as arranged, by 1:00, and we had an absolute ball. D. is very attractive, slender and youthful looking (well, she is youthful, only 76, and she's "had work" on her face). She ate heartily and loved the lunch, modest though it was. We talked and talked over so many topics, including our cockamamie president, our backgrounds, and world affairs. She seems to me a contrast between intelligent, knowledgeable adult and hard-to-fathom adherent of superstition. For instance, neither she nor her siblings will open an old trunk left by her deceased mother because they think Dracula' body might be in it. (Geez, if it was, they could make a mint.)
Anyway, it was great fun. Diane was delighted with the clothes I gave her--and she looks a lot better in them than I do--and stayed until 3:15, when she was picked up by the van.
After that, I whisked the dishes into the dishwasher, tidied up otherwise, then left for town. That was about 4:00 and I thought I'd just walk a bit and get home in an hour and some. Little did I know I wouldn't be back until almost 8:00.
As I was walking to the bus stop, I impulsively decided to skip town and go to Oxnard to pop in on Greg, Ellen's fiance, at Whole Foods. Got the bus and asked if it stopped at The Collection. No, but you can get another bus in Oxnard that does. Okay, I got on. When we stopped, the drive pointed out the stop for the other bus and I crossed the street to wait. There was a man at the stop, who introduced himself as Bill.
Introduced himself? Just an overly friendly person, I thought. He asked my name and I said it was Marion. Thinking nothing of it, I asked if the next bus went to The Collection. Yes, he said, and he was going to The Collection, too. I wasn't suspicious, as The Collection is a huge, very heavily frequented, shopping center with all the usual suspects as stores and tenants.
Anyway, off we went on the bus, which stopped next to the Target Parking lot. Strangely, "Bill" wrote his name and number on a scrap of paper and said to call him if I ever needed anything. Weird, but I'd blend into the crowd at The Collection. I asked the driver to tell me where to get the bus back and he pointed out the stop across the wide and busy Rose Avenue. Okay, fine. I got off and so did "Bill."
However, I quickly walked away from him and to Whole Foods, where I surprised Greg--I'm always pleased to see him--and we had a nice, ten-minute visit. Walked back to Rose Avenue, crossed to the bus stop, and waited and waited for the bus to come. In about fifteen minutes, who should come walking up, but--?
Yep. He asked where I was going and I said Ventura, he said he was going there, too. At this point, I was furious and asked where he was going in Ventura. He said the Starbucks. I said there was a Starbucks right across the street. Yes, but he likes the one in Ventura better. It turned out that this wasn't even the direct bus to Ventura, but one that stopped where you could get the Ventrura one.
By the time the bus came, I was not only angry, but slightly disturbed. There was no way in the world I was going to let him ride to Ventura on the same bus with me. The cross street two blocks from me and where I get off, is Victoria Avenue, one of the major arteries in Ventura. I knew he would say--seemingly plausibly--that he was getting off where I did to go to the Starbucks there.
We were the only ones on the bus. When it stopped, "Bill" got off; I knew he would be waiting for me when the bus pulled away and I told the driver he was following me. The driver got out and saw him across the street and came back to tell me. At this point, I decided to call the police and did. I was across from a busy restaurant and they told me to wait there for officers to come. I was there about ten minutes when the Ventura bus came and stopped a few yards away.
I saw several people get on, including "Bill." I rushed over--I wasn't about to let it get away without me--and asked the driver to wait, as the man was following me, and I didn't want to go back to Ventura with him on the same bus. Driver called his supervisor, who came in a few minutes, asked
what was going on. He was very nice and while we were talking, "Bill," who had sat near the back (the bus was crowded) and had his head down, got up, walked toward the front where I was, and grinning said, "Oh, it's okay." He then sat back down!
At point, being tired and in an absolute rage, I yelled loudly at him to leave me alone, you've been following me, I called the police, and you are NOT going to be on any bus with me! Still grinning, he finally exited by the back door. I guess the poor bus driver (and the poor passengers) were as relieved as I was.
Called Ellen to tell her about it and she asked me to call again when she got home. I did, then realized I had forgotten to tell the police about the phone number he had given me. I called them from home and gave it to an officer.
Anyway, this was an incident I wouldn't want to repeat, but I honestly don't think it was evidence of some kind of mental lapse on my part. I certainly didn't show the slightest inclination that I invited his "friendliness" and at least had the presence of mind not to allow him to ride to Ventura with me. Betty had called earlier and I called her back. By that time, it was after 8:00 and I settled down to watch 20/20 about the gruesome 1983 murder of a whole family in Chino Hills, which is ninety minutes from here--yoicks! I actually stayed up until 10:30, but couldn't last for the end of it, went to bed, and slept soundly though the night.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
In The Groove
I'm back in the groove! I walked Kimball, then went to T.O.P.S. and incredibly, I was the big loser, having lost 3.4 pounds. That was a booster, all right.
After lunch, I vacuumed and cleaned up a little, then happily took the bus and walked the usual. Niece Carolyn called while I was there to find out how I'm doing. I invited Diane, who has nephropathy, for lunch today. She'll take the city van, which is free for her, then I'll meet her at the entrance. I'm still not sure what I'll serve--have to go to WinCo and Von's to buy something. Diane asked if I'd like to go to her place yesterday to see The Green Room with her and Nancy. I'd like to see it, but she and Nancy were going here and thee first, so it just seemed too complicated and I passed.
Ellen called and asked if I'd like to go to lunch in Ojai tomorrow. Sure do, so I'll meet her over there. When I got home from town, Suzanne took my blood pressure. She thought it seemed okay at 131/77, since I had just come in from walking. We then had a discussion surrounding a book she just finished about the Holocaust and another on the same topic she just started. These are fiction and she said she hadn't read any factual accounts. I have--many--but that was years ago and I'm not sure if I want to get back into that genre.
Had leftover chicken, then showered and slept well.
After lunch, I vacuumed and cleaned up a little, then happily took the bus and walked the usual. Niece Carolyn called while I was there to find out how I'm doing. I invited Diane, who has nephropathy, for lunch today. She'll take the city van, which is free for her, then I'll meet her at the entrance. I'm still not sure what I'll serve--have to go to WinCo and Von's to buy something. Diane asked if I'd like to go to her place yesterday to see The Green Room with her and Nancy. I'd like to see it, but she and Nancy were going here and thee first, so it just seemed too complicated and I passed.
Ellen called and asked if I'd like to go to lunch in Ojai tomorrow. Sure do, so I'll meet her over there. When I got home from town, Suzanne took my blood pressure. She thought it seemed okay at 131/77, since I had just come in from walking. We then had a discussion surrounding a book she just finished about the Holocaust and another on the same topic she just started. These are fiction and she said she hadn't read any factual accounts. I have--many--but that was years ago and I'm not sure if I want to get back into that genre.
Had leftover chicken, then showered and slept well.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Damn, yesterday wasn't the greatest. Upshot of all the tests and so on is I don't have a brain tumor or a stroke, but for some reason, my blood pressure had gone up. They brought it down at the hospital and all seems okay. In fact, Suzanne brought her B.P. machine over after I got home and after I had slept for four hours, and it's at its usual rather low again. Suzanne also got my medication (one for pain, one for nausea) and called she had Ellen, who came over immediately after I got up.
What a pleasure that was! We chatted for an hour or so, then El went across to Von's and got salad, a roast chicken, and a pint of ice cream. We ate, then I napped on the couch while she sat at the kitchen table and did some of the class work she would have done at home. She left about 7:00 and I resumed my normal routine: Jewel Match Royal, a computer game, then Frazier until 9:00 and bed. Slept like a stone all night and feel fine today. I'll report all this to my doctor today and maybe dropped off some of the reams of paper work.
Dr. R.: What's your take on this, i.e. why would this sudden high b.p. have happened, do you think? BTW, Suzanne is going to bring her machine over today to check it again.
What a pleasure that was! We chatted for an hour or so, then El went across to Von's and got salad, a roast chicken, and a pint of ice cream. We ate, then I napped on the couch while she sat at the kitchen table and did some of the class work she would have done at home. She left about 7:00 and I resumed my normal routine: Jewel Match Royal, a computer game, then Frazier until 9:00 and bed. Slept like a stone all night and feel fine today. I'll report all this to my doctor today and maybe dropped off some of the reams of paper work.
Dr. R.: What's your take on this, i.e. why would this sudden high b.p. have happened, do you think? BTW, Suzanne is going to bring her machine over today to check it again.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Happy Hour and Hospital
Walked Kimball, then got a lot done after breakfast. That included a load of wash (clothes) and a load of wash (bathroom rugs). I also dusted (dry mopped), then wet mopped the hard floors--finally. After lunch, I did a lot of back and forth e-mail with Connie K, about the Art Comes Alive stint at the Maritime Museum; I'll reprise my fifteenth-century fishwife impersonation.
Niece Carolyn called, then I talked to Betty. I invited her to come visit for a few days next week, thinking I'll take her to my Humor & Drama meeting next Thursday. I'm not sure if we can arrange that, but we'll see.
After lunch, I got on the bus for town. Went to the P.O. to mail yet more of Mike's and Paula's mail, then walked the loop, as usual. I stopped into The Coalition and saw a kind of wooden bench with a pillow, which may be just right for placing at the bottom of my bed. But--would it be too close to my desk chair? Do I really need it? Do I want to pay thirty bucks for it? Darn, I'm not so sure now. I'm mulling it over.
Ran into Diane on Main--both of us early for Happy Hour--and accompanied her to Child Abuse Thrift Store, where she bought a gorgeous burgundy bedspread, two sofa pillows, and an elegant vase. Diane used to own and eight-bedroom house in San Francisco (until the bankruptcy) and has a great eye for decorating.
Got to Pacific By Roku and Nancy and Carolyn came soon after. It was a little chilly, so we moved inside. I had a wonderful roasted garlic with pesto and sourdough bread, the others some kind of chicken. However, when they saw mine, all three ordered what I had, in addition to the chicken. Incredibly, my bill, including my Chief Peak beer, came to only $5.75. I added a generous tip, but even so, it was significantly less expensive than any of the other Happy Hours we go to.
I left to get the bus home, but still didn't make it before it got dark. I'm used to that now, though, so no prob.
Note: I often write the first part of this blog in the evening, as I did above, then top it off in the morning. I did that yesterday (Wednesday) This morning about 3 am, I woke up with a bad headache. By 8 am it was worse. Susanne too me the hospital. Blood pressure up. lots of tests, all okay. Home now and much better. Ellen here. More later.
Niece Carolyn called, then I talked to Betty. I invited her to come visit for a few days next week, thinking I'll take her to my Humor & Drama meeting next Thursday. I'm not sure if we can arrange that, but we'll see.
After lunch, I got on the bus for town. Went to the P.O. to mail yet more of Mike's and Paula's mail, then walked the loop, as usual. I stopped into The Coalition and saw a kind of wooden bench with a pillow, which may be just right for placing at the bottom of my bed. But--would it be too close to my desk chair? Do I really need it? Do I want to pay thirty bucks for it? Darn, I'm not so sure now. I'm mulling it over.
Ran into Diane on Main--both of us early for Happy Hour--and accompanied her to Child Abuse Thrift Store, where she bought a gorgeous burgundy bedspread, two sofa pillows, and an elegant vase. Diane used to own and eight-bedroom house in San Francisco (until the bankruptcy) and has a great eye for decorating.
Got to Pacific By Roku and Nancy and Carolyn came soon after. It was a little chilly, so we moved inside. I had a wonderful roasted garlic with pesto and sourdough bread, the others some kind of chicken. However, when they saw mine, all three ordered what I had, in addition to the chicken. Incredibly, my bill, including my Chief Peak beer, came to only $5.75. I added a generous tip, but even so, it was significantly less expensive than any of the other Happy Hours we go to.
I left to get the bus home, but still didn't make it before it got dark. I'm used to that now, though, so no prob.
Note: I often write the first part of this blog in the evening, as I did above, then top it off in the morning. I did that yesterday (Wednesday) This morning about 3 am, I woke up with a bad headache. By 8 am it was worse. Susanne too me the hospital. Blood pressure up. lots of tests, all okay. Home now and much better. Ellen here. More later.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Slow Day
Walked Kimball, had breakfast, then went for my mammogram. That didn't take long, but as always when I have any kind of medical test, I'm uneasy until I get the results.
Took my empty Diet 7 Up bottles to Paul at the recycle place in the Von's shopping center and got a big $1.70 for them. I immediately spent it on pickled beets at Von's.; also bought ground turkey. When I got back, Suzanne opened her dppr and gave me a bag of five lovely lemons. Somebody at St. John's, where she works, brings them in. I'll take three to give the gals at happy hour today.
Spent time on the computer and some household chores. Actually, it must not have been very exciting because I don't even remember what all I did.
After lunch, I went out to the bus stop, but missed two while I was still walking there. I waited for a while, then got tired of it and left. Instead of going into town, I drove the car to the harbor, just for a drive Went from there to the Hill Street library and took out a CD on Trump's first period in the White House. Not sure why; I just didn't see anything else very interesting.
Home, I trimmed and chopped (using my trusty Chop Wizard) four large onions and sauteed them with the ground turkey for dinner. Added some mushrooms I had left over and it was very tasty.
Took my empty Diet 7 Up bottles to Paul at the recycle place in the Von's shopping center and got a big $1.70 for them. I immediately spent it on pickled beets at Von's.; also bought ground turkey. When I got back, Suzanne opened her dppr and gave me a bag of five lovely lemons. Somebody at St. John's, where she works, brings them in. I'll take three to give the gals at happy hour today.
Spent time on the computer and some household chores. Actually, it must not have been very exciting because I don't even remember what all I did.
After lunch, I went out to the bus stop, but missed two while I was still walking there. I waited for a while, then got tired of it and left. Instead of going into town, I drove the car to the harbor, just for a drive Went from there to the Hill Street library and took out a CD on Trump's first period in the White House. Not sure why; I just didn't see anything else very interesting.
Home, I trimmed and chopped (using my trusty Chop Wizard) four large onions and sauteed them with the ground turkey for dinner. Added some mushrooms I had left over and it was very tasty.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Walking And The Widder Group
Happily, I'm feeling much more chipper. I walked Kimball (bundled up), but also napped after breakfast for almost two hours. Finished the letter to the Cypress Point director and sent it via e-mail with appropriate attachments.
Out to get lettuce, then to Sprouts for blueberries. I had seen a neat oil and vinegar set--orange ceramic in a terrific fluid design at a store the other day. I debated whether to buy it, as I already have an oil and vinegar set, but finally decided what the hell, I will and I did. They look great on the counter and they were fairly reasonable.
When I got home, I saw Suzanne with Fred and Loretta S. at the picnic table outside. Not sure why, as it was pretty chilly, but I chatted with them for a few. I mentioned I had a cold, but had no intention of missing the widder dinner. Well, geez, you'd think I had said I'd take a dip in the ocean, they were so horrified. I have a cold, folks, not terminal beriberi (I had to look up what that is).
Dressed warmly and (I mention smugly), walked all the way to Stone Fire Grille, a little more than two miles. It felt good.
We had a ball at dinner. Carolyn and Nancy were there, of course, plus ten others. We talked, laughed, reminisced about our late spouses (both Nancy's and Vera's death anniversaries are next week), and it felt so good to be with this group. I had my usual, roasted cauliflower and a Chef Peak beer, but after we had been there two hours, I ordered a glass of Chardonnay as a nightcap.
Jim, a relative newcomer, was there and I chatted with him. I had met him at Donna's party in June, and greeted him as Donna's father-in-law. (Donna remarried a few months ago, to Mark.) Actually, though, it was Jim's daughter who was married to Mark, then died. To really complicate matters, Jim's son is also named Mark; he recently retired as Ventura's cit manager. Anyway, I remembered Jim and his wife, who died only two months ago, from the party. That sounds as if everybody is in deep mourning, but mostly, that doesn't come through. With this group, we can relax and realize we're all fellow humans who have survived a life-changing event and lived to tell the tale.
Donna took me home after one of the funnest (my kids used to say that) evening I've had in an age.
Out to get lettuce, then to Sprouts for blueberries. I had seen a neat oil and vinegar set--orange ceramic in a terrific fluid design at a store the other day. I debated whether to buy it, as I already have an oil and vinegar set, but finally decided what the hell, I will and I did. They look great on the counter and they were fairly reasonable.
When I got home, I saw Suzanne with Fred and Loretta S. at the picnic table outside. Not sure why, as it was pretty chilly, but I chatted with them for a few. I mentioned I had a cold, but had no intention of missing the widder dinner. Well, geez, you'd think I had said I'd take a dip in the ocean, they were so horrified. I have a cold, folks, not terminal beriberi (I had to look up what that is).
Dressed warmly and (I mention smugly), walked all the way to Stone Fire Grille, a little more than two miles. It felt good.
We had a ball at dinner. Carolyn and Nancy were there, of course, plus ten others. We talked, laughed, reminisced about our late spouses (both Nancy's and Vera's death anniversaries are next week), and it felt so good to be with this group. I had my usual, roasted cauliflower and a Chef Peak beer, but after we had been there two hours, I ordered a glass of Chardonnay as a nightcap.
Jim, a relative newcomer, was there and I chatted with him. I had met him at Donna's party in June, and greeted him as Donna's father-in-law. (Donna remarried a few months ago, to Mark.) Actually, though, it was Jim's daughter who was married to Mark, then died. To really complicate matters, Jim's son is also named Mark; he recently retired as Ventura's cit manager. Anyway, I remembered Jim and his wife, who died only two months ago, from the party. That sounds as if everybody is in deep mourning, but mostly, that doesn't come through. With this group, we can relax and realize we're all fellow humans who have survived a life-changing event and lived to tell the tale.
Donna took me home after one of the funnest (my kids used to say that) evening I've had in an age.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Boredom Woes
Didn't walk Kimball. In fact, I didn't walk in town, either. I felt pretty lousy and stayed in much of the day.
I spent the time composing a letter to the senior director of sales and marketing for Cypress Place Senor Living, Pamela S. I had met her at the Christmas cocktail party I attended there last month. We chatted and I mentioned my Acting for Amateurs class. She asked me to send her info and that's what I worked on. I wanted to send some attachments of flyers and so on and had a terrible time trying to scan, then attach them. Not sure why., but I'm still working on it.
Betty called to say the guy she sued who tried to cheat her with the furnace thing has sent her a check for two thousand bucks. Finally, and he still owes her four hundred, but that should be coming soon.
I discovered I was out of both tomatoes and chicken--horrors, how could I have lunch?--so went to WinCo and laid in supplies. After I ate, I actually napped for about an hour, unusual for me.
Got up and drove to the Goodwill in the east end, just because I was getting stir crazy. I bought a Christmas ornament--am I nuts?--and a book on elements of expression. Home, I cut up some mushrooms to saute with my swordfish and cooked my raw baby spinach, a good dinner.
Speaking of dinner, tonight is the widder one. I'm feeling much better, but not sure if I'll go; I'll see how how I feel later.
I spent the time composing a letter to the senior director of sales and marketing for Cypress Place Senor Living, Pamela S. I had met her at the Christmas cocktail party I attended there last month. We chatted and I mentioned my Acting for Amateurs class. She asked me to send her info and that's what I worked on. I wanted to send some attachments of flyers and so on and had a terrible time trying to scan, then attach them. Not sure why., but I'm still working on it.
Betty called to say the guy she sued who tried to cheat her with the furnace thing has sent her a check for two thousand bucks. Finally, and he still owes her four hundred, but that should be coming soon.
I discovered I was out of both tomatoes and chicken--horrors, how could I have lunch?--so went to WinCo and laid in supplies. After I ate, I actually napped for about an hour, unusual for me.
Got up and drove to the Goodwill in the east end, just because I was getting stir crazy. I bought a Christmas ornament--am I nuts?--and a book on elements of expression. Home, I cut up some mushrooms to saute with my swordfish and cooked my raw baby spinach, a good dinner.
Speaking of dinner, tonight is the widder one. I'm feeling much better, but not sure if I'll go; I'll see how how I feel later.
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Various And Sundry
(I didn't have an Internet connection until just now at 7:34 am. It was the server's problem, as I found out after I had called and was on the phone checking things with somebody in Georgia.)
Walked Kimball yesterday, but didn't this morning, as my cold had now entered the nose-running-like-a-faucet-all-day phase. However, I'm savvy enough to know that since the nose yield is clear, there's no infection (right, Dr. Patti?).
As for Saturday: Went to Sprouts for swordfish and fresh jumbo shrimp, then the a few other places. Drove to the library to attend its book sale and bought four of them. Home for lunch, then back to town on the bus and I did the usual loop.
I was just walking in the door when Mike and the girls called via a phone video call. What fun to see them--Vivian was making cookies, Violet was building a house (virtually, of course), and Mike was overseeing--or something. I asked where Paula was and she's in Montenegro for the week. Ha--it occurred to me that if my mother traveled anywhere by herself--which was seldom--when we were that age, it would have been on the trolley to Atlantic City.
Anyway, I greatly enjoyed seeing them. Vivian show me her new heart earrings; she said they were from her boyfriend, Donald or maybe "Donno." Good grief, she's only fourteen and a half, too young to have a boyfriend, isn't she? (Although come to think of it, I had a big crush on somebody named Pat Molloy when I was that age.)
Note: If my medical adviser is reading this, I want her to know I intend to take it easy today. I'm tired of this cold and will now coddle myself until it goes away.
Walked Kimball yesterday, but didn't this morning, as my cold had now entered the nose-running-like-a-faucet-all-day phase. However, I'm savvy enough to know that since the nose yield is clear, there's no infection (right, Dr. Patti?).
As for Saturday: Went to Sprouts for swordfish and fresh jumbo shrimp, then the a few other places. Drove to the library to attend its book sale and bought four of them. Home for lunch, then back to town on the bus and I did the usual loop.
I was just walking in the door when Mike and the girls called via a phone video call. What fun to see them--Vivian was making cookies, Violet was building a house (virtually, of course), and Mike was overseeing--or something. I asked where Paula was and she's in Montenegro for the week. Ha--it occurred to me that if my mother traveled anywhere by herself--which was seldom--when we were that age, it would have been on the trolley to Atlantic City.
Anyway, I greatly enjoyed seeing them. Vivian show me her new heart earrings; she said they were from her boyfriend, Donald or maybe "Donno." Good grief, she's only fourteen and a half, too young to have a boyfriend, isn't she? (Although come to think of it, I had a big crush on somebody named Pat Molloy when I was that age.)
Note: If my medical adviser is reading this, I want her to know I intend to take it easy today. I'm tired of this cold and will now coddle myself until it goes away.
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Glorious Sun!
Oh, happy day, the sun came out! It was still a bit chilly when I walked Kimball, but the sun was peeking over the hills and that was so good to see.
Went to T.O.P.S. after, but just weighed in and begged off attending the meeting, citing my cold. Luckily, I was a little horse, so it was believable. The truth is I just could not face another unformed, unfocused, uninteresting snooze fest conducted by an unprepared and, it sometimes seems, simple-minded "leader." Besides, I was hungry.
Scale said 131.3, with which I was satisfied. Considering that the rain prevented me from some of my usual walking routine, I was happy to be down 1.7 pounds.
Home, had breakfast, then stripped the bed and remade. Took the used sheets and some whites to the laundry building and, while they were washing and drying, got a few chores done. I've been trying to assemble and organize my picture memorabilia for the longest, and took a stab at that, but didn't get much done.
Stella called, asking me to go to zumba with her, which I won't do at this point. Maybe sometime I will, but not now. Her mobile is so bad I can hardly understand her, so she said she'd call me from her landline later. In truth, she's not my type and I''m not hers, but I don't mind being with her occasionally.
After lunch, I strolled to the bus, rode to town and happily resumed my routine, doing the library to Promenade to Main to library loop. Stopped at Von's on the way home for a few little items, ate dinner (tilapia and acorn squash, both of which were delicious, then jumped in the shower. I was thrilled that the press-on fingernails didn't come off when I washed my hair--this is going to be my fingernail dressing from now on.
Went to T.O.P.S. after, but just weighed in and begged off attending the meeting, citing my cold. Luckily, I was a little horse, so it was believable. The truth is I just could not face another unformed, unfocused, uninteresting snooze fest conducted by an unprepared and, it sometimes seems, simple-minded "leader." Besides, I was hungry.
Scale said 131.3, with which I was satisfied. Considering that the rain prevented me from some of my usual walking routine, I was happy to be down 1.7 pounds.
Home, had breakfast, then stripped the bed and remade. Took the used sheets and some whites to the laundry building and, while they were washing and drying, got a few chores done. I've been trying to assemble and organize my picture memorabilia for the longest, and took a stab at that, but didn't get much done.
Stella called, asking me to go to zumba with her, which I won't do at this point. Maybe sometime I will, but not now. Her mobile is so bad I can hardly understand her, so she said she'd call me from her landline later. In truth, she's not my type and I''m not hers, but I don't mind being with her occasionally.
After lunch, I strolled to the bus, rode to town and happily resumed my routine, doing the library to Promenade to Main to library loop. Stopped at Von's on the way home for a few little items, ate dinner (tilapia and acorn squash, both of which were delicious, then jumped in the shower. I was thrilled that the press-on fingernails didn't come off when I washed my hair--this is going to be my fingernail dressing from now on.
Friday, January 18, 2019
Rain, Then Dry, Then Toastmasters
It was coming down pretty good when I got up. Did my usual morning things, then dressed to go to Olivelands School. I was due at 7:55, but naturally with my obsessive fear of being late, I was almost twenty minutes early when I was a mile away. Pulled into a parking lot and waited, then went on.
I went directly to the auditorium to find lots of little kiddies and some teachers and aides. Some of them were having breakfast, some sitting cross-legged on the floor, and it was a little noisy, but not bad and it was nice to hear. Lindsay, the principal and my fellow judge, came up and said hello (I've met her before) and shortly, Ellen led her class in, as did other teachers. This is an elementary school, kinder to fourth grade, and those in the spelling bee--about fifteen kids--were from second, third, and fourth.
I hadn't realized that Ellen organizes the bee until she gave the introductory talk, welcoming attendees. Another teacher conducted, presenting the words, each with an explanatory sentence. It went eight rounds until there were only two children left, Ivan and Oscar, and Ivan finally successfully spelled "the championship word" and won. He'll now compete with children from other schools in the area.
Anyway, it was great fun to be with little children again and by the time I left, the rain had stopped, a good omen. Went home for breakfast, did a few chores, then drove to the mall to walk a bit and to buy another set of stick-on nails. Boy, do the ones I put on for the party on Saturday look good! Went to WinCo later and got some nice fresh tilapia and frozen tuna steak.
Received an e-mail from Carolyn B., asking for my advice on her proposed Toastmasters speech, which I answered at length. After another vegetarian dinner, I changed and went to Toastmasters at 7:00.
I did my "Cabin Fever" poem and it went over very big. John C. was my evaluator and boy, he was wildly enthusiastic. The meeting itself was sparsely attended, as usual, with only six members. We did have three guests: two who live at the Lexington and a young woman named Joy, who's from Polynesia. I liked her a lot and hope she joins.
Home to Frasier and didn't get to bed until 10, but got up at my usual, 5:15. T.O.P.S. today and I'm not optimistic about my weight.
I went directly to the auditorium to find lots of little kiddies and some teachers and aides. Some of them were having breakfast, some sitting cross-legged on the floor, and it was a little noisy, but not bad and it was nice to hear. Lindsay, the principal and my fellow judge, came up and said hello (I've met her before) and shortly, Ellen led her class in, as did other teachers. This is an elementary school, kinder to fourth grade, and those in the spelling bee--about fifteen kids--were from second, third, and fourth.
I hadn't realized that Ellen organizes the bee until she gave the introductory talk, welcoming attendees. Another teacher conducted, presenting the words, each with an explanatory sentence. It went eight rounds until there were only two children left, Ivan and Oscar, and Ivan finally successfully spelled "the championship word" and won. He'll now compete with children from other schools in the area.
Anyway, it was great fun to be with little children again and by the time I left, the rain had stopped, a good omen. Went home for breakfast, did a few chores, then drove to the mall to walk a bit and to buy another set of stick-on nails. Boy, do the ones I put on for the party on Saturday look good! Went to WinCo later and got some nice fresh tilapia and frozen tuna steak.
Received an e-mail from Carolyn B., asking for my advice on her proposed Toastmasters speech, which I answered at length. After another vegetarian dinner, I changed and went to Toastmasters at 7:00.
I did my "Cabin Fever" poem and it went over very big. John C. was my evaluator and boy, he was wildly enthusiastic. The meeting itself was sparsely attended, as usual, with only six members. We did have three guests: two who live at the Lexington and a young woman named Joy, who's from Polynesia. I liked her a lot and hope she joins.
Home to Frasier and didn't get to bed until 10, but got up at my usual, 5:15. T.O.P.S. today and I'm not optimistic about my weight.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
And More Rain
Happy day, I was able to walk Kimball. The rain held off while I did, although it was dark and threatening. I took a chance and left later than my usual--about 8:00, but was glad I did.
Breakfast, then finally at long last, I filed the piles of papers I had neglected. Got it all done, but then wanted to establish some new file folders. I have plenty, but what I didn't have were the little tabs that go on them. After lunch, I went to Wal-Mart, Sears, Macy's, and two different Targets looking for them--no luck. That's yet another ordinary item that's so hard to find here, like the small bathroom cups and the bridge holder. It's very mysterious and I don't understand it. However, I noticed that some of the file folders contained material I no longer need, so emptied them and used the tabs.
Stopped at Bed, Bath & Beyond just on the off chance they'd let me return the electric toothbrush heads that don't fit my toothbrush, although both are Oral B. I had already opened the package, but yes, they credited my card by twenty-seven bucks without question.
Ellen called while I was in Von's to discuss the spelling bee to which I'll head in two hours or so. Happily, my cold's no worse, and I won't breathe on anyone. Besides, I'm going into a virtual petri dish of cold germs--elementary school--so figure I won't be too much of a menace.
Had a vegetarian meal for dinner: fresh spinach, frozen "San Francisco Medley," and, finally, the last of my zucchini/onion dish.
Breakfast, then finally at long last, I filed the piles of papers I had neglected. Got it all done, but then wanted to establish some new file folders. I have plenty, but what I didn't have were the little tabs that go on them. After lunch, I went to Wal-Mart, Sears, Macy's, and two different Targets looking for them--no luck. That's yet another ordinary item that's so hard to find here, like the small bathroom cups and the bridge holder. It's very mysterious and I don't understand it. However, I noticed that some of the file folders contained material I no longer need, so emptied them and used the tabs.
Stopped at Bed, Bath & Beyond just on the off chance they'd let me return the electric toothbrush heads that don't fit my toothbrush, although both are Oral B. I had already opened the package, but yes, they credited my card by twenty-seven bucks without question.
Ellen called while I was in Von's to discuss the spelling bee to which I'll head in two hours or so. Happily, my cold's no worse, and I won't breathe on anyone. Besides, I'm going into a virtual petri dish of cold germs--elementary school--so figure I won't be too much of a menace.
Had a vegetarian meal for dinner: fresh spinach, frozen "San Francisco Medley," and, finally, the last of my zucchini/onion dish.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Rain, rain, and more rain. No chance for Kimball yet again, not to mention my town walk. Actually, I didn't set the alarm and slept until 7:00. Woke up feeling pretty lousy, but after I took two aspirin (don't tell my medical adviser, Dr. Patti) and had my coffee, I revived. I still had a slight sore throat and a little hoarseness, but felt considerably better.
I stayed in after breakfast, going slowly crazy, mostly at this godawful machine. I was so bored I even violated one of my self-imposed rules and played a hidden object game for a bit. Betty called and we talked about the amazing amaryllis plant Ellen gave her, which seems to be growing two inches a day. After lunch, I had had enough. I donned my rain gear, picked up my umbrella, and headed to town.
No, not on the bus--I'm not quite that foolhardy. If it hadn't been raining OR if I didn't have a cold, I probably would have, but even though I did it on Monday to Ojai, I nixed it. Drove to Surfer's Point to see the wild Pacific. It was wild, all right, and incredibly, there were two surfers out there. Left after a few minutes and drove to the library. Started a Cole Porter bio and read for an hour or so, then headed home.
I e-mailed back and forth to the other three in my Happy Hour group. They all begged off going today--probably wise--although I said I would, trusting I'll have recovered by this afternoon. Diane then asked if I'd like to instead join her in her tai chi class at 1:00 today, then have a glass of wine. Called her and said I'd make it another time. I do want to do that, but it occurred to me that I have to be at Ellen's school at 7:55 am tomorrow to judge the spelling bee, then I have Toastmaster at 7 in the evening. I didn't want to miss either and thought I should spend another day coddling my cold.
El called on her way home and we had a good talk about the evil boy in her class--I believe he's a true sociopath--and other things. I'm looking forward to seeing her tomorrow.
Got up this morning, still with symptoms, but not bad. I think I'll survive.
I stayed in after breakfast, going slowly crazy, mostly at this godawful machine. I was so bored I even violated one of my self-imposed rules and played a hidden object game for a bit. Betty called and we talked about the amazing amaryllis plant Ellen gave her, which seems to be growing two inches a day. After lunch, I had had enough. I donned my rain gear, picked up my umbrella, and headed to town.
No, not on the bus--I'm not quite that foolhardy. If it hadn't been raining OR if I didn't have a cold, I probably would have, but even though I did it on Monday to Ojai, I nixed it. Drove to Surfer's Point to see the wild Pacific. It was wild, all right, and incredibly, there were two surfers out there. Left after a few minutes and drove to the library. Started a Cole Porter bio and read for an hour or so, then headed home.
I e-mailed back and forth to the other three in my Happy Hour group. They all begged off going today--probably wise--although I said I would, trusting I'll have recovered by this afternoon. Diane then asked if I'd like to instead join her in her tai chi class at 1:00 today, then have a glass of wine. Called her and said I'd make it another time. I do want to do that, but it occurred to me that I have to be at Ellen's school at 7:55 am tomorrow to judge the spelling bee, then I have Toastmaster at 7 in the evening. I didn't want to miss either and thought I should spend another day coddling my cold.
El called on her way home and we had a good talk about the evil boy in her class--I believe he's a true sociopath--and other things. I'm looking forward to seeing her tomorrow.
Got up this morning, still with symptoms, but not bad. I think I'll survive.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Ojai And Carolyn B.
Again the rain came down, which scuttled Kimball once more. Just as well, because of the damn cold. I actually toyed with the idea of cancelling my lunch with Carolyn, but I was looking forward to getting to know her better. (As I told her later, I greatly enjoy our weekly Happy Hour with the four of us, but once in a while, it's nice to just be able to talk together.)
So I armed myself with my raincoat, boots, scarf, gloves, and umbrella, and set off. I first walked the two blocks to the post office, to mail the documents that came for my daughter-in-law (she, Mike, and the girls are now back in Singapore), then got the bus from there to the mall. I had to wait about twenty minutes for the second bus to Ojai, but that was okay. It took longer than I thought to get there, though, and it was just about 1:00 when I met Carolyn at Sea Fresh.
Gee, we had an enjoyable time It was good to learn more about her and her family and background. She's very quiet in the H.H. group; in fact, I often ask her a question just to draw her out a bit. Yesterday, though, she talked and talked and I listened and listened and was happy to do so. Carolyn is just a month older than my oldest daughter, but we seem to have bridged the age gap easily.
We were in Sea Fresh (crab salad and a Blue Moon) for more than two hours until I suggested we walk down the Avenue, which we did. We window-shopped, then went into Rains, the small department store, which has some wonderfully different and interesting merchandise.
After we strolled here and there, I found I had missed the 3:22 bus and had to wait for the 4:22. Carolyn insisted in waiting at the stop with me--there's a bench--and we continued our conversation. Bus came, we hugged goodbye, and off I went. It took a whole hour to get home and I stopped at Von's, so it was almost 7:00 by the time I walked in the door. That was okay, though.
I still have the cold, and as my colds always are, no matter how I treat them, it's worse today. I may have exacerbated it by going out in the cold rain, but I refuse to curtail my activities unless I really feel lousy. So far, I'm not bad, so I'll just ignore the damn thing. I did, however, skip Kimball again. I think it would be foolhardy to walk it, as it's still chilly.
Looked at my email when I got home and saw a nice "enjoyed lunch" note from Jim. Must arrange for a gathering with the rest of my acting group soon.
Darn, I just looked at the weather and now it's supposed to rain for the next week--no fair!
So I armed myself with my raincoat, boots, scarf, gloves, and umbrella, and set off. I first walked the two blocks to the post office, to mail the documents that came for my daughter-in-law (she, Mike, and the girls are now back in Singapore), then got the bus from there to the mall. I had to wait about twenty minutes for the second bus to Ojai, but that was okay. It took longer than I thought to get there, though, and it was just about 1:00 when I met Carolyn at Sea Fresh.
Gee, we had an enjoyable time It was good to learn more about her and her family and background. She's very quiet in the H.H. group; in fact, I often ask her a question just to draw her out a bit. Yesterday, though, she talked and talked and I listened and listened and was happy to do so. Carolyn is just a month older than my oldest daughter, but we seem to have bridged the age gap easily.
We were in Sea Fresh (crab salad and a Blue Moon) for more than two hours until I suggested we walk down the Avenue, which we did. We window-shopped, then went into Rains, the small department store, which has some wonderfully different and interesting merchandise.
After we strolled here and there, I found I had missed the 3:22 bus and had to wait for the 4:22. Carolyn insisted in waiting at the stop with me--there's a bench--and we continued our conversation. Bus came, we hugged goodbye, and off I went. It took a whole hour to get home and I stopped at Von's, so it was almost 7:00 by the time I walked in the door. That was okay, though.
I still have the cold, and as my colds always are, no matter how I treat them, it's worse today. I may have exacerbated it by going out in the cold rain, but I refuse to curtail my activities unless I really feel lousy. So far, I'm not bad, so I'll just ignore the damn thing. I did, however, skip Kimball again. I think it would be foolhardy to walk it, as it's still chilly.
Looked at my email when I got home and saw a nice "enjoyed lunch" note from Jim. Must arrange for a gathering with the rest of my acting group soon.
Darn, I just looked at the weather and now it's supposed to rain for the next week--no fair!
Monday, January 14, 2019
Lunch With Jim
Walked Kimball, then did the usual Sunday stuff. Char called to say she didn't feel up to going, so it would be just Jim and me. Actually, I enjoy talking to him one on one, so I didn't really mind that she cancelled. Changed, got the remote for the gate out of the car, then walked the mile and a half to the Victorian Pub.
I was early, so thought I'd wait inside, but what a racket! The place was jammed and there were about a dozen televisions, all blaring with some football game. I waited a while, but then decided to meet Jim outside and see if we could go somewhere else.
He got there and, since Marie Callender's is close, we walked over there. That was also jammed, not with football fans, but because it was their last day open. (Somebody had told me at the party they were closing.) We walked to Jasmine Thai, which doesn't have a T.V. and found it busy, but quiet. We got a nice booth and settled in.
We had a good lunch and some good conversation. Poor Jim; he's adjunct faculty at Ventura College and it looks to me they're trying to force him out. They "took" his intro to logic course away and gave it to someone else and there are other signs I recognized. Jim is not an outgoing, glad-hander and he tends to drone when he talks. I know his classes hadn't been well-attended lately and I'm afraid his personality is the reason. I urged him to talk to the dean and see what the story is and to contact the faculty union. He said he did, but was told there was nothing they could do, the bastards.
We also had a wide-ranging discussion on other topics, from the general employment situation to critical thinking to religion to capitalism and so on. It's like a breath of fresh air to talk to somebody who's familiar with these things and is neither bombastic nor meek.
We left about two and I let Jim drive me back to my apartment entrance. He dropped me off and I went in to get a few things, then high-tailed it to the bus stop and went to town. I got off about a mile sooner than usual, as I wanted to walk a bit more. Did so and got in about two, I guess, before I caught another bus back.
Woke up this morning to 1. rain, which I understand will continue for four days and 2. a cold and sore throat--damn! I'm supposed to meet Carolyn B. for lunch today and I have other outings coming up. I hate to cancel at the last minute, so took some aspirin and will see how I feel later.
I was early, so thought I'd wait inside, but what a racket! The place was jammed and there were about a dozen televisions, all blaring with some football game. I waited a while, but then decided to meet Jim outside and see if we could go somewhere else.
He got there and, since Marie Callender's is close, we walked over there. That was also jammed, not with football fans, but because it was their last day open. (Somebody had told me at the party they were closing.) We walked to Jasmine Thai, which doesn't have a T.V. and found it busy, but quiet. We got a nice booth and settled in.
We had a good lunch and some good conversation. Poor Jim; he's adjunct faculty at Ventura College and it looks to me they're trying to force him out. They "took" his intro to logic course away and gave it to someone else and there are other signs I recognized. Jim is not an outgoing, glad-hander and he tends to drone when he talks. I know his classes hadn't been well-attended lately and I'm afraid his personality is the reason. I urged him to talk to the dean and see what the story is and to contact the faculty union. He said he did, but was told there was nothing they could do, the bastards.
We also had a wide-ranging discussion on other topics, from the general employment situation to critical thinking to religion to capitalism and so on. It's like a breath of fresh air to talk to somebody who's familiar with these things and is neither bombastic nor meek.
We left about two and I let Jim drive me back to my apartment entrance. He dropped me off and I went in to get a few things, then high-tailed it to the bus stop and went to town. I got off about a mile sooner than usual, as I wanted to walk a bit more. Did so and got in about two, I guess, before I caught another bus back.
Woke up this morning to 1. rain, which I understand will continue for four days and 2. a cold and sore throat--damn! I'm supposed to meet Carolyn B. for lunch today and I have other outings coming up. I hate to cancel at the last minute, so took some aspirin and will see how I feel later.
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Birthday Party
Well, the rain didn't spoil the party, but it again prevented me from walking Kimball. After breakfast, though, I made up for it by driving to The Promanade and walking to the Crown Plaza and back; probably two miles.
Suzanne stopped in to tell me she had passed her driver (written) test, which was a great relief, I know. She also got her I.D., which will allow her to fly--something I need to look into soon.
Jumped in the shower, washed my hair, and changed. The van came early, about 1:15, but had to pick up somebody else in town after me, which was fine because I didn't want to be too early. Got there just abut two and met Lewis, the birthday boy, his and Sharon's daughters, sons, grandchildren, great-grands, siblings, cousins, neighbors, friends, and, I believe,three-quarters of the population of southern California--it was great fun!
Lots of delicious, calorie-laden food and every drink imaginable (I had both Flat Tire Ale and red wine) were set out haphazardly on the table, counters, stove, and other handy flat surfaces. There was fried chicken, roast beef, barbecued ribs, chili, macaroni and cheese, corn and onion rolls and muffins, cheese and crackers, boiled potatoes, and lots of other goodies. I went back for thirds, then topped it off with the birthday cake, a standard bakery sheet cake, ninety-percent sugar and I thought I had died and gone to heaven.
Lewis, the birthday boy, turned out to be a great guy. I had fun talking to him and to his many relatives. They are African-American and Sharon is white, so their children and other descendants are a pleasing mix. Party-goers were also a mix, as Lewis is an avid pool players and many of his pool friends are white. Carolyn and Luisa from T.O.P.S., who had both been one of my acting students (as had Sharon) were too, and we enjoyed each other.
Anyway, I was sorry to leave at 4:00 when the van got there,. but didn't want to keep the driver waiting. It started to rain again just before I got home, but when I did, I put on my boots, grabbed my umbrella, and took a turn around the block.
Today lunch with Jim and Char.
Suzanne stopped in to tell me she had passed her driver (written) test, which was a great relief, I know. She also got her I.D., which will allow her to fly--something I need to look into soon.
Jumped in the shower, washed my hair, and changed. The van came early, about 1:15, but had to pick up somebody else in town after me, which was fine because I didn't want to be too early. Got there just abut two and met Lewis, the birthday boy, his and Sharon's daughters, sons, grandchildren, great-grands, siblings, cousins, neighbors, friends, and, I believe,three-quarters of the population of southern California--it was great fun!
Lots of delicious, calorie-laden food and every drink imaginable (I had both Flat Tire Ale and red wine) were set out haphazardly on the table, counters, stove, and other handy flat surfaces. There was fried chicken, roast beef, barbecued ribs, chili, macaroni and cheese, corn and onion rolls and muffins, cheese and crackers, boiled potatoes, and lots of other goodies. I went back for thirds, then topped it off with the birthday cake, a standard bakery sheet cake, ninety-percent sugar and I thought I had died and gone to heaven.
Lewis, the birthday boy, turned out to be a great guy. I had fun talking to him and to his many relatives. They are African-American and Sharon is white, so their children and other descendants are a pleasing mix. Party-goers were also a mix, as Lewis is an avid pool players and many of his pool friends are white. Carolyn and Luisa from T.O.P.S., who had both been one of my acting students (as had Sharon) were too, and we enjoyed each other.
Anyway, I was sorry to leave at 4:00 when the van got there,. but didn't want to keep the driver waiting. It started to rain again just before I got home, but when I did, I put on my boots, grabbed my umbrella, and took a turn around the block.
Today lunch with Jim and Char.
Saturday, January 12, 2019
T.O.P.S. And Zucchini
Saw Irene and Diane walking Kimball and was pleased to hear D. had enjoyed the Pompeii exhibit as much as I did. Got home, changed, then went to T.O.P.S., where I weighed in at--AAGH! A hundred and thirty three! That's almost three pounds up from last week, lawks-a- mercy- me! I've been living high off the hog lately and that resulted in the gain. At the same time, I wasn't walking as much. But I'm confident I can swing back to my new normal, my self-imposed range being 125 to 130.
I had bought five big zucchinis the other day and after breakfast, I scrubbed and trimmed them, sliced some onions, and added olive oil, garlic, and seasonings and put it all in the slow cookers. Yes, both of them, because there was so much. Maybe I'll give some to Suzanne.
Lunch, then to Von's for blueberries--I'm an addict--and after that, to Satan's present to the world, Wal-Mart. I had thought I'd get a gift card for Lewis, whose birthday party I'm attending today. I've never met him, although I know Sharon, his wife, well. She was in both my acting classes here and is also in T.O.P.S. I thought twenty bucks was sufficient, so I took the card to the cashier. I was then stunned to find they charge $4.78 cents extra! That's a fourth of what the card is worth and hell, no, I'm not paying that. Instead, I'll put a twenty-dollar bill in a card. Interesting, if you get a gift card of the same amount on line, it looks as if there's no extra fee. Should have thought of that.
Took the bus to town and returned the two Pompeii books back to the library, then walked to The Promenade and did the loop. Stopped in a store and bought two pairs of socks--I've been wearing socks lately. I then walked roughly a mile past where I usually get the bus and was pleased to do so. I figure I did about five miles yesterday and that's a good total.
I had a big bowl of the zucchini with my tuna steak for dinner and it was delicious.
Note: 6:30 am: Darn, I just looked outside and it's raining quite a bit. Hope it doesn't spoil the party.
I had bought five big zucchinis the other day and after breakfast, I scrubbed and trimmed them, sliced some onions, and added olive oil, garlic, and seasonings and put it all in the slow cookers. Yes, both of them, because there was so much. Maybe I'll give some to Suzanne.
Lunch, then to Von's for blueberries--I'm an addict--and after that, to Satan's present to the world, Wal-Mart. I had thought I'd get a gift card for Lewis, whose birthday party I'm attending today. I've never met him, although I know Sharon, his wife, well. She was in both my acting classes here and is also in T.O.P.S. I thought twenty bucks was sufficient, so I took the card to the cashier. I was then stunned to find they charge $4.78 cents extra! That's a fourth of what the card is worth and hell, no, I'm not paying that. Instead, I'll put a twenty-dollar bill in a card. Interesting, if you get a gift card of the same amount on line, it looks as if there's no extra fee. Should have thought of that.
Took the bus to town and returned the two Pompeii books back to the library, then walked to The Promenade and did the loop. Stopped in a store and bought two pairs of socks--I've been wearing socks lately. I then walked roughly a mile past where I usually get the bus and was pleased to do so. I figure I did about five miles yesterday and that's a good total.
I had a big bowl of the zucchini with my tuna steak for dinner and it was delicious.
Note: 6:30 am: Darn, I just looked outside and it's raining quite a bit. Hope it doesn't spoil the party.
Friday, January 11, 2019
Santa Barbara
I'm not happy about skipping Kimball, but I did, so shoot me.
After my food and drink debauch of Wednesday, I didn't feel like breakfast, so I skipped that, too. Got ready and walked to the city bus stop and rode to the mall. Caught the Santa Barbara bus there right on time and for only a buck fifty--although I was told that goes up a quarter on Monday, still a bargain.
Got off at the SB County Courthouse and asked somebody which direction I should walk to get the the streets where the SB city bus stopped. It was three blocks away and I started toward it, but then asked somebody else and he told me the bus station was only a block after that. I got there and was delighted to be told what bus to take (number 3) and even more delighted that it was just about to pull out. I got on and wow, it didn't just go to State and Hitchcock, which I wouldn't have minded, either, but turned down Hitchcock and had a bus stop directly in front of Betty's apartment!
I knew she and Carolyn were getting mammograms, but I called her to tell her I was in. I just hung out and strolled around until she and Carolyn pulled up. C. said hello, then had to go home to work and Betty and I went up to her place.
We hung out, talked, then went down the street to the Natural Cafe for lunch and both got chili. Went back to her place and, as I declined playing Scrabble, played gin. Betty won, which considering her wearisome competitiveness, thrilled her. But it called up our childhood differences and that bothered me. I didn't express it, though, nor should I have.
Betty walked me to the bus stop on State and I got the number 6 bus which, glory be,took me directly to the courthouse, where I was to get the Ventura bus/* A woman on the street, who seemed to have extreme osteoporosis, and was deranged besides, was acting very strangely. I don't mean she was a menace to the community, only to herself, so I called 911. She had walked--or staggered--down the street while I was talking, and about then minutes, a gigantic fire truck with hook and ladder, the biggest I've ever seen, drove up and three men jumped off. They went down after her and shortly, an ambulance pulled up. I assume they took her to the hospital.
My bus came exactly on time (3:45) and I enjoyed the ride to Ventura. Because I had missed most of my walk during the day, I got off in town, walked about a mile, then hopped on a city bus. By the time I got off, it was full dark, but no prob.
Nice day, but not entirely. I'm glad to be home.
*For my own future reference: I can take either the 6 or the 11 bus back to the Courthouse.
After my food and drink debauch of Wednesday, I didn't feel like breakfast, so I skipped that, too. Got ready and walked to the city bus stop and rode to the mall. Caught the Santa Barbara bus there right on time and for only a buck fifty--although I was told that goes up a quarter on Monday, still a bargain.
Got off at the SB County Courthouse and asked somebody which direction I should walk to get the the streets where the SB city bus stopped. It was three blocks away and I started toward it, but then asked somebody else and he told me the bus station was only a block after that. I got there and was delighted to be told what bus to take (number 3) and even more delighted that it was just about to pull out. I got on and wow, it didn't just go to State and Hitchcock, which I wouldn't have minded, either, but turned down Hitchcock and had a bus stop directly in front of Betty's apartment!
I knew she and Carolyn were getting mammograms, but I called her to tell her I was in. I just hung out and strolled around until she and Carolyn pulled up. C. said hello, then had to go home to work and Betty and I went up to her place.
We hung out, talked, then went down the street to the Natural Cafe for lunch and both got chili. Went back to her place and, as I declined playing Scrabble, played gin. Betty won, which considering her wearisome competitiveness, thrilled her. But it called up our childhood differences and that bothered me. I didn't express it, though, nor should I have.
Betty walked me to the bus stop on State and I got the number 6 bus which, glory be,took me directly to the courthouse, where I was to get the Ventura bus/* A woman on the street, who seemed to have extreme osteoporosis, and was deranged besides, was acting very strangely. I don't mean she was a menace to the community, only to herself, so I called 911. She had walked--or staggered--down the street while I was talking, and about then minutes, a gigantic fire truck with hook and ladder, the biggest I've ever seen, drove up and three men jumped off. They went down after her and shortly, an ambulance pulled up. I assume they took her to the hospital.
My bus came exactly on time (3:45) and I enjoyed the ride to Ventura. Because I had missed most of my walk during the day, I got off in town, walked about a mile, then hopped on a city bus. By the time I got off, it was full dark, but no prob.
Nice day, but not entirely. I'm glad to be home.
*For my own future reference: I can take either the 6 or the 11 bus back to the Courthouse.
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Happy Hour And Covered Dish
Walked Kimball, where I ran into Irene and Diane. Latter said she was going to see the Pompeii exhibit that day. Since I skipped Kimball today, I'll ask her about it tomorrow..
Did a load of wash, then walked to the p.o. to mail something to son, Mike ( I swear her's into some kind of nefarious doings, but I don't care). Stopped at Von's on the way back for blueberries and cottage cheese. Jumped in the shower when I got home and dressed to go to Diane's.
I took the bus from Telegraph to Victoria to Telephone, got the other to Petit and was a little early,so I browsed in Goodwill for bit. I was a bit early at Diane's, but that was good: I like talking to her one-on-one once in a while. When we meet, it's always the four of us and while that's congenial, occasionally, I want to just chat with here.
Nancy and Carolyn got there and we had a delicious HH/lunch. Diane served tapas she had made herself, plus cheese, two kinds of small lunchmeat rounds, warm acavodo dip, crackers, and , of course,copious amounts of wine. I brought two small bottles of Corona because I knew I'd be having wine at the covered dish, drank them, and just had half a glass of vino.
We had a ball, of course, laughing and talking. Carolyn asked me a question about Toastmaster and at one point, we were cross-talking. She wants advice on doing a "proposal" talk and we agreed T. was sometimes more trouble and work than it's worth.
I left about 4:00, caught the two buses home and changed, sliced my tortilla pinwheels (they looked pretty bad, but I took them along) and was outside waiting for the Access van at 6:00. It didn't come for 20 minutes, but that was okay, it got me there on time.
The covered dish was fun. Saw Jan and her husband (what a stunning couple: She's small and slender, with a beautiful face and wavy grey hair, he's tall and very good-looking). Sat with Cherie, the prez of Dudley House Society, and Kathie B, also active in the group. I saw and chatted with a lot of others, whom I know from earlier events. The food was delish, as usual, and I had a few more glasses of wine.
The speaker was a guy talking about the early railroads near here. That was interesting to hear and I enjoyed it. Van came a bit after 8:00, took me home and now I'll prepare for my Santa Barbara trip to see Betty.
Did a load of wash, then walked to the p.o. to mail something to son, Mike ( I swear her's into some kind of nefarious doings, but I don't care). Stopped at Von's on the way back for blueberries and cottage cheese. Jumped in the shower when I got home and dressed to go to Diane's.
I took the bus from Telegraph to Victoria to Telephone, got the other to Petit and was a little early,so I browsed in Goodwill for bit. I was a bit early at Diane's, but that was good: I like talking to her one-on-one once in a while. When we meet, it's always the four of us and while that's congenial, occasionally, I want to just chat with here.
Nancy and Carolyn got there and we had a delicious HH/lunch. Diane served tapas she had made herself, plus cheese, two kinds of small lunchmeat rounds, warm acavodo dip, crackers, and , of course,copious amounts of wine. I brought two small bottles of Corona because I knew I'd be having wine at the covered dish, drank them, and just had half a glass of vino.
We had a ball, of course, laughing and talking. Carolyn asked me a question about Toastmaster and at one point, we were cross-talking. She wants advice on doing a "proposal" talk and we agreed T. was sometimes more trouble and work than it's worth.
I left about 4:00, caught the two buses home and changed, sliced my tortilla pinwheels (they looked pretty bad, but I took them along) and was outside waiting for the Access van at 6:00. It didn't come for 20 minutes, but that was okay, it got me there on time.
The covered dish was fun. Saw Jan and her husband (what a stunning couple: She's small and slender, with a beautiful face and wavy grey hair, he's tall and very good-looking). Sat with Cherie, the prez of Dudley House Society, and Kathie B, also active in the group. I saw and chatted with a lot of others, whom I know from earlier events. The food was delish, as usual, and I had a few more glasses of wine.
The speaker was a guy talking about the early railroads near here. That was interesting to hear and I enjoyed it. Van came a bit after 8:00, took me home and now I'll prepare for my Santa Barbara trip to see Betty.
Tuesday, January 08, 2019
Electronics And Me
Walked Kimball, then home. I had just finished breakfast when the guy from Yandoo came to set up the new router and re-program the T.V. He was actually a pretty nice guy; was here about 45 minutes and told me how to work it. I wrote that down and thought I had it okay. (Not okay--see later.)
After he left, I took my long shopping list and went to a variety of stores for all kinds of stuff, including the makings for tortilla pinwheel appetizers to take to the covered dish today. I already had the tortillas, although why I ever bought them, I don't know. Thought this would be easy. (Not easy--see later.)
Went to one Target for a new electric toothbrush, but didn't see any. Instead, I bought stick-on nails, which I'll try today. Went to the other Target and got the toothbrush. I fervently hope the Oral B brush heads I bought at Bed Bath & Expensive for twenty-seven bucks will fit the eighteen dollar toothbrush (not Oral B).
I did a few practice tortilla pinwheels and damn! The tortillas are hard to roll and look sloppy. Later, I did a few more and put them in the fridge. Will cut today and hope they look better.
After lunch, I hopped the bus for town and did the usual loop. When I got back to the library, it was only 3:30, so I stopped in to read for a bit before I caught the bus back. During the ride, Betty called; I'll be going up to Santa Barbara tomorrow.
Once home, I immediately got in my car to go to Wal-Mart, a place that should be consumed in flames along with Bank of America. I needed omeprazole, which I take for my acid problem, as I had run out and yesterday and my stomach was bothering me a bit. Got it, but had a sneeringly indifferent cashier, which is customary in Wal-Mart. I hate that place, but it's only a mile and a half away, so I can even walk there (although I have only once or twice), so I go.
Got home to find the Internet down. It was up again later, but this happens a lot. Also found the T.V. hard to use. It's too long and involved to go into here, but boy, I hate Yandoo like poison and they should burn in hell with the rest of them. I rang Suzanne's doorbell and found she was having a problem, too. However, later they were both resolved and I was able to watch my daily does of Frasier before turning in.
After he left, I took my long shopping list and went to a variety of stores for all kinds of stuff, including the makings for tortilla pinwheel appetizers to take to the covered dish today. I already had the tortillas, although why I ever bought them, I don't know. Thought this would be easy. (Not easy--see later.)
Went to one Target for a new electric toothbrush, but didn't see any. Instead, I bought stick-on nails, which I'll try today. Went to the other Target and got the toothbrush. I fervently hope the Oral B brush heads I bought at Bed Bath & Expensive for twenty-seven bucks will fit the eighteen dollar toothbrush (not Oral B).
I did a few practice tortilla pinwheels and damn! The tortillas are hard to roll and look sloppy. Later, I did a few more and put them in the fridge. Will cut today and hope they look better.
After lunch, I hopped the bus for town and did the usual loop. When I got back to the library, it was only 3:30, so I stopped in to read for a bit before I caught the bus back. During the ride, Betty called; I'll be going up to Santa Barbara tomorrow.
Once home, I immediately got in my car to go to Wal-Mart, a place that should be consumed in flames along with Bank of America. I needed omeprazole, which I take for my acid problem, as I had run out and yesterday and my stomach was bothering me a bit. Got it, but had a sneeringly indifferent cashier, which is customary in Wal-Mart. I hate that place, but it's only a mile and a half away, so I can even walk there (although I have only once or twice), so I go.
Got home to find the Internet down. It was up again later, but this happens a lot. Also found the T.V. hard to use. It's too long and involved to go into here, but boy, I hate Yandoo like poison and they should burn in hell with the rest of them. I rang Suzanne's doorbell and found she was having a problem, too. However, later they were both resolved and I was able to watch my daily does of Frasier before turning in.
Widder Group And Other Stuff
It was raining when I got up, so I jettisoned the Kimball walk.* After breakfast, I did a lot of this and that on the laptop and straightened up a few drawers--I have plenty more to do.
Jumped in the shower, dressed, then left for the bus about 11:45. Luckily, it had stopped raining by then and, after boarding and un-boarding from the second bus, I got to the Stone Fire Grille just a little late.
Ran into Bobbi R., from T.O.P.S. and Beach Cities Neighbors and Newcomers (which I didn't rejoin) and chatted with her before sitting with the widder group. There were ten of us, a good group, and I sat at the end with Greg, Gayle, and Anne. We had a ball, laughed like fools, and greatly enjoyed ourselves. Unfortunately, Nancy wasn't there. Carolyn B. was there and she said Nancy had some stomach problems.
Left about 1:30 and caught the bus to town. Did the usual and when I was back on Main at the bus stop, Betty called. We had a conversation I won't repeat here; I'm looking forward to seeing her on Thursday. I talked to niece Carolyn later.
Called Nance when I got home and we had a long talk. She's feeling better, but isn't sure she can go to Diane's tomorrow for Happy Hour, as her son's car is in the shop and he's been borrowing hers. I'm not sure if Carolyn can go, either, as she has to take her daughter to college, although that's in Ventura, so maybe. Otherwise, we may postpone.
I also have the Dudley House pot luck tomorrow. I found a good recipe for appetizers, consisting of rolling meat, cream cheese, and lettuce up in tortillas, then making pin wheels. It happens that I bought a big bag of tortillas--don't ask me why--so I'll use them.
The Yandoo person is supposed to come this morning between 8 and 12 to hook up the new box. I think I'm just going to resign myself to paying the extra thirty a month.
* These Californians are so droll: Yesterday, my phone conveyed the news of a "precipitation alert." Good grief, a very mild, gentle rain dripped down for a few hours--you'd think the monsoon was about to sweep us away! Ha.
Jumped in the shower, dressed, then left for the bus about 11:45. Luckily, it had stopped raining by then and, after boarding and un-boarding from the second bus, I got to the Stone Fire Grille just a little late.
Ran into Bobbi R., from T.O.P.S. and Beach Cities Neighbors and Newcomers (which I didn't rejoin) and chatted with her before sitting with the widder group. There were ten of us, a good group, and I sat at the end with Greg, Gayle, and Anne. We had a ball, laughed like fools, and greatly enjoyed ourselves. Unfortunately, Nancy wasn't there. Carolyn B. was there and she said Nancy had some stomach problems.
Left about 1:30 and caught the bus to town. Did the usual and when I was back on Main at the bus stop, Betty called. We had a conversation I won't repeat here; I'm looking forward to seeing her on Thursday. I talked to niece Carolyn later.
Called Nance when I got home and we had a long talk. She's feeling better, but isn't sure she can go to Diane's tomorrow for Happy Hour, as her son's car is in the shop and he's been borrowing hers. I'm not sure if Carolyn can go, either, as she has to take her daughter to college, although that's in Ventura, so maybe. Otherwise, we may postpone.
I also have the Dudley House pot luck tomorrow. I found a good recipe for appetizers, consisting of rolling meat, cream cheese, and lettuce up in tortillas, then making pin wheels. It happens that I bought a big bag of tortillas--don't ask me why--so I'll use them.
The Yandoo person is supposed to come this morning between 8 and 12 to hook up the new box. I think I'm just going to resign myself to paying the extra thirty a month.
* These Californians are so droll: Yesterday, my phone conveyed the news of a "precipitation alert." Good grief, a very mild, gentle rain dripped down for a few hours--you'd think the monsoon was about to sweep us away! Ha.
Monday, January 07, 2019
Just A Day
Drove to Kimball and found the gates closed. Drat, I think they're supposed to open at 7:00 and this was about five of. Guess I could have driven around and come back, but didn't. I went to get gas, then home for breakfast and my usual Sunday routine. I walked over to Vons for ground turkey and later, from Winco to the Dollar Tree, so I think I approximated the Kimball walk.
I've now gone to four stores looking for small paper bathroom cups. The only ones I found were kiddie ones with cartoon characters on them--I'd strangle on my toothpaste before I'd buy them.
To town after lunch and did the loop: library to Promenade to Main and back to library. Got home a little after five. Cooked my ground turkey and chopped onions and, with half an acorn squash and a bowl of mixed veggies, dinner was yummy.
I've now gone to four stores looking for small paper bathroom cups. The only ones I found were kiddie ones with cartoon characters on them--I'd strangle on my toothpaste before I'd buy them.
To town after lunch and did the loop: library to Promenade to Main and back to library. Got home a little after five. Cooked my ground turkey and chopped onions and, with half an acorn squash and a bowl of mixed veggies, dinner was yummy.
Sunday, January 06, 2019
El And Me
Walked Kimball under cloudy skies. After breakfast, I forced myself out of procrastination mode and started putting the Christmas decorations away. Good grief, it took me almost two hours just to get gathered, boxed, and labelled. This year (unlike earlier ones), I was determined to be more systematic and neater than I had been.
It took me an age, though, and I think somebody must sneak in here at night and add to my collection! (Um...or could it be I'm a sucker for things that glitter and shine, especially Christmas things, and can't resist buying them?) I was glad I had gotten it done, but now I was confronted with this problem: The only storage place I have for these holiday items is high up over one of my long closets. I have a step stool, but I was afraid to try to put them in there myself; I would have had to use both hands to hoist them up. If I did that while on the step stool--even the first step--I was afraid I'd fall and--
Called Ellen to see if she could come over and help. After lunch, she could and she did. By that time, it was raining, a rarity in these parts, and she had had to deal with a huge tree in her front yard that had to come down. What a bummer that was, but my girl came over and 1.) quickly got all the Christmas decorations, including my outdoor wreath, safely stored in the high closets; 2. got the coin counter working and now I've got neatly wrapped coins that total more than EIGHT DOLLARS--wowee!!; 3.) tackled the VCR and got it running after a great deal of pressing this and that on three remotes, then was able, after a struggle, to get back to the T.V.
However, we came across the CD from Steel Magnolias and she wanted to see my performance. We watched the second act and, yes, I had some good lines. Unfortunately, we went back to the T.V., then couldn't get back to the video. Oh, well, I'll bring the show over to her place some day.
I was so grateful for her help and besides, it's such fun just to hang out with her and chat. She goes back to work tomorrow, darn it, so I probably won't see much of her after that. By the time El left, it was almost 5:00, getting dark, and drizzling again.
I called Char, who said she hadn't gotten Jim's and my email messages because she's hardly ever on the computer. (I sometimes wonder why people have one, then.) Anyway,she'll be delighted to join us for lunch next Sunday. Called Jim to tell him and we had a satisfying chat, veering into the political. We're on the same wave length there, which is always gratifying, of course.
For the first time in months, I didn't go out at all aside from my morning mile and a half, but that's okay once in a while. It was a good day.
It took me an age, though, and I think somebody must sneak in here at night and add to my collection! (Um...or could it be I'm a sucker for things that glitter and shine, especially Christmas things, and can't resist buying them?) I was glad I had gotten it done, but now I was confronted with this problem: The only storage place I have for these holiday items is high up over one of my long closets. I have a step stool, but I was afraid to try to put them in there myself; I would have had to use both hands to hoist them up. If I did that while on the step stool--even the first step--I was afraid I'd fall and--
Called Ellen to see if she could come over and help. After lunch, she could and she did. By that time, it was raining, a rarity in these parts, and she had had to deal with a huge tree in her front yard that had to come down. What a bummer that was, but my girl came over and 1.) quickly got all the Christmas decorations, including my outdoor wreath, safely stored in the high closets; 2. got the coin counter working and now I've got neatly wrapped coins that total more than EIGHT DOLLARS--wowee!!; 3.) tackled the VCR and got it running after a great deal of pressing this and that on three remotes, then was able, after a struggle, to get back to the T.V.
However, we came across the CD from Steel Magnolias and she wanted to see my performance. We watched the second act and, yes, I had some good lines. Unfortunately, we went back to the T.V., then couldn't get back to the video. Oh, well, I'll bring the show over to her place some day.
I was so grateful for her help and besides, it's such fun just to hang out with her and chat. She goes back to work tomorrow, darn it, so I probably won't see much of her after that. By the time El left, it was almost 5:00, getting dark, and drizzling again.
I called Char, who said she hadn't gotten Jim's and my email messages because she's hardly ever on the computer. (I sometimes wonder why people have one, then.) Anyway,she'll be delighted to join us for lunch next Sunday. Called Jim to tell him and we had a satisfying chat, veering into the political. We're on the same wave length there, which is always gratifying, of course.
For the first time in months, I didn't go out at all aside from my morning mile and a half, but that's okay once in a while. It was a good day.
Saturday, January 05, 2019
Here And There
Kimball, then T.O.P.S., where I weighed in at 130.1, one-tenth of a pound over what I like, but all things considered, no biggie. I begged off the excursion to Carrow's for their mega-calorie breakfasts, had my usual at home.
Did a lot of wearisome stuff on-line, then called Jim C. and we made a date for Sunday, the 14th. We still haven't heard from Char, although we've both e-mailed and called her. Not sure why. Went to Wal-Mart, looking for little throw-away bathroom cups, and they didn't have any. Neither did either of the 99-cent stores or any of the other places I looked--darn! I also couldn't find a night receptacle for my bridgework until I hit the third store. The other day, nobody had simple little stickers--not that kind that say "My Name Is---," until I finally found them at Staples. I'm puzzled when these simple little things are so hard to find--why?
I found a nice bag of tangerines on my door when I got home, which. I was pretty sure were from Suzanne. After lunch, as usual, I took the bus to town, dropped a book at the library, then walked to The Promenade. I was surprised to see the tide was out, uncovering lots of large stones. Waves were almost nonexistent and I saw only three surfers.
Walked to Main and stopped at The Coalition. Saw a beautiful tapestry of an angel and it was half-price because it was a Christmas item, so I snapped it up. Got off the bus to go to the uptown 99 Cent store to get what I mentioned above, then hopped on another bus for home.
Got in about 5:00 and stopped at Suzanne's to thank her for the tangerines and show her my tapestry. She liked it a lot and suggested I hang it year-round. I won't, though, as I'm not religious and it seems hypocritical to do so. Nothing scheduled for today or tomorrow, but lots going on next week.
Did a lot of wearisome stuff on-line, then called Jim C. and we made a date for Sunday, the 14th. We still haven't heard from Char, although we've both e-mailed and called her. Not sure why. Went to Wal-Mart, looking for little throw-away bathroom cups, and they didn't have any. Neither did either of the 99-cent stores or any of the other places I looked--darn! I also couldn't find a night receptacle for my bridgework until I hit the third store. The other day, nobody had simple little stickers--not that kind that say "My Name Is---," until I finally found them at Staples. I'm puzzled when these simple little things are so hard to find--why?
I found a nice bag of tangerines on my door when I got home, which. I was pretty sure were from Suzanne. After lunch, as usual, I took the bus to town, dropped a book at the library, then walked to The Promenade. I was surprised to see the tide was out, uncovering lots of large stones. Waves were almost nonexistent and I saw only three surfers.
Walked to Main and stopped at The Coalition. Saw a beautiful tapestry of an angel and it was half-price because it was a Christmas item, so I snapped it up. Got off the bus to go to the uptown 99 Cent store to get what I mentioned above, then hopped on another bus for home.
Got in about 5:00 and stopped at Suzanne's to thank her for the tangerines and show her my tapestry. She liked it a lot and suggested I hang it year-round. I won't, though, as I'm not religious and it seems hypocritical to do so. Nothing scheduled for today or tomorrow, but lots going on next week.
Friday, January 04, 2019
Pompeii And Rosebuds
Fun day! Walked Kimball, had breakfast, and was ready when Suzanne rang my bell at 9:30. We drove (well, she drove) to Simi Valley on a beautiful, sunny day. The Reagan Library is set on a gorgeous hill, with lovely vistas all around; I've been there before, but never fail to be thrilled by it.
Happily, it wasn't terribly crowded, but just enough to be festive. We got in within five minutes, and started the Pompeii exhibit.
This is just fabulous. It's about the best I've ever seen and, unlike that joke of an exhibit, the Titanic one, which was more the movie than the actual event, all the artifacts there were authentic. And what artifacts: There were kitchen and other household items, jewelry, friezes, statues, and a wealth of other items, all displayed and presented in wonderfully absorbing detail. Near the middle, the preserved casts of the victims were on display, all caught in their various poses while being overcome by the fatal lava. We both enjoyed it so much, and after, we got lunch and sat on the veranda overlooking the beautiful landscape. Betty called while we were there and we chatted for a bit and I said I'd call her when I got home.
I did and said I'd visit her next Thursday, not to stay over, but just for lunch. Also talked to Carolyn.
Took the bus to town after that, but mistakenly thought it was warm enough for just a jacket.
It wasn't. I had planned to walk to The Promenade, but it was so chilly, I just went a few blocks and turned back. Stopped in the library and, with the help of one of the librarians (David), I found some books on Pompeii. I read there for a bit, then checked them out.
What a lesson we could learn from Pompeii! I'm sure most of its thousands of citizens were going about their business--or pleasure--when they were stopped in their tracks by mighty Mount Vesuvius. Surely, most weren't dwelling on the end of their existence. They had their gods they were sure favored them--after all, didn't they pay homage?--and all their expectations of further life. Come to think of it, I don't know what that lesson is, except the necessity of amassing rosebuds.
Happily, it wasn't terribly crowded, but just enough to be festive. We got in within five minutes, and started the Pompeii exhibit.
This is just fabulous. It's about the best I've ever seen and, unlike that joke of an exhibit, the Titanic one, which was more the movie than the actual event, all the artifacts there were authentic. And what artifacts: There were kitchen and other household items, jewelry, friezes, statues, and a wealth of other items, all displayed and presented in wonderfully absorbing detail. Near the middle, the preserved casts of the victims were on display, all caught in their various poses while being overcome by the fatal lava. We both enjoyed it so much, and after, we got lunch and sat on the veranda overlooking the beautiful landscape. Betty called while we were there and we chatted for a bit and I said I'd call her when I got home.
I did and said I'd visit her next Thursday, not to stay over, but just for lunch. Also talked to Carolyn.
Took the bus to town after that, but mistakenly thought it was warm enough for just a jacket.
It wasn't. I had planned to walk to The Promenade, but it was so chilly, I just went a few blocks and turned back. Stopped in the library and, with the help of one of the librarians (David), I found some books on Pompeii. I read there for a bit, then checked them out.
What a lesson we could learn from Pompeii! I'm sure most of its thousands of citizens were going about their business--or pleasure--when they were stopped in their tracks by mighty Mount Vesuvius. Surely, most weren't dwelling on the end of their existence. They had their gods they were sure favored them--after all, didn't they pay homage?--and all their expectations of further life. Come to think of it, I don't know what that lesson is, except the necessity of amassing rosebuds.
Thursday, January 03, 2019
Victoria Pub
Walked Kimball, then did the usual. After breakfast, I went out and bought three pounds of tomatoes, three large onions, and more blueberries. I've been eating, during my only snack time (8 pm), 16 ounces of blueberries and I can't seem to get along without them.
Cut up the tomatoes and onions, added garlic, olive oil, and vinegar, and put them in the oven, as usual. Put a healthy scoop of the finished article in my salad and I'll have enough for several more days.
Showered, washed my hair, and changed for Happy Hour at the Victoria Pub, a kind of pseudo-English place that actually turned out to be pretty nice. I walked there, as I knew it was only a mile and a half and I wouldn't be able to do my town walk.
Diane was already there and I was early, so we had a nice talk with just the two of us. Nancy and Carolyn came and we settled down to our beer (me), wine (Diane and Nancy), and soda (Carolyn). They had "small plates" and we all got one, mine a really delicious pasta with chicken. It was just enough and, since I don't eat pasta (or rice or potatoes) as a rule, it was a treat.
Diane invited us to her place next time to see a movie and I'll go early, at 1:00, to join her in her tai chi class. I'm not that anxious to practice it, but am interested because I've seen done in the park in Hong Kong.We had a great time, except that Diane didn't have a ride home, plus she had forgotten her phone. I didn't have my car and Carolyn didn't seem anxious to take her home, so I got Lyft on my phone and arranged or her to be picked up. I stayed with her until the guy came.
It was after 6:00 and dark out when we left and I considered getting a bus home, but decided to walk, which I did with no problem.
Cut up the tomatoes and onions, added garlic, olive oil, and vinegar, and put them in the oven, as usual. Put a healthy scoop of the finished article in my salad and I'll have enough for several more days.
Showered, washed my hair, and changed for Happy Hour at the Victoria Pub, a kind of pseudo-English place that actually turned out to be pretty nice. I walked there, as I knew it was only a mile and a half and I wouldn't be able to do my town walk.
Diane was already there and I was early, so we had a nice talk with just the two of us. Nancy and Carolyn came and we settled down to our beer (me), wine (Diane and Nancy), and soda (Carolyn). They had "small plates" and we all got one, mine a really delicious pasta with chicken. It was just enough and, since I don't eat pasta (or rice or potatoes) as a rule, it was a treat.
Diane invited us to her place next time to see a movie and I'll go early, at 1:00, to join her in her tai chi class. I'm not that anxious to practice it, but am interested because I've seen done in the park in Hong Kong.We had a great time, except that Diane didn't have a ride home, plus she had forgotten her phone. I didn't have my car and Carolyn didn't seem anxious to take her home, so I got Lyft on my phone and arranged or her to be picked up. I stayed with her until the guy came.
It was after 6:00 and dark out when we left and I considered getting a bus home, but decided to walk, which I did with no problem.
Wednesday, January 02, 2019
New Year's Day
Walked Kimball early and it was pretty much deserted, so I deviated to Telephone Road for some of it. After breakfast, I did a big load of wash; while it was chugging away, I finished some odds and ends of housekeeping.
Drove to a few stores for a few things, had lunch, then took off for the bus. I was sitting on the bus bench for a good half hour until a man came along and said he didn't think they were running. I wasn't sure if that was so, but walked back home, got my car, and drove instead. I went to WinCo, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Staples, the 99-cent store, and Target. At the latter three, I was looking just for everyday labels, not even shipping labels. Could I find the kind I wanted? No, but I finally got something similar at Target. Betty called and we talked. I then called Carolyn and we had a long talk, also.
That's really pretty much all I did yesterday, the first day of the year two thousand and nineteen. May it be as good as the last one was.
Drove to a few stores for a few things, had lunch, then took off for the bus. I was sitting on the bus bench for a good half hour until a man came along and said he didn't think they were running. I wasn't sure if that was so, but walked back home, got my car, and drove instead. I went to WinCo, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Staples, the 99-cent store, and Target. At the latter three, I was looking just for everyday labels, not even shipping labels. Could I find the kind I wanted? No, but I finally got something similar at Target. Betty called and we talked. I then called Carolyn and we had a long talk, also.
That's really pretty much all I did yesterday, the first day of the year two thousand and nineteen. May it be as good as the last one was.
Tuesday, January 01, 2019
Enjoyable Day
Walked Kimball, had breakfast (with the paper!), then drove to Pep Boys to meet Ellen. I was early, as ever, but she came at 10:00, found out how long the work would take on her car, then we left.
El drove--that was fine with me, in fact, I prefer it--and we went first to Kohl's for her to return the slippers I gave her. While browsing, we came across an electronic add-on called "Roku Ultra." As I understand it, it provides television service without odious outfits, such as Yandoo and Time Warner. I took a picture of it and will investigate further.
We then went to Target, where El bought a number of items and I found an interesting ceramic and wood piece I got for my coffee table. Went to The Avenue and Office Max, then, finished our errands, we had lunch at Poke U and Me.
This is a newly opened, kind of a Japanese (I guess) food place and boy, I thought it was great. You devise your own meal, having choices of ten or so items in five or six different groups. I chose spring mix with shrimp, tuna (raw), crab, onions, mango, and dozens of other things. You don't add them yourself, but tell the person behind the counter what you want. The place was very clean and the service person was courteous and friendly; I did think it was somewhat high-priced,
We then went back to my place, where Ellen fixed my Apache Word, and the two of us looked over some of the old family pictures, of which I have hundreds spanning more than that many years.
I took her back to Pep Boys, stopping on the way at the P.O. to send my 123 And Me box in, and we said goodbye. I drove to town, walked from the museum to The Promenade to Main Street, back to the car, and drove home.
I was pleased to get a call from my brother, Jim, wishing me a happy new year, and I called my dear friend, Aline B., for the same reason. We had a good talk and I hope to--if it works out--see her in May.
El drove--that was fine with me, in fact, I prefer it--and we went first to Kohl's for her to return the slippers I gave her. While browsing, we came across an electronic add-on called "Roku Ultra." As I understand it, it provides television service without odious outfits, such as Yandoo and Time Warner. I took a picture of it and will investigate further.
We then went to Target, where El bought a number of items and I found an interesting ceramic and wood piece I got for my coffee table. Went to The Avenue and Office Max, then, finished our errands, we had lunch at Poke U and Me.
This is a newly opened, kind of a Japanese (I guess) food place and boy, I thought it was great. You devise your own meal, having choices of ten or so items in five or six different groups. I chose spring mix with shrimp, tuna (raw), crab, onions, mango, and dozens of other things. You don't add them yourself, but tell the person behind the counter what you want. The place was very clean and the service person was courteous and friendly; I did think it was somewhat high-priced,
We then went back to my place, where Ellen fixed my Apache Word, and the two of us looked over some of the old family pictures, of which I have hundreds spanning more than that many years.
I took her back to Pep Boys, stopping on the way at the P.O. to send my 123 And Me box in, and we said goodbye. I drove to town, walked from the museum to The Promenade to Main Street, back to the car, and drove home.
I was pleased to get a call from my brother, Jim, wishing me a happy new year, and I called my dear friend, Aline B., for the same reason. We had a good talk and I hope to--if it works out--see her in May.
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Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...
A. came again and I went to an Atlantic City School Board meeting last night with Dennis and Leslie. The idea was to support a parent (an at...
Thursday, August 23: Lunch with the most recent gang of company was nice. Had the menu I planned and everybody seemed to like it; just serve...
A. came after work with Lovable Lulu, the cockapoo . I gave Pat ham and eggplant and he ate it all; we had pizza--yum! A. then went on her h...