Thursday, May 30, 2024


Happy day--I found the Byrne genealogy book! Had to haul a lot of things out of the closet containers, but finally did, so I can show my cousin, Kevin in few weeks. 

Packed my lunch and bused to the mall and Target (this is getting to be a habit) for blueberries and apples. Ate at my usual place in the middle and an attractive, well-dressed woman came up and asked if she could sit with me. Now, this is not the food court area where a lot of people eat; it consists of a kind of set-off area with a group of four tables, chairs around them. None of the other tables were in use, so that seemed odd. However, she was clearly not mentally ill, homeless, or otherwise suspect, and I like new experiences, so I agreed.  Before she could begin talking, I asked if she was interested because she thought I was homeless or destitute and she didn't, just thought I'd like to chat. (That's the "you're old, so I guess I should be nice to you" syndrome, which drives me crazy, but I didn't express my annoyance.) 

Anyway, it turned out to be an interesting encounter. She and her husband live on a ranch in Oxnard (horses, chickens, and two dogs), she has four grown children, including a disabled daughter, her mother is a tyrant, and so on). We showed each other pictures on our phones, of course. She stayed until I finished my lunch, then we went on our separate ways, and it was nice. 

Home and had only a sketchy meal, then met Jim out front at 6:00 for the Igor Davis book presentation on The Devil In My Friend:  

The guy on the screen, Fred R., seems to have accidently murdered his first wife (pictured below with their two daughters), his second wife, and his stepson; all by drowning. He was actually a friend of Davis'es in their wealthy Malibu neighborhood and, together, coached their sons' soccer team. He now lives in another famous locale: Folsom Prison. 

I'm a member of the museum, so this was free for me; I had bought Jim's ticket on-line and got us both a glass of wine (seven bucks each, fer cryin' out loud, and in plastic), but it was an enjoyable diversion. As for the book itself: It was forty bucks and hell, no, I'll wait for the library to get it. 

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