Wednesday, May 01, 2024


 Did a color wash when I got up, had breakfast, then dressed and waited outside for the Lyft to take  me to the dentist. Annoyingly, when I got the "he's here" message, I again knew he wasn't. Of course, as ever, had been sent to the side, gated entrance on Brookshire Avenue. Now this was after I had called Safe-Ride last time to specifically clear this up, but I got to the dentist on time. Had my teeth cleaned--it wasn't too much an ordeal, although having been traumatized as a child, I fear the dentist. 

Went from there across the street to the mall to return the tub mat I had bought, as I need a bigger one. Bought blueberries (I'm an addict), a bag of apples, and several other items, then bused home. By the time I got in, it was 1:30 and I called SCAN to complain about the Safe-Ride problem. I hope it's straightened out by now. 

I cored, seasoned, and baked the eight big apples, then microwaved the last of my kabocha squash, and had that for lunch. Trimmed the geraniums in the patio--they're looking so nice--and cleaned up a bit out there.

My cousin, Kevin, had Messaged me that he and Linda would like to come see me, and yesterday, he called.  Kevin is younger than I am and this boggles the mind: I haven't seen him since he was a year old and he turned eighty last month. I'm completely bemused as to why, after we've had no contact in all these years, he would ask to visit--but I'm intrigued. Kevin is a retired chemist, who worked for Seagram's for fifty or so years. Typical Irish man, he's about as light-hearted as a death row inmate:

Speaking of light-hearted Irish men (ha!), I called Jim. We chatted and I'll take him to Jasmine Thai for his birthday next Thursday, the ninth. Diane and I will meet on Saturday for a lib lunch (lunch at the library) and Suzanne and I will go to a "Fabulous Garden" tour in Camarillo on Sunday. Julie will pick me up today for the BCNN meeting. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...