Friday, May 03, 2024

Thursday And Stella

Did a lot of "business work" all morning and early afternoon. As l was about to stop for lunch, Stella called to say she is being sued by her former tenant for $9000. She asked if I would sign and send to small claims court a particular paper entitled "Proof of Service by Mail" if she came over. I told her she could come, but I was certainly not signing anything if I didn't know what it was. She came, showed me a pile of official papers, said she had been helped by a legal aide, but was very confused about a lot of the instructions. It stuck in my mind that the advisor told her to have a doctor issue a declaration that she is not competent to handle this herself, so she would be assigned an attorney--or something. 

We drove over to Oxnard to Small Claims Court and after consulting an attorney who functions there, had to go to the courthouse back in Ventura. After a great deal of confusion, a number of questions, and consultation with several people there, I signed and sent the document that declares I am a resident of Ventura County and "am not a party to this small claims case." We then--hallelujah!--went to the Hill Street Cafe, and I finally had lunch at almost 4:00. Home at 5:30 after a day I had never planned--or even imagined--and was that a relief. 

There's no question Stella is losing whatever cognitive skills were up there, although she keeps insisting her doctor reversed an earlier evaluation and says she's was perfectly fine mentally. Unlike my situation, she has almost no one to help. Her only child, son Joshua, lives in Spain with his girlfriend. They want to come visit (he was here last year), but--shades of the eighteenth century--Stella won't allow them to stay with her together in her very large house because they're not married--shades of the eighteenth century.  

Ellen called while we were at lunch so I couldn't talk then and we will tomorrow. The checks I ordered finally got here and so did something--looks like a check, also--for my daughter-in-law, which I'll send her. I worked on an Amazon review on my nephew's book, which I'll send today, and did a few other things in my pile. 

Once again, I skipped going to Great Clips and my hair continues to grow. In light of the new hearing aids, do I really want it shorter? Can't decide.

T.O.P.S. today, then WinCo with Suzanne after. Meeting Diane for lunch tomorrow; she's the one who introduced me to Stella several years ago and should I thank her? The jury's still out on that. 😜

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...